True Confessions - just for fun

We are all so freakin weird!!!!:+

i thought of some more!

i have lots of useless soap bars in the shower b/c once they get a certain flatness, i want a new bar, but i can't bear to part with the flat ones cause you can never have too much soap!:eek: i currently have 4 slivers in there now and one healthy bar. How ridiculous!

also, i get songs stuck in my head and i dance to them with no real music:+ they dogs accompany me of course!

charlotte, yes we do have alot in common!!
lori: i do that too!

LOL! at all of us!

i am also a charmed addict. i have all three sets of non-sport trading cards and the set of 5 action figures....


and i have better than 200 workout vids


better than 1000 books...


more than 400 movies....on dvd.....

sick i am really
For the record talking to your dogs, cats, birds, rabbits etc. etc. is NORMAL!!! Those that don't talk to their creatures are the abnormal ones.

I, personally, talk to everything - my car, my computer, my food, the tv.

My other confession is my station of choice is Animal Planet! Love love "Animal Cops" and that crazy Australian guy with the crocs.

Hmmmm....I love my daughter's Backyardigans CD? One of my favorite movies is "The Emperor's New Groove"? Nah...I love my inner-child, so I have no problems admitting that.

This is a tough about that I'm an almost 38 year old suburban white mom who likes to listen to rap? I don't own any (except Will Smith, but he doesn't count), but I really kinda dig it anyway.
"I have an addiction with tweezing little chin hairs. If I feel some and have no tweezers, it drives me nuts. I also buy very expensive tweezers. The ones that will grab the tiniest of hairs."

Wow! It was eerie reading that. I am exactly the same way. isn't Tweezerman the BEST??
I am the world's worst housekeeper.
I like my marshmallow peeps stale and actually punch holes in the package to expediate the staleness process.
My dog is the only one who knows my secrets.

"Don't forget to breathe!"
That's the only way to eat Peeps as afar as I am concerned. I didn't get any this years. My kids never eat them. My oldest actually missed them. But I digress...

What a fabulous bunch of idiosycrasies. I feel quite normal now. I am not sure if I like it though. I don't feel so "special" any more. On the other hand, you have me thinking there's a world of eccentric behaviors I am missing out on. I just don't know if I have the time to incorporate as many as I find strangely attractive because I am already expanding in several new directions on top of my already quirky habits and the not so quirky ones as well.

But, I salute you! You are good! Very, very good!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Man improves himself as he follows his path; if he stands still, waiting to improve before he makes a decision, he'll never move.

-Paulo Coelho
I have a couple more. When I eat, I always save the thing I like most for last. How silly is that? I end up being too full to really enjoy it by the time I get to it!

Also, if I'm eating something with sauce, there has to be the exact amount of sauce:food ratio. For instance, with pasta, there has to be exactly enough sauce so that there isn't any pasta left without sauce at the end or there isn't any sauce left without pasta. If this means that I have to have a couple of forkfuls of one or the other alone to "even it up" throughout the meal, so be it. I do the same with cereal and milk.
Well, our family went out for breakfast for Easter yesterday and I brought my own container of sugar free maple syrup ;-) Yup, I really did:)

I whisper sweet nothings in both my dogs ears all the time.

I pluck my husband's nose hairs for him. Makes him sneeze big time.

I also insist the toilet paper roll over instead of under. DH is an Engineer so I had to show him the logic by explaining, especially at night in the dark how easy it is to get the TP if the roll is over and not under. I actually convinced him it was the most logical way to install a roll of TP.
How interesting this is all about food, Shelley. Hmmm, is there another CONFESSION we need to hear about? Or should I call you Kumar? Hmmmm?
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Man improves himself as he follows his path; if he stands still, waiting to improve before he makes a decision, he'll never move.

-Paulo Coelho
OMG - I feel so much more normal now! Top 40/hip-hop on the radio, TWC addiction, Food TV, Liverwurst and mayo on rye, TP placement OCD, beer buzzes, even walking around the cat barf. But I draw the line at eating buggers. That, even I won't do!

To add a new one to the list, sometimes I leave the dinner dishes until morning. I'm a lousy housekeeper. :eek:

Ok ladies I can only think of three, but there's a lot more.

1. I LOVE watching any movie from the 30's, 40's, & 50's. And just about any type of movie back in King Arthur's, Brave Heart era.

2. I watch the Wiggles and sing along with them....."Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes"......."Go Captain Go, Go Captain Feather Sword Ahoy" That's for everyone else who watches.

3. When doing any type of Kickbox workout, I always envision myself as the Big Cheese of the Class. When listening to the music of Rocky I get freaking serious and feel my form is "on point" with every jab, cross, hook, uppercut & shuffle. I swear I'm up there with the best female boxers and can lay my dh OUT (these will NEVER happen).

4. Sometimes when my kids are talking to me all I hear is the sound of Charlie Brown's teacher "womp womp womp"

Wow Miss are so buff, and your hubby too!! Your family is just gorgeous..and to think you are a grandma, can this be right?

Wow...this thread is cracking me up!!:7

Charlotte you think cows are big....a huge bull got loose on our property once...and as my DH was walking it out of the yard....they were the same heighth!!! My DH is 6 foot....YEOW...bulls scare me to death...:)

I am also in the right way to hang TP bunch, beer buzz group, and the tweezer ladies!

I love any cop or forensic show...CSI's, Law & Order's, Cold Case, 24, terribly miss NYPD Blue..:(

I also HATE when my food touches on my plate!!!! Okay its out, my DH has made fun of me for years.

Love hard and alternative rock plus alot of other music except country (sorry) and rap. Only sing in my car..when my DH and I are fighting...LINKIN PARK for sure...:)...Carole
I love to tweeze! I actually find it relaxing a gratifying lol. I've splurged on Tweezerman before, but they never seem to work for me. I have a pair of slanted tip Revlons from, gasp, 1993! I remember buying them because I was on a family vacation in Seaside Park, and they were *my* first pair of tweezers. I bought another pair this year, but the old ones still work the best.

I never knew anyone else hated food touching on the plate! I used to roll up napkins when I was a kid and give everything a border. Oh the weirdness!

And Linkin Park does rock!
Tweezerman's are the best. Did you try the slant tip? I also like to look and dream about more expensive tweezers. Surgical looking things from Sweden and Germany in the Bliss catalog. I know, I have issues. :)
Carole - I love alternative, industrial, heavy music too. Who do you listen to? I hate when people say "aren't you a bit OLD to be listening to *insert name of band here*?
>Wow Miss are so buff, and your hubby too!! Your
>family is just gorgeous..and to think you are a grandma, can
>this be right?
> deb:)

DMD you just put a BIG smile on my face today. I thank you very much. Sometimes I can't believe I'm a grandma myself and a MIL.....oh my where is the time going?:) :) :)

Shelley this is such a fun thread. Keep them coming.

Gina....glad to see I am not alone with the food issue...:)...thanks!! know I saw that Limecat in an email a long time ago....very cute! Oh my...I listen to alot, Three Doors Down, Nickelback, Hoopastank, Finger 11, The Killers, Matchbox Twenty, Def Leppard, Whitesnake, Queensrhyce and some old ones Boston (my all time fav group), and just for variety, Beach Boys, Chicago, alot of Disco....I work with a couple of hairdressers that are older than me, I'm 46...and we always put this alternative radio station on when the lady that likes oldies is off...:)...Carole

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