The Firms new workout


The Firm is releasing new workouts called The Firm Express. They are due to be released the week of Dec. 13. Has anyone else heard of them? It comes with 12 dvd's and the work outs are only 20 minutes each but really intense. They look really cool. I like the firm. What do you all think?
I am intrigued by this. I have been hearing about the research they are talking about and this type of workout. I am such a video junkie I may just go ahead and order them. Must. Have. Dvd's.
I preordered them. They had a discounted rate around $80. I've read comments in other forums that the price is too high and the packaging is bad because each workout is on one DVD. But I like the idea behind the workouts (intervals and you get 3 cycles of weight/cardio/cardioscculpt) and wanted to try them. I also really liked the new FIRM workout Calorie Explosion much more than many of the recent FIRMS, so I am hopeful I will like these new ones.

It seems like they are trying to make the workouts more intense which I like.
I preordered too. I thought along the same lines as you that they were trying to make the workouts more intense and the fact that they are only 20 minutes is great too! That is one of the reasons I like The firm because their workouts are usually 45 min or less and if you push yourself for those 40 min you could get a great workout in.

I will have to try the Calorie Explosion I dont have it. My fave's are the Kettlebell one with Kelsie and Pump Jump Jab is good too!
I like both of those too. What I like about Calorie Explosion that I wish they were doing for the new system is it includes several 20 minute workouts that you can program into a longer workout with just 1 warm up and 1 cool down.

As I understand it, the new workouts will each have a cooldown and warm up - which will cut into the 20 minutes. It's easy enough to skip the cooldown on the first workout if you want to do a second one, I'm hoping you can easily skip the warm up as well if you are doing back to back workouts.
I caved and ordered them. I think they will be awesome not only on their own, but as a precursor to Insanity.
These sound interesting. One of the reasons I don't do Cathe as much is because the workouts are so long, even many of the premixes are an hour. I know I could cut them short but then I feel guilty, or weak, like I couldn't cut the mustard, when it's just that I don't have the time! I like completing a full workout, as intended, start to finish.
As I look at these workouts, aren't they just incorporating weights within a HIIT workout? Sort of a HIIT Circuit, if you will?
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Off the subject a bit...for anyone who loves the old Firm workouts and is still doing them occasionally with old VHS tapes (like I am), I finally found a site where you can get the "classics" and the workouts from 1986-1991 (the Anna Benson-era Firm) on DVD. It is
I am going to order my favorites because I like to do them on days where I am just not rabid enough to get through a Cathe workout, but I still want a tough, total body w/o.

Would somebody report back on the new Firm work-outs? Thanks!
I preordered too. I like the idea that I can add these workouts on to any workout that I do for the day. Or, just do them like they're suppose to be done. I know I wouldn't of paid $120.00 plus s/h for them, so I'm glad I got them at the discounted price. I also like the fact that The Firms trying to come out with more intense workouts. Not Cathe intense, but I don't need, or want Cathe intense all the time.
I preordered on Dec 02 2010

the only thing I received was a confirmation email about the order but nothing else. They havent deducted the money from my account yet and no shipping notice Hmmmm
Some shipped last week but that was ahead of their announced ship date....hmmm....imagine that. :)

Anyway - today is the official start of shipping so I would say if you don't get an email today or tomorrow, you might want to follow up. Mine shipped on the 10th (I ordered the first day of the pre-order) and I received an email late in the evening on the 10th with a tracking number (FedEx).
I did the 1st workout from the Ignite cycle with Emily. The weight work was minimal. I'm not even sure I'd classify that as a cardio/sculpt workout. To me it was more of a cardio based workout because my heartrate was high the entire workout. I did enjoy it though. Emily, as someone had mentioned over on the VF, was a bit perky.

I plan on doing Emily's scuplting wokrout tomorrow followed by the cardio workout.

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