THANK YOU Roadtrippers and more details tomorrow :-)

I would like to echo what everyone else has said! I had a great time, and cannot even begin to describe how exciting it was to work out with you in person. I felt like I needed to keep pinching myself that at actually being with in the same room!!!

I think the amazing thing is how humble you are, even with your success and how much of a warm geniune person you are!!! I am also amazed by your endless energy. You really made an effort to greet each person and spend a little time talking. I was especially impressed by being able to say our goodbyes at the breakfast!!

I hope you enjoy catching up with your family and hope we didn't wear you out with all of our hugs!!!

I will carry many fond memories of the weekend, and hope to do it again!!

Sandra S.
RE: THANK YOU Roadtrippers and more details tomorrow :-...

Cathe - I can't even begin to thank you for the most wonderful weekend ever. You and your crew and Chris were so welcoming and gracious and just plain nice! And the coordinators were fabulous.

Thank you all so much for your hard work and effort. This trip goes down in my book as one of the best weekends of my life:)
Oh my gosh, I miss everyone too, Cathe. We all were already bonded to you and to each other before the trip, but now that we've met in person, shared space, shared dinner, and worked out together ... well ... it was hard to say goodbye.

The energy in your live classes is just AMAZING! I poured so much more energy into every move. It was electric!

When I workout today, and every day in the future, I will feel like you're right here with me. Thanks, Cathe.

Love & Hugs
RE: THANK YOU Roadtrippers and more details tomorrow :-...

Cathe I had one of the best times of my life!!! I really love all of you! You are the sweetest and we all miss you too!!!!!

Thank you!!!!!!!!

Dani :)

Here's a pic of us after your first class and I HAD to throw a picture of Shelly (allwildgirl) doing a pike at TARGET! We were on our way to the airport and stopped there. We saw the big cement balls they have in front and Shelly said, "Look, it's a stability ball!" We joked and told her she should do a pike! LOL! We were still in "Cathe mode"! :p
RE: THANK YOU Roadtrippers and more details tomorrow :-...

Cathe -

I think a lot of us were feeling very emotional at the end of the weekend with all the connections that were made. What an incredible weekend thanks to an incredible hostess. Thank you thank you thank you for your hospitality and putting up with all us star-struck Roadies! You are one in a million and we ALL appreciate your hard work and dedication to make this one weekend that none of us will ever forget.

Go enjoy your family!!


P.S. My favorite moment was your gut-wrenching "ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!" during push-ups! That got everyone through it (after we collapsed from laughter!).
Cathe, thank you thank you thank you for a truly amazing weekend!! Your hospitality (and Chris', Nancy's, and the crew's) was so heartfelt. You come through as very "real" in all your workouts, but it was so cool to see first hand that, indeed, you are real!! You like to be goofy and laugh, but man, can you get down to business (fire in the thighs indeed :) ).

And I met some amazing women (and the lone man!) on the trip. What a treat to talk about your workouts with people who enjoy as them as I do.

Thank you again. It was an energizing (though exhausting) weekend. It was so sad to see it end so quickly. But I'm excited for the next road trip!!
RE: THANK YOU Roadtrippers and more details tomorrow :-...

Cathe, your post was very heartwarming. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to spend the weekend with us. It was truly one of the best experiences I have ever had!

Awwww! Cathe - You are one of the kindest, most generous people I have ever been blessed to meet! With everything going on in your life right now, I am awed that you not only went through with the trip, but had the endless energy to lead us through 4 tough classes and still be a gracious host. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!

Hi Cathe!

I am one of the Cathe-ites who didn't get to go on the road trip and I wanted to tell you that I didn't have to be there to know that it was awesome. The fact that you hold these road trips and meet with the many women (and men) who love your workouts saids a LOT about you---it's no wonder that we all think you're the greatest! It is so cool that the road trippers got to meet and put a face to the name on the posts that everyone has been reading. I hope I'll get the opportunity to meet you one day; you have made such a positive impact on my fitness life and have been and continue to be such an inspiration and motivation to me. Thank you, Cathe. And thanks for sharing with us the road trip experience!


Thank you just doesn't seem to encapsulate my gratitude for this trip. You and the crew and the coordinators have refreshed my motivation and humbled me with your generosity.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

Becky (Lunacat)

P.S. I also loved the "ARRRRRRGHHHHHH!" It's pretty hard to do a push up when you're laughing!
Hey Cathe,

Just wanted to say (as I wipe a tear from my eye) that I (and my fellow roadtrippers) feel EXACTLY the same as you. What a fantastic experience for all of us! To finally meet you, your crew, and everyone else was simply spectacular! After having done them right next to you, pushups will never be the same! Thanks so much for everything!

Hi Cathe! For me personally it was a dream come true finally. I hope you didn't feel I was monopolizing your time (following you around) LOL Its just that after 14 years of working out w/you, you feel so much like a personal friend. I can't thank you enough for taking the time to have your picture taken w/me. It was a fantastic weekend & one I'll certainly remember for a long time. I miss you too & everyone I met!:-( Hugs & Kisses, Kathy:D
RE: THANK YOU Roadtrippers and more details tomorrow :-...

I was grateful for every bit of my experience. You are so amazing to me. I felt really shy about taking up too much of your time. All I want to say is that you are a part of almost every day of the week for me. In person, you seem even more delightful. Thanks for your time this week-end. I'm sure you felt better once you sent off 109 or so women on Sunday morning. Enjoy your family. I couldn't wait to see my dog.

Also, you seem to attract the most sincere, warm women to you. Is that not also amazing?

AKA Kim Cattrall/wishIcouldbe:7
RE: THANK YOU Roadtrippers and more details tomorrow :-...

Thank you so much, I will never forget this weekend. It was so nice of you to give this to us. I think my family wishes I would stop talking about the weekend ;)

Debbie D'Angelo
RE: THANK YOU Roadtrippers and more details tomorrow :-...

Cathe -

To the TRUE energizer bunny, I salute you!

It was pretty cool getting to work out with you in person. Chris, the staff at the gym, the coordinators, and of course your crew were all so helpful and genuine. Thanks for a very memorable weekend.

RE: THANK YOU Roadtrippers and more details tomorrow :-...

Thank you from me as well. I met all sorts of amazing people. It turns out that complete strangers (since we'd never met before) can be some of the nicest people on earth. Thank you to everyone.

I collapsed into bed at 8 pm yesterday and could not work out today if my life depended upon it. But tomorrow, when you're back on my screen, I'll be smiling and working that much harder for all the inspiration you have ALL given me!

RE: THANK YOU Roadtrippers and more details tomorrow :-...


That was the sweetest post! It made my eyes well right up -- and I didn't even go to the event! lol I wish I had discovered you and this site earlier (just found you and your board and have become a big fan, for just one month now!). From seeing all the beautiful photos, and reading all the posts, I almost feel as if I had been at the roadtrip. :)

Glad you all had such a great time. How fun!!
RE: THANK YOU Roadtrippers and more details tomorrow :-...

You are truly special! I've been sharing my experience with my family and friends ever since it ended and each time I too ride waves of emotions and memories. As you said the first morning, the whole weekend was just one big Kodak moment!
We had the best time! Thank you for providing us with such and amazing time and a chance to get to know you, as well as each other.

:7 :7 :7 :7

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