Unfortunately things have been more difficult than usual for me lately. I never made it out of my pj's today. I've been playing on youtube trying to think of songs that I'd like to hear. One of my favorites is "Place in This World" by Michael W. Smith. So I've been listening to it over and over and crying and decided to at least have my tears be productive so I did a little research on him. I think I'm in love!
He's had quite a go of it and turned his life around and is successful in so many areas of his life. He's SO cute in the video which was shot several years ago. His looks have changed somewhat throughout the years (hey, whose hasn't) but for my saddened state today, I think I will maintain the image of him in that video. At least my spirits get lifted for a moment. 
If anyone's interested, here are the links.
If anyone's interested, here are the links.