The "THIS IS ME" challenge to everyone

RE: The

Wendy sweetie

Did you know that if you "click" on the persons user name, that it enlargers the picture?


P.S Did you take my Brains/Beauty poll yet?

You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
RE: The

>Wendy sweetie
>Did you know that if you "click" on the persons user name,
>that it enlargers the picture?
>P.S Did you take my Brains/Beauty poll yet?

Hmmmm, well what do you know. I don't think i need to take that poll.
I'm neither;(
RE: The


At least your not a "party pooper"

Thanks for the pic. You look lovely.

That better not be your drivers licence pic. Im jealous if it is


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
RE: The

No, actually that picture was from a dinner last fall. I'm going to do Hardcore "before" pictures this weekend. This was the only picture I could find quickly for your picture party and not be that party pooper!! :) :)
RE: The, not at all naturally curly, but being a manicurist has paid off....I do my hairdresser's nails and she doe my hair!! And...Charlotte is right are quite striking....:)

Shirley....thanks....and Allison is right you do look like Fergy...but ALOT prettier!!

Allison....what a gorgeous smile you have!!! little cutie....thanks for starting this. I have so enjoyed the new pics of everyone!!

Alexandra....great pics!!

Jo..great pic too! Nobody is late to this party....I think it'll go on forever!!! two are such a cute couple! You will have beautiful kids...:)....Carole
RE: Me


Here me, DH and our "son" from Nov 2002. My hair is a little shorter and parted on the side now and my glasses are a tad smaller. Oh and I'm about 15 lbs lighter now.

Both DH and I look a little stressed/uncomfortable here 'cause we were worried about keeping our Kitty still. ;)

I'll try to get a more recent picture up permenently soon. I just HATE having my picture taken, most of my pictures are of my kitty.


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
RE: The

I use mostly Cathe with some Bowflex thrown in and a few other exercises I come up with. An estimate of how long I have been working out is 25 years. I have some of my rotations on my home page. Right now I am doing an endurance rotation for 2 weeks and hoping to start up with HC. Thanks.
Diane Sue
RE: The

I decided to put my pre-hardcore pics up. I'm hoping that hardcore plus clean eating will buff me up, but if not, I am really so thankful to be healthy enough to work out like this. I feel strong even if I don't look ripped! :) And...I TOTALLY need a tan!! It's February, what can we say?
I also put up my alter ego photo- DH and I as the Incredibles. ;)
RE: The

You know, everyone looks so fit and healthy- Cathe should be proud of her clients and the effectiveness of her body of work! Its really quite amazing! If you are one of the ones who has said that you are too embarrassed to post your photo, hang in there and keep working out. It can take a while, but you will soon be very proud of yourself. I bet you already could be, too! It's easy to be hyper-critical of oneself.
RE: The

I just popped back in this thread and you ladies are so beautiful!! It is so nice to see all of your pictures!! You are all in fantastic shape too!!

RE: The

Everyone is soo fit and beautiful. I am glad so many posted thier picture and many more are!!


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