The Boob Conundrum


Today I sent this letter to one of the popular women's fitness magazines. I'd like to explore this issue further. Any thoughts?


I like **** mag generally but I am increasingly frustrated at being presented with photographs of extremely lean, defined women sprouting two absurd boob balloons on their chests with the expectation that I would admire these women, I don't! These 'competition winning' bodies are obviously the result of having surgery to insert foreign objects into their breasts in order to re-gain some of their lost femininity. Here's the problem that we fit women don't seem to want to address and it is this: if you reduce your body fat levels to a minimum and really work on muscle definition you will have no boobs. None! What we end up with is a flat split broader chest that is not feminine at all - hence a huge number of fit women opt for surgery. Now, how is that healthy? not to mention the fact that extremely low body fat has the potential to bring menustration to a halt and cause fertility problems.

We need some balance here and promoting an 'ideal' that is impossible to receive without surgery is something I'd expect ***** to be very wary of. If you really do care about promoting womens health and fitness you will not feature the grotesque contradiction of a plastic boobed super woman as something your readers should aspire to. Look at page 124 of the October 2012 issue - the fake breasts on these women are absurd and an insult to many of your readers who are actively seeking a healthy balance in their lives.

Please continue to promote healthy receipes, self-confidence and great workouts but at least also address how we can seek a balance in our lives that includes keeping some of our natural form, and staying away from extremes that can adversely affect us functioning naturally as women.

Your faithfully
sprouting two absurd boob balloons on their chests

Sorry...that just made me laugh as I read that part. :D But I agree with what you are saying. The pressure put on us to be the perfect woman who is rail thin with Hustler sized hooters is ridiculous. Women seem to be wired to look at other women and mentally compare ourselves. With that type of model in what is supposed to be a "fitness" magazine it's no wonder many of us feel like we come up short. I don't look down on people who choose this route-I know it has come up frequently on these boards, but I know that no matter how I feel about my figure, I just couldn't stand putting an implant anywhere in my body. I feel like I would be betraying myself. Of course it has crossed my mind. I'm a B cup with two nursed children who wishes that the girls looked as firm as they used to. :( I will let you in on a secret ladies.... Men don't care about boobs as much as you think they do. I work with a lot of guys (construction co) and surprisingly they aren't impressed with implants. And your guy? He doesn't care if you are less than a handful, he loves YOU. I know that they have to stare and act like jackasses when something bigger than a C goes by, but it doesn't mean that is what they want.
I like your letter; way to go!

It certainly would be nice to see more realistic looking women in magazines, that's for sure.

Frankly, a bit off the path (sorry), I am tired of seeing arm twigs and stick legs with no muscle definition at all being considered "fit" so at least magazines are finally showing women with muscles.

I agree - I'm all for women and men making changes to themselves to be happier. In fact, I recently finished my InvisiLine package:D

Thank you for responding. It was just something I had to get off my chest - ho ho!

I too prefer to see magazines showing off women with muscles rather than the scarily thin women in glossy magazines - we just don't have to go to the other extreme. Don't get me wrong, a lot of the women in the fitness magazines are my ideal - some definition and some boobs, not those freakish competition bodies.

As for me, at the moment my boobs are a bit too big for my liking but that will be taken care of when I lose the last 10Lbs - like that's easy!
LOL, Eibh!
You will do it simply to spite those last 10lbs... speaking as someone who aspires to the fitness mags, also, minus the boob balloons:D
I fully agree. I'm so tired of this image almost everywhere of these extremely unrealistic women. Even when selling so called plus size clothes, the models are usually not even average sized.

Have you considered submitting a petition online? There have been many sucessfull campaigns involving many different topics including photo retouching in magazines.
I would rather be much smaller

I am a small woman, and the doctor who did my implants made me much too big, and I have back problems. He was sued by around fifty women, and I tried, but the lawyers said it was too late. I have to buy expensive Enell bras just to work out, and I have herniated discs in my back. Sometimes I do resort to prescription pain killers. I agree with you that the magazines are absurd.
Thank you, Jennifer

The media's conception of women is so skewed that now a size 12 woman is considered plus size. What if the woman is almost six feet tall, and she weighs 150 to 160? Her BMI would be good, and she might be a size 12 just because of her height and weight.

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