Swollen Hearts for our Bambino Valentines--Check in

Melanie- I love Funky Cold Medina! I'm too scared to try fake eyelashes. I tried some cheap costume ones one year for halloween that didn't stick too well and let's say it wasn't pretty. Oh and thank you for the thoughts about the old co worker. I used to dispatch where DH works and one of the lieutenants passed away from a viral infection last night. Real nice guy with a big family.

Did you get your run in Christine? I'll be glad when I can start working out consistently instead of just on the weekends. Better than nothing right? I'm sorry everyone is sick. And men are big babies when sick, or at least mine is.

James just won't stay asleep. And he's eating like a pig! Can he have two growth spurts back to back?
DH came home & relieved me. He walked in on me dancing wildly in the Great Room with a girl on each forearm. I jumped up when I twirled around & saw him grinning at me. Ha! Well, he got the angels asleep while I put the little boys down to sleep. :)

I hit my caloric goal for the day with the dance, so I'm going to bypass my elliptical jot tonight.

These eyelashes are "mini" eyelashes. I just applied them to the lateral sides of my eyes. I think they look pretty cool. I am a little curious as to how they come off though? Jen? How did you get your Halloween ones off? lol
Girls!??! Where on earth do ya'll disappear to? LOL

My scale is down a pound, which puts me 1lb away from short term goal. Perfect. Not sure what I'm going to be able to do as far as fitness goes on my trip to visit my folks. There is a "gym" at the hotel, so I"ll bring my running shoes & mp3 player. Things get so crazy busy when we go out of town though (plus there are so many relatives we haven't seen in years). If I'm able to exercise ONCE, I have to be happy with that.

All my pants fit now, even the size 6 stuff. I still have a muffin top, but to be honest I had one prior to this pregnancy....it's just a bit puffier now...but I still have another 6 lbs to actual prepregnancy weight. I also have darkened pigmentation where all my abdominal shots went in. :( I thought that they would fade,...but now I'm wondering if it'll be more scarring? I've never had scarring from bruising,...but this was extensive.

I only got 6 hrs of sleep last night, and feel like i"m dragging my feet. After my 30 minute dance session with the girls, I didn't go on elliptical last night, instead I went to bed at 1030...good thing I did or I wouldn't have gotten any sleep! lol BTW, my arms are feeling it from yesterday. GREAT WORKOUT. Just let me know when you wanna borrow my girls....I can rent them out!!

What's on everyone's agenda today? I"m going for a 5 mile run, I"m thinking CC4 & some stability ball abs. Tomorrow I work. :( Hate leaving my girls. :(
I was able to get on elleiptal early..45 min of hall and oats, police and gaga..lol. Be back for personals during naptime!
Hi Ladies!
Melanie-hi5 on the #'s lost and fitting into clothes!! You rock girl!
Kara slept well (got up once) but I woke up at mighnight and couldnt sleep..I hate that. im gnona try and get a nap this afternoon. Oh..and I am happy to report my bladder problems are practically gone. I am a firm believer is KEEGALS! I swear I do about 500 a day and boy can I tell a difference down there! No Depends for me yet lol.
When K gets up we are going to walmart. Thats about all the fun here. Haley is going to a slumber party tonight so dh and I will watch a movie or something. No meat today..so Im making a lemony butter shrimp for supper.
Off to do some chores

meals so far today
pb/toast/2 clementines
broccoli soup-yes at 9 am lol
lunch will be peas soup Hey at least Im predictable!
Today's Menu

B: steel cut oats, coffee
S: cashews
L: Roast Beef Sandwich, Spinich, Horseradish Mustard, Swiss Cheese, WW Bread, Diet pop
S: Protein Smoothie
D: 2 egg omelet (cilantro, cheese, turkey, bk beans) + chocolate milk
S: Vitamuffin + milk

Yesterday I ended up having a burger,cheese,spinich, WWtortilla wrap instead of the omelet....so I'll have the omelet tonight. ;)
Melanie- You could bring Travel Fit or the Hiit workouts and do on a DVD in the hotel room? Or download one workout from teh Cathe site if you have an ipod... Great job on the weight loss. You are indestructible. Hope the eyelashes do not add weight... Tee hee.
Susan- that is great news. I am petrified of the whole bladder falling out drama ever happening to me. I am a firm believer in Kegels as well.
I am now wick with the crud, so I am taking today off. It is so hard for me to do. Hubby is going back to the dr. He is still real sick and is now wheezing. Kids are on the mend, but not sleeping too great. I miss my peace and quiet!
I did get an extra run in yesterday, so I feel less guilty about taking today off. I just am happier when I am sweaty.
Off to make hubby call the dr.
Susan, has kegals increased the intensity of your intimacy (i.e. better orgasms)? ;) I am so happy about your bladder! No surgery! Yeah! My incontinence is completely gone as well.....and I can poop almost on demand (well fart anyway).

