True Confessions - just for fun

Hey Jes!

My son went into Walmart one day and asked the lady at the front where they sell the "blinker fluid"! She thought about it and said, "I think back in automotive." :7 (TRUE story!)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Come on, Janice, like there's anything abnormal about that. My cat wanted me to tell you she doesn't think you're critical at all. Just clever, funny and opinionated and those are good qualities! Of all the Catheites we talk about, well, I talk, she meows, you're one of her favorites. She has some real issues with Shelley for all her charm and wit. She considers putting a lime on a cats head and celebrating the torture as very offensive and the feminist feline group she belongs to is starting a campaign to have Shelley pounced upon, killed, half-eaten and left on a doorstep in somewhere in Ontario.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
OH yes! I love weather channel. I heard it once referred to as Mr. Roger's neighborhood for adults!
Secret love of mullets, NO.

Let's see, I'm pretty open about how much toilet paper I use and can usually join in laughing at myself for using a roll each time.

I openly admit how much I hate getting out of bed in the morning, (and that I'm always coming up with lies for why I was late for work, but no one ever asks so I haven't had to lie yet). My co-workers don't even look for me before 10:00 a.m.

Everyone knows I'd rather watch back-to-back episodes of Friends all night long than do ANYTHING.

What do I have left to expose? Okay, here's one that's still a little bit secret: I don't like talking on the phone and my DH fields most of my calls at home. He doesn't like doing it, but he'll occasionally even make stuff up for why I can't pick up.

I am now totally exposed. :eek:
I pick my nose....and sometimes I eat it...but only when I'm really hungry!:7 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9
Just joking.But if I did,would you still want to be my friend?
Oh my gosh! I soo love Full House! Started when I was in kindergarten, and I watched every episode. I actually ordered the first season DVD a few weeks ago. You must get it if you haven't already. I am such a dork lol.
Speaking of magic powers... anyone remember "Out of this World"? The girl could put two fingers together and pause time! Loved that one.
I can get pretty lazy with the housework. So, even when I'm home all day surfing and wasting time, I'll spend the 20 minutes before my husband gets home running around cleaning the kitchen and hiding papers so that I get a "Honey, the house really looks great today" compliment.}(

*I listen to Hip-Hop,Dance, and all the radio stations targeted at the under 25 crowd, even though I'm 35.

* I have NEVER finished all the bicep curls on Pyramid upper body,I just pyramid up and then stop and watch them suffer through the rest of the set.
Nancy! I thought I wa the only woman who wasn't into phone coversations. I'd much rather talk in person or email. And I will shamefully admit that I am a toilet paper over-user. My whole family is. We go through those Costco packs so fast. I am also very anal, no pun intended, about making sure that the TP comes from over top of the role and not from underneath.
1. OCD on the nighttime shower thing also, Idoll.

2. Also a Weather Channel geek.

3. Serious love for mustard, peanut butter, and bacon sandwiches.
Wow! I love the sandwich suggestion. My favorite: sliced radishes on thin white bread with mayo and lots of salt and pepper. Also peanut butter and dill pickles on whole wheat and liverwurst and mayo on rye. My husband thinks I am crazy.

My big guilty pleasure is watching Regis and Kelly every morning. I spend the hour chuckling and knitting before getting ready for work.
I rent movies that I know will make me cry like a baby!

I NEVER drink my wine with my food because it messes with my buzz...

I'd rather have a pany line than wear a thong.

I love sappy spanish love songs by Luis Miguel...alright, so I'd rather just look at him.

Tag, your it. dmd

We've got a lot in common. I also insist that my toilet paper come over the top rather than from underneath, even though I grew up in an underneath household. :+

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