Another vote for San Francisco here!!!
Please tell me Cathe's coming to Baltimore/DC? I agree with those that have said a weekend type thing (along the lines of a roadtrip) would be awesome! I'll sit through lectures, but there'd better be some photo ops and workouts in there!
A vote for NE Ohio here! I'll eat a whole carton of EB eggs at one sitting if Cathe comes to Ohio....
You can't do a national tour without stopping in TEXAS! There has to be plenty of Cathe followers in this big state! In my unbiased opinionI think Austin would be great since it is central Texas so those in Houston and Dallas wouldn't have far to travel.
Nashville would be great.
As you know we have just announced our plans for the Cathe Friedrich National Tour that will be sponsored by Eggland’s Best. We want these events to be geared to you and we would like your input on what you would like to see at these events. Obviously, we will have plenty of workout classes with Cathe, but what else would you like to see or do? … Do you want lectures from experts in the fitness and Nutrition fields? … If so who? Or would prefer more fun -get -to - know – each - other kind of events?
We would also like to know how long the events should be? We’re currently working on planning for 5 or 6 major USA cities. We want these events held at locations where you can also enjoy a mini vacation. Would prefer something like what we do on our roadtrip: Friday check in, all day Saturday, end Sunday Morning? Or would prefer to end late on Saturday? So let us know which works best for you 1,2 or 3 days?