<--- Walk softly and carry a big stick

<---waves hi to everyone
<---just got back from dentist
<---has great teeth but lousy gums
<---has to go back in two weeks for an uber-cleaning :(
<---daughter got referred to an orthodontist *sigh*
<---spent last night drooling over Ace, the hottie on American Idol


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
<---tells Melody to say Hi to the Wizard
<---asks Melody to ask the Wizard for better health for all of us sick ones in CatheLand
<---says have fun in Oz!
<---still here <---says hi Kristy, yea teeth, boo gums, boo orthodontist
<---realizes reality sometimes bites
<---really, really going
<---is so jealous of Tammy
<---thinks she must have been a child bride
<---sobs that this eternal, infernal PMS has <--- looking as if someone beat her in the face with an ugly stick and <---'s growing her hair out to boot and looks like Einstien this morning OMG!!! This afternoon! <---till in her PJ's, no workout, ugly
<---begs to be put out of her misery!!!!!
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/tiere/animal-smiley-032.gif
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
<---tells Tammy <---will make that request of Wizard, but Wizard missed the last rehearsal, so he may not be reliable
<---is really, really, really, going now
<---oh he!! <---still here to tell Bobbi <---will request relief from Wizard for her
<---hang on Bobbi, this too shall pass
<---ooo <---is becoming so theatrical
<---gotta gooooooo!
<---bye, bye, babies, bye-bye
<---going home to the cave to once again butter up the old DH
<---hope all this buttering pays off
<---see you tomarrow
<---don't do anything shocking that <---wouldn't do
<---confesses it's not quite as bad as she's letting on
<---tells Melody she converses with herself too
<---am truly in a very good mood, indulging in a day of butt glue and Cathe.com tho' a promise has been made to relinquish the keyboard so this too shall pass and pronto
<---tells Ellen and Kristy she saw AI last night, the first time ever and knows who ACE is
<---made an appointment to see the podiatrist on 3/2 and am very freaked out at the idea of cortisone to the achilles which has to be worse, much much worse, than cortisone to the plantar fascia which was no picnic
<---am off to workout
<---blows kisses and hobbles away from the computer
<---stops and gazes longingly and lovingly back, sighs and moves on...

Bobbi "Chicks rule!"http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/tiere/animal-smiley-032.gif
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
<-- still hasn't read anyone's posts today
<-- just heard from Sharon at Active You that she's coming to my town!!!!! Or, close enough for a MAJOR SHOPPING SPREE!!!
<-- must go back to work now
<---is losing her mind trying to read all this but is properly armed with a big stick!
<---wants to scream b/c there are roofers up on my house banging away and making me crazy
<---got to mow grass today b/c the weather was so nice and wishes it had taken longer
<---is supposed to go dancing tonight
<---can't seem to get un-hungry today
<---gets to go to dinner but doesn't know what<--wants to eat
<---thinks that sounds ridiculous
<---hopes Nancy's face is better soon
<---tells shells that <--looked for her today
<---found great gypsy stuff for the ren faire yesterday
<---is off to eat something

<---apologizes because she does not have time to read the posts ^^^ but is awfully happy to see Jes:) :) :)
<---just wants to report that she did cardio again today followed by a Cathe stretch segment
<---is rather proud of herself because she did a 4 mile Leslie (no poking fun--that's about as much choreo as she can handle:eek: :D )
<---says this makes a total of 13 miles since Monday.
<---needs a rest now
<---doesn't want to do it again tomorrow but is afraid that crazed woman will attack her with a stick
<---is off to the showers

<--is popping in during a lunch break
<--still thinks that there is something quite strange about the rates being quoted to Kassia
<--says that DSS (stepson) got 6% on a 30-yr. mortgage last month with no points
<--admits that DSS has a perfect credit rating, and that your mileage may vary, but thinks it is odd for it to vary by so very much if your credit rating is so-so
<--apologizes for harping on this topic
<--says when is AI on?
<--loved that show last season and wants to watch it again this season
<--has to get back to work again :(
<---Tells Nancy that AI is on Fox at 8:00 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (for now, they'll probably drop Thursday when they get down to the final 12)


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
<--- shuffles sideways into thread, twitching nervously
<--- is absolutely beyond stressed out
<--- would like to take everything in her house and throw it out
<--- deals with stress by throwing things out
<--- is sorry she doesn't have the mental capacity right now to answer all the stuff up ^^^^
<--- 's eating is going straight down the tubes
<--- thinks Michele is the bee's knees
<--- tells Robin not to spill any wine on the a$$less chaps
<--- throws her arms around Bobbi for a big hug, just because...
<--- grabs a gross of garbage bags and runs out of thread
<---skips in to say good evening all
<---sorry Shelley is stressed but invites her to <---'s house to relieve here
<---doesn't know what to type because she is starving & must eat & w/o LATE AGAIN
<---still jealous over a$$less chaps
<---is concerned that Michele may begin to LIKE cardio, 13 miles?
<---doesn't believe she's said hi to Jes today, hi Jes
<---food, MM & CM await, ahem
<---x( ;( :p :7 :+ <---is ok now
<---accepts Shelley's hug with warm delight and sends one right back to
<---softly says "hush, child, unfurl that brow and breath for everything is going to be all right"
<---begs Shelley trust that because it will pass and she will be stronger for her tribulations and wiser too, using them to comfort those which will come along to the rest of us
<---wants Shelley to remember "Words", remember when it was she who used them to comfort a broken heart, always said the right thing and was such a beacon of hope and so confident in someone who had none that that one somehow, in time, found her way home
<---whispers come home, Shelley, come home, and wipes a tear unashamedly
Though the distance between us is great, my heart to yours, I'm wrapping you in great love and tenderness and waiting for you to feel you own power and strength to overcome. It's in you and I love you with all my heart and I am wrapping you in in my tender thoughts and hoping your feel reassured and whole and strong once more. Breath, Shellers, breath...
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/tiere/animal-smiley-032.gif
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
<--got home at 10 pm tonight
<--has ridiculous amounts of work to do, but is somehow getting thru it
<--hates running around all day without make-up and feels ugly as all get-out
<--saw dermatologist today
<--is not allowed to use make-up for a week
<--can only use cetaphil moisturizer
<--has to pick up prescription creams and stuff tomorrow
<--thanks you kind ladies for being interested
<--is now suspecting her moisturizer because it's the only thing <-- uses on both neck and face, where the rash is
<--wonders why Shell is so stressed out?
<---has been playing in "poo" (the thread that is) & stopping by for g'nite
<---Nancy, I so hope this rash marathon clears soon <---sends clear skin vibes to ya
<---thinks Bobbi's message to Shell is sooooo heartfelt & beautiful <---will scream for Bobbi next time her world falls apart:)
<---BTW Bobbi, one thread you're scolding people for eating Mexicans & next you're sneaking aliens over the border? <---wonders, just wonders
<---to all the gang, hope the dream catchers catch all the bad dreams & that sweet dreams flow freely
<---nite nite

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