Suggestions? - Boot Camp Circuit

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-02 AT 03:56PM (Est)[/font][p]45-minutes seems too short. I'd prefer 50-60 minutes.
I'd like to see kickboxing moves in the cardio, medicine ball and stability ball work also.

Also, I wonder about doing tough core work when there's still a lot of tough upper and lower body work left to do. Maybe include core work in all the circuits, but save the toughest till the end of the workout.
I vote for 60 mins. Also some kickbox stuff and planks, please. BUT whatever you do, I will love it! Man, it's fun to imagine.

Hi Cathe! This one can either be at 45 or 60 min. and I think its PERFECT just the way it is! Thanks for asking, Kathy
Hello Cathe!

I know that this workout will be fun, innovative and TOUGH. I have only one suggestion. My husband really enjoys your strength workouts...he is religious about doing PS and SH and alternates these with running. He would some tough tapes featuring some guys and a more no nonsense athletic approach. Thank you Cathe in advance for such a fine product and for allowing us a voice.

Hi Cathe,

I was hoping for a 60 minutes cardio workout. I like the idea of boot camp but not really with the weight circuits as you plan a circuit tape already with Muscle Endurance. But I guess I'm outvoted as most replies are very positive for this type of workout!

Thanks for asking.
It sounds like fun and seems like it will have a lot of variety. Please please please make it 60 minutes if possible! I will buy it for sure! Thanks!
Your ideas are well planned out!Hopefully it will be an hour long!I just wanted to add that maybe you can add segments with military moves or athletic moves where we use no weights but our bodies for resistance!This style of tape would go a long way knowing we could throw it in a rotation getting a total body workout with no weights and especially for travelers a NO EQUIPMENT needed workout!You'd be the perfect drill sargeant with your no nonsense style and you have what it takes to push us!I'll definitely be reporting to duty when these tapes come out! Your friend in fitness~~Francine
I vote for 60 minutes with lots of military and athletic tough drills. Please make it VERY HARD so that we call all work up to it.

(60 minutes please)

I would prefer a workout less than 60 minutes. Maybe 45-50 but this sounds like a workout that really better lends itself to the full hour in order to cover all the body parts completely. I am sure I will like whatever is chosen though.
I would love a 45 minute BootCamp Circuit workout for when I'm running low on time. I know we can trust you to make it "worth our time".
Dawn W
I vote for 60 minutes.. Will you PLEASE PLEASE add Kickboxing moves to this??
I love your kickboxing style and it would be a shame not to see it anywhere in the new tapes!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-19-02 AT 11:23PM (Est)[/font][p]I prefer having the option of a 60 minute workout, and since a lot of people want :45, you could design a complete :45 workout, with an additional :15 of killer boot camp.

I vote no for yoga, as I have a lot of Living Journal, Yoga Zone, and other traditional yoga tapes and turn to you for intense athletic challenges.

I'm former Air Force, where PT wasn't a major player, but I've heard Army and Marines have intense PT and I'd like to experience that challenge. So I second Kisuzu's request for real boot camp--nothing sissy, dancey, girlie here.

I echo the comment that floor work is often not very challenging--but I don't want high impact that's jarring, either.

Please, no loud music that competes with your instructions. Also please have good camera work--front straight-on so what you are doing can be followed. Shots of studio props, or side shots or odd angles throw me completely off. These are instructional videos, I need to clearly see what you are doing to follow you.

Many blessings to you and the awesome work you do!
I like the idea of a complete workout in 45" with a 15" add-on option. Also I agree that this would be great if it were a NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED workout. I also think many kickbox moves would be great - having no military connection, I don't know if this is really military.

One last thing, PLEASE keep the space usage to an area say about 6X8. Cardio Kicks is a great workout as is CTX kickbox, but it requires more space than I (and many others from what I've read) have available. Modifing for smaller space just doesn't do the workout justice.

Thanks for listening.
I am always up for something new to add to my workouts and this sounds great!! I like workouts to last an hour,too much more and I get bored, too much less and I feel like I need more! I'm looking forward to ALL the new ideas you have coming out! Keep up the excellent work! :) Susan
I also vote for a 60 minute workout, must be very intense and challenging with lots of drills core work and push ups, I know I'm going to love "Boot Camp Circuit".

Laura K.

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