There is something in my stomach...

I saw a rerun of "House" recently and there was a big ole tape worm in the patients stomach.

Also an episode of "ER" comes to mind where a patient had gas and the DR. played by Alan Alda had the patient stand on his head until he passed the gas.

Seriously, you may want to call your doc.


Tapeworms are an excellent diet aide:):):)
Well...just to be on the safe side I won't go to the Doc until after Christmas...cause Ill keep my worm for Christmas!:confused::confused::confused::confused::eek::rolleyes: This is still making me sick!
I asked DH last night about it cause I was totally grossed out and he said "trust me, you would know if you had a worm"! Which made me sleep alot better.
On another note, it haven't moved in a while. Maybe its gone!
Have you taken laxatives or anything like that? It could be part of your intestine filled with waste and trapped gas that you feel. I used to abuse laxatives and wound up with a lump like that, it would move around, it was weird. Gas, water and went away once I got rid of the Dieters Tea I was drinking by the quart.
Did anyone see the Weight Loss Challenge episode of "The Office"? Kelly intentionally swallows, what she believes, is a tapeworm to lose weight. :D

I just watched that episode again the other night and was LMAO at her lemon cleanse and the tapeworm. TOO funny!
Not be be gross (or more gross since we are talking about aliens and tapeworms), but are your bowel movements normal or are you experiencing any changes in them recently? You don't have to answer on here. Just giving you something to think about. A few years ago, I thought I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but I wasn't too worried because it seemed to come and go on its own. About a month later when I went in for my female annual exam and the doctor was doing his stuff, he hit something that sent me through the roof. He said it was a twist in my intestine. Just him pressing on it straightened it out and I was fine after that. If I hadn't had my exam when I did, the twist could have gotten worse and actually caused damage to the bowel. Apparently the IBS symptoms were caused as waste would temporarily back up due to the twist and then finally work itself through the twist & release on its own a day or too later. If you have any pain at all, I would get checked out by a doctor soon.

Nope, I have to say everything feels normal. Nothing has changed at all with me, just this new thing. I haven't felt it today though and maybe it seemed worse b/c I was paying attention to it? I can't feel it from the outside, just when I lay down, and it moved like gas would.
Lawdy, please stop talking about intestinal worms, I've gone numb with horror and can no longer feel my toes.

Forget Alien, anyone ever see Humanoids From the Deep? :D

Here's an interesting fact-according to this site anyway.

Tapeworm (Longest)
Sally Mae Wallace of Great Grits, Mississippi, holds the record. On Sep 5, 1991, doctors extracted 37 feet (continuous) of tapeworm from Sally. "About after 20 feet of that thing had come out of my mouth," said Sally, "I just knew I had the record. I was really filled with joy." :eek:

Here's an interesting fact-according to this site anyway.

Tapeworm (Longest)
Sally Mae Wallace of Great Grits, Mississippi, holds the record. On Sep 5, 1991, doctors extracted 37 feet (continuous) of tapeworm from Sally. "About after 20 feet of that thing had come out of my mouth," said Sally, "I just knew I had the record. I was really filled with joy." :eek:


And that my friends, is why Great Grits, Mississippi rocks!

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