Can we ask specific questions about STS? I'm dying for details.
And I promise I won't hold you to the answers - just wondering what's being considered.
Any pull ups / chin ups? These were SO hard for me when I was doing my P90X rotation, but WOW did they do great things for my arms and back, and what a great sense of accomplishment to jump up to a branch on a tree and pump out a few on a random summer day. I'd LOVE to see you incorporate these into the STS program.
It looks as if the series will have a strength building bent to it, as opposed to endurance building - is that the case? As it's difficult to lift really heavy for legs at home, how will legs be worked?
Thanks much!
Any pull ups / chin ups? These were SO hard for me when I was doing my P90X rotation, but WOW did they do great things for my arms and back, and what a great sense of accomplishment to jump up to a branch on a tree and pump out a few on a random summer day. I'd LOVE to see you incorporate these into the STS program.
It looks as if the series will have a strength building bent to it, as opposed to endurance building - is that the case? As it's difficult to lift really heavy for legs at home, how will legs be worked?
Thanks much!