Two Very Important Questions



1. Once I've begun periodization training with STS, what place will there be in my future workouts for Cathe's previous weight workouts? How will I be able to use them?

2. Will there be t-shirts? :)

Hmmmmmmmm....If theres no T-shirt why on earth would I be working SO hard? .... Can we PLEEEZZZEEEE have tank & baby doll T options!? :D :7 :D :7
T-shirts would be awesome!

My only request is that they be available in a range of sizes (not just S M L) and a brand that doesn't have excessive shrinkage. I buy shirts for people at work (from an embroidery/ad specialty shop's catalogs) and we've found a few brands that shrink so badly or are oddly sized that no one wears them and we have to throw them out.
Hey Sandra,

1. I hope you get an answer from Cathe or SNM to your first question. I've been wondering about that as well. I'm guessing the weight dvds will sit on the shelves and collect dust during the STS rotation. Cathe will probably integrate her cardio workouts as an option for cardio days. Didn't they say that they will have cardio suggestions included with STS or was I just dreaming? I would be interested to hear what Cathe suggests we use for weight work between rotations too.

2. Will there be t-shirts and/or tanks for STS Grads too?:) As much as I love Cathe... I hope if they make any STS shirts/tanks, STS or Shock Training System will be the focus words. I'm afraid strangers will think my name is Cathe:eek: if Cathe's name is in bold or large print. Not that being thought of as Cathe would be a bad thing. :D :+

If you do STS the way we have designed it you should not do any other strength workouts besides STS during the three month plus training cycle. This is not to say you can’t do other strength workouts, it’s just the benefits for the time spent would be minimal and in many cases your results could be less do to overtraining. However, we certainly encourage you to do cardio workouts with STS.

After completing STS you can either repeat the STS program or do something completely different. This is where you can use your other strength training DVDs. Though some people might only do STS for their strength training workouts during the year, we think it is better to do some other type of workouts for at least one month before returning to STS. This will help you to overcome boredom, prevent mind fatigue and overuse injuries and will keep your body constantly improving while trying to adapt to different types of workouts.

As for STS T-Shirts we’re actually working on this now, so keep the suggestions coming.
OK - t-shirts - and shorts! A whole outfit - that would be awesome!

No, really, that might be over the top but t-shirts (tank, babydoll, classic t, stretch/fitted t, etc.) would be awesome!!!!!:)
This is just my opinion.

T-Shirt Suggestions:

Material: Form fitting organic cotton would be lovely. I bought a t-shirt from Eoin Finn's workshop. Twice Shy made it in organic cotton. I love the feel and stretch of the material!!!

They included a little tag sewn into the side sleeve on the inside the seam allowance. When I flip the sleeve up, the label says "Be Brave". Not all the shirts have the same label. I think my gf's shirt's label says "Be Sexy". LOL There's another tag sewn onto the bottom of the t-shirt. When flipped over, it says "Nude is fun". Not that you'd want those particular labels. But, a little STS slogan would be cute and unexpected too.

Size: Please include XS as well as larger sizes.

Fit: form fitting would be nice. Baggy t-shirts and tank shirts look sloppy. And, it would be nice to show off an STS body. :)

SNM, Thanks for asking for suggestions. Rock On!!!

Great news about the t-shirts. It's so refreshing to have a company that listens to it's customers and fills their requests when it is practical.
I'd LOVE an STS Grad shirt!! GREAT idea.

But please NO TAGS. I always have to cut them off (I'm allergic to whatever is in them and I cant wear anything with a tag). A totally tag-less STS GRAD T-shirt would be AWESOME!!! :D :D :D

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