There is something in my stomach...


...sound weird? It is weird! Last week I remember laying on the floor b/c I thought that there was gas pinned in my stomach. A week later...its still there. Its on my right side and it moves like a baby would. I can't be pregnant b/c I have had numerous periods...and its only on one side. I guess if it keeps up I will have to get it checked out. I could even feel it when I was running today.
As anyone else had gas pinned for that long? Even DH could feel it the other day when he put his hand on my stomach.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I'd go to the doctor before you explode and they have to call in a HAZMAT team....seriously, go the the doctor!
Perhaps it's an alien?;)

DUDE! I was totally going to ask her if she'd ever seen "Alien"!

I would also get to a doctor as soon as possible especially if you can actually "feel" something there and it is causing discomfort. Hope it's nothing though!
DUDE! I was totally going to ask her if she'd ever seen "Alien"!

I would also get to a doctor as soon as possible especially if you can actually "feel" something there and it is causing discomfort. Hope it's nothing though!

I was really trying not to go there :p.
Totally doesn't sound normal - even in the hospital after C-Sections they work on getting the gas out within a day or two. Seriously doubt it would be trapped that long if you are not sedentary (and believe me - definitely don't believe you are sedentary! :eek:)

Go see a doc since it has been over a week !
I saw a rerun of "House" recently and there was a big ole tape worm in the patients stomach.

Also an episode of "ER" comes to mind where a patient had gas and the DR. played by Alan Alda had the patient stand on his head until he passed the gas.

Seriously, you may want to call your doc.

OMG....worms!!!! :eek: I should really learn that, as a hypochondriac, I shouldn't read these types of threads. :eek: :eek:
Someone very dear to me told me she once had a tapeworm. She said she turned around to flush and... let's just say it was HUGE... and moving! After she told me she covered her mouth and whispered "I never told anyone..." She was really small and skinny. I suggested she may want to get checked out again.
Why did I click this thread?

The Alien reference reminds me of a segment on "The Colbert Report." If you don't know what this is, Google it for some entertainment. ;) Anyway, he was describing something to do with alien baby then showed the video from Alien with one popping out of her stomach. As I was flinching, he laughs somewhat disgustedly and says something like "Jimmy [the cameraman], I don't think we needed to see that much!" :eek:

But yes, seriously, I hope you get that resolved quickly. It just sounds bizarre. :confused: I am totally grossed out!!! Im guessing if I had a worm I would be skinny? But Im not...I don't think its a worm! I could puke right now just thinking about it!!!!! Ugh....I should have never wrote this!:rolleyes: I think I would rather have an alien in there! LOL

I can't feel it from the outside (as in lump wise) but when it moves (the GAS...not an ALIEN or a big MOTHER WORM) I can feel it! You guys are weird!!!:confused::D:rolleyes::p

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