Christine, thanks for you kind comments (ROTFL about added weight of eye lashes). I can just imagine what you gals are thinking! It's not gaudy....it added a whole 5 lashes on each eye. ;)

I will totally bring my Travel Fit! Also baby bjorn in case I have an opportunity for late night walk on treadmill. I have alot of family there that I haven't seen in close to 5 years....and I plan to focus on family time. I work all day Monday, then we're going to drive thru the night, SUPRISE my family Tuesday AM, and drive back early Thursday AM. Basically we'll have Tue & Wed to visit. That's not much time for 5 years! Oh, I'm getting sooooo excited to see my family! I could just cry thinking of them meeting my girls for the first time!

I"m going to take the boys sledding when Justin gets home. We haven't had a c hance to sled yet....it's a warm 25 degrees out today & beautiful! Wish me luck!! LOL

Christine, sorry you are sick now. :( Bummer! Always something, eh? I hear you on the sweat. The sweatier the better....I always like to say I like it when my body is slippery wet!
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Chrisine-take care of yourself..you can sweat again soon! LOL about Mel's eyelashes!
Melanie-acutally yes on the kegals and sex. Last nigth dh even said soemthing like "damn woman what have you been doing" HA..so I kegal everyday...I think I scared him a little LOL.
Kara just zonked out on my shoulder. Gonna put her down and fold clothes.
Melanie- My eyelashes just fell off. They were purple and sparkly and not appropriate for work. ;) Sorry, can't help ya there....Your visit sounds like it will be a lot of work but so worth it. Its very touching that you are getting so excited. Great job on the weight. My muffin top will be the death of me....

Susan- I'm practicing keagals as we speak thanks to your DH's comment. :pm Mine says its like throwing a hotdog down a hallway right now so I better get to work. :(

Christine- Girl if its not one thing, its another for you. ITA with the sweatier the better. And I have to be sore the next day or I feel like the w/o was a waste.

Almost done pumping so better head back to work.
Jen-LOL on the hotdog comment!!! I think what works the best is to hold for 10 counts...sqeeze as hard as you can..I do that throughout the day..youll notice a difference quickly!
With good intentions, I began my 5 mile journey. Shortly after Jadon came along for the ride. I tried to concentrate, but all I could hear was his high pitch voice coming thru my ear buds. I had to tell him a couple times not to talk to me (a rule when I"m working out)...but even as he played he chirped to himself and I kept on thinking he was talking to me....and it irritated me....then made me feel awful b/c he's just the most precious thing. :( So I pushed thru 4 of the 5 miles then jumped on my stability ball for some Rocky Ab work......when I saw my DH walking thru my fitness gym with a babe in his arms....along with another high pitches screech from a hungry baby. Duty calls.

Kegals. Hmmmmmm. Might have to do it!
Feel like the naughty housewife practicing kegels all day. if only the grocery store clerk knew what I am doing while he rings up my diapers. Maybe there will be a UPS delivery today. Juck kidding.
DH just got home from dr. his pneumonia was resistant, so he is not on levaquin and advair and singulair. If that does not work, we will need more than medicine!
You naughty girls are going to blow holes in your spanx with all that kegaling around. :p

Christine~ glad DH went to doctor. Do you have a nebulizer? Those work great for breaking up mucous.

I'm all dressed up ready to go sledding!!!!!! :D :D
I told him about the nebulizer treatment, but he was not into it. He is stubborn, just like me. I just got John down for a nap, Jimmy is having quiet time, now my hubby needs a nap so that I can poish the floors and maybe squeak in a ChaLean!
ROFL Mel about the blowing the hole in the spanx! DH even came around the corner and said "Are you ok?" :D

Susan- Well my hallway must be pretty bad cause I'm squeezing tight and its HARD! Oh lord I just realized how that sounded. :eek: Oh well....

And Christine... shame on you! ;) I need me an imaginary boyfriend.

So James rolled over from his back to his stomach twice! I was organizing his clothes and he was laying in his crib when I just happened to glance over and catch it. I'm over the moon that I got to see it.

Probably no w/o tomorrow because I have a hair appt. Unless James goes down later in the afternoon for a long snoozer. We'll see....

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