Watch The 10th Video From Lift, Move & Restore - Functional Total Body

These clips look as challenging as ever. I really thought she would be doing something for her older exercisers like me, but the clips tell me this 77 year old will probably not be able to do this stuff.
First of all, I love Linda’s idea of doing what we can. I’ll also share that I do a lot of restorative, rebalancing exercises - I’m 69+ and had a pretty serious neck injury about 5 years ago.

These types of exercises are definitely challenging but in a different way than regular exercise. I noticed Cathe providing cues to modify during the clips.

We could also have a thread where we share what challenges we are having and how we modify to adapt them. I see so much goodness in this series. We just need to own it where we are and make it ours.
Garance, you have me scrutinizing this clip more closely. I hope these are chaptered very well as I'll probably be skipping that bear crawl out and jump back in move, or maybe I'll try walking my legs back instead of jumping like Jenn A shows as a modification. No jumps for me! But you're right, these aren't watered-down advanced workouts.
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We could also have a thread where we share what challenges we are having and how we modify to adapt them. I see so much goodness in this series. We just need to own it where we are and make it ours.
I think this is a fantastic idea! Love it! What works for one, may work for another or at least give them an idea as to how to make it better for themselves. As Cathe says in Gym Style Legs, "yes it's hard, but we're in this together"!
Gosh, your post gave me pause. I have noticed with aging I have to modify things to accommodate my new limitations. And as aqua girl says, you can always skip an exercise. I cannot safely do alternating lunges with my injured knee, so I intend to try stationary lunges, probably modified to partial 'dips' and eliminate them or change them to squats if I have to but I'll do the UB stuff as the workout progresses. I admit, it does take some of the excitement and enthusiasm away from a new series when you have to think about how you'll have to modify. But I guess modifying or eliminating a few things is preferable to just not bothering. You inspire me - you have a few years on me & I hope that when I'm in my mid70's and older that I will still bother. Thanks for sharing. :)
I’ll be 48 next week and I’m a firm believer in listening to your body. I know that neck and shoulders is an area of my body that is prone to injury due to a past injury. So when it comes to shoulder exercises, I always err on the lighter side because I’d rather play it safe than be sidelined because I used 20’s on overhead presses. I know it’s important to increase weight loads over time but common sense also comes into play.

I’m not sure if this was addressed in the initial info about the series as I did my preorder close to the deadline but it would’ve been a good idea to have a dedicated modifier in the cast. I know when I did 21 Day Fix Extreme, there was one cast member who did the modifications.
but it would’ve been a good idea to have a dedicated modifier in the cast.
I agree, I like having a modifier in workouts........but that being said, Cathe does offer & show more
modifications in later workouts & in Live workouts than she used to and most of the time, they are great
modifications. But, it's always great to have someone actually doing the modification for the whole you can relate & follow them as you need to.
I like the idea of a modifier but the reality can end up being disappointing. The modifier needs to basically learn a different workout and perform it while Cathe’s cueing the full out workout - hear and see one thing while doing another. The camera angles need to be planned ahead or an additional camera put on the modifier and the modifications edited in. The reality is that the modifier is often off camera and will sometimes forget they are modifying and go full out. This happened with one Cathe workout. I can’t remember which.

KCM had a world class modifier in her early workouts but I believe she was a long time student, either that or a modifying rock star. The camera was also straight on.

I’m just saying that it’s more complicated and time consuming than it may seem.
I like the idea of a modifier but the reality can end up being disappointing. The modifier needs to basically learn a different workout and perform it while Cathe’s cueing the full out workout - hear and see one thing while doing another. The camera angles need to be planned ahead or an additional camera put on the modifier and the modifications edited in. The reality is that the modifier is often off camera and will sometimes forget they are modifying and go full out. This happened with one Cathe workout. I can’t remember which.

KCM had a world class modifier in her early workouts but I believe she was a long time student, either that or a modifying rock star. The camera was also straight on.

I’m just saying that it’s more complicated and time consuming than it may seem.
Some good points Lannette!

Maybe that's partly why people don't like having to make their own modifications too ... seeing & hearing one thing while trying to do something different. Another point is the given modifications don't always suit. As an example, in S&S's Cardio Slam, Cathe inserted lower impact modifications but I found many of them to be too easy or simple, so still ended up doing my own thing. Neither a main workout, nor one with modifications will suit everyone. The old expression of "Please all, please none" comes to mind.
Some good points Lannette!

Maybe that's partly why people don't like having to make their own modifications too ... seeing & hearing one thing while trying to do something different. Another point is the given modifications don't always suit. As an example, in S&S's Cardio Slam, Cathe inserted lower impact modifications but I found many of them to be too easy or simple, so still ended up doing my own thing. Neither a main workout, nor one with modifications will suit everyone. The old expression of "Please all, please none" comes to mind.
Yes, imagine going to all that trouble and expense only to really please no one.

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