<---says hello to Nancy, Shelley, Amy, Jes, Melody, Bobbi, Michele and any other evening posters that <---may have missed.
<---'s internet connection has been whacky the past couple of days and it came to a head today.x(
<---'s spent the last couple of hours futzing around trying to get it to work right.
<---thinks it's ok...atleast for now....
<---^5's Michele for the awesome job on cardio this week!
<---sends garbage bags filled with (((HUGS))) over to Shelley to make her feel better!:+
<---hopes Nancy's rash clears up FOR GOOD very soon.
<---appears to be getting over cold FINALLY!
<---is thankful that chest cold portion didn't last very long at all!
<---did LOTS of ab work today and will probably pay for it with major DOMS tomorrow and/or Saturday.
}( }(
<---is bouncing w/joy over GTG possibility in April!:7
<---ate a very weird combo of foods for dinner tonight...w/w pasta, l/f cottage cheese, butternut squash and a sweet potatoe!?
<---went grocery shopping today and was in the store for TWO freakin' hours!
<---was doing lots of coupon/sale shopping and that always slows <--down. It was worth it though as <---saved just over $27.00 (or 23%) between coupons and sales!<---LOVES when that happens!:+ Problem doesn't happen often enough.:-(
<---'s DS was flirting with all the ladies while <---was shopping...happens every week! That's my boy!
<---'s internet connection has been whacky the past couple of days and it came to a head today.x(
<---'s spent the last couple of hours futzing around trying to get it to work right.
<---thinks it's ok...atleast for now....
<---^5's Michele for the awesome job on cardio this week!
<---sends garbage bags filled with (((HUGS))) over to Shelley to make her feel better!:+
<---hopes Nancy's rash clears up FOR GOOD very soon.
<---appears to be getting over cold FINALLY!
<---is thankful that chest cold portion didn't last very long at all!
<---did LOTS of ab work today and will probably pay for it with major DOMS tomorrow and/or Saturday.
<---is bouncing w/joy over GTG possibility in April!:7
<---ate a very weird combo of foods for dinner tonight...w/w pasta, l/f cottage cheese, butternut squash and a sweet potatoe!?
<---went grocery shopping today and was in the store for TWO freakin' hours!
<---'s DS was flirting with all the ladies while <---was shopping...happens every week! That's my boy!