Suggestions? - Boot Camp Circuit

I vote for 60 minutes or more!

As former military...I know what bootcamp training is like...tough!:-wow ...and...that's the way I "likes" it. :)

I would suggest adding the kickboxing drills, jumping jacks, pushups, sit-ups and no-nonsense exercises with lots of new, innovative music to keep up the heartbeat and interest of those torturing themselves while doing this video!

Please add a good relaxing/stretching section at the end. We will definitely need it!

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
Sounds great as is. I would like to see 60 minutes. But seems like there is quite a discrepancy on this. Maybe you could do some of your videos in this series as 45 minutes and some as 60 minutes.

I'm looking forward to this tape most of all! It sounds completely different than anything else you have done. Thanks for the variety!
45 minutes for this one would be great. It's always nice to have a tough but shorter workout as an option for those days when exercise time is minimal. Also, would like to see the cardio portion have a kickbox flavor.
Short but intense!!!!!! Please.

I'm THRILLED about the new workouts. BEYOND THRILLED actually! They all sound fantastic! The ONLY request I am going to make is that you really try hard to have at least one or two that are 45 minutes in length. Please, please, please take that into consideration for the busy mommies out there that NEED THEIR CATHE FIX.

I have to save so many of my Cathe workouts for the weekends when I have a little more time and I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the option of having short but tough Cathe workouts for during the week.

I posted this here because this routine sounds so INCREDIBLE and I would be sooooooooooo, soooooooooo, soooooooooo happy if it were something I could fit in during the week.

RE: Short but intense!!!!!! Please.

I'm voting for closer to 45 minutes, just to have the variety of having a shorter workout when time is short. Many of us still are using VHS, so trying to alter a 60 minute tape to shorter is still somewhat painful. I'm sure it'll be great, whatever you decide!

My opinion is that 60 minutes would be a good lentgh for this. 10 minute warn, up 10 cycles of 4 minutes each, followed by a cool down and stretch for 10 minutes. The cycles look challenging and interesting.

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
This is a workout that I would love to have short and intense. 45 minutes sounds great! I love the suggestion that you add a long (15 min.) yoga/stretch segment. This segment could be used as a stand alone or tacked on to other workouts. I'm one of the people that's disappointed that you aren't giving us "Yoga Max", so I would be very happy with "Yoga Mini" !

I love your workouts Cathe, and I'll be getting all of your new ones...can't wait.
Forgot to say that I would love to see some high intensity kickboxing moves but use a heavy bag and of course have your background exercisers do the moves without the bag...

P.S. When you add the bag it makes the workout extra intense, I'm hook on my heavy bag...
I vote for 60 min., including warm-up and stretch. Please, *no* kickboxing!! I just can't seem to make myself like it!
A boot camp workout AWESOME, The harder, and longer the better!!! And definately hard core abs at the end. All the suggestions about various exercises that people are giving are great. This sounds like a tape I would definitley workout more to.


Regarding any new tape that you are doing, I think music is the key thing, we all know when we hear a certain song that comes on when we are working out, we somehow get this incredible rush (which we all need doing your tough tapes). I think music selection should be very upbeat, rock, etc. I know when the aerobic mix of "Eye of the tiger" comes on when Im at my aerobic classes, you can tell everyone really gets into the routine more. just my thoughts.........

Im sure this will be a killer tape, and can't wait to get it.

I'd love to have a shorter Cathe tape -- 45 minutes would be great. With a little one at home, I try to work out in the AM and often don't have a full 60 minutes to fit in a workout....I hate that I don't have many Cathe options at less than an hour.

Pretty please?????

Thanks so much for letting us "vote"!!

Lucy K
I’d also prefer the legs-core-upper-cardio "bottom up" order. My other suggestions would be

- Low-impact!

- High muscular effort and balancing moves to increase intensity.

- Agility moves and speed drills.

Thank you! Desie
I keep reading...

...and I keep hearing 60 minutes...60 minutes or EVEN MORE???? No, no, no. C'mon guys, please give us just this one a little shorter. We've got all the long 'bout voting for a 45 minute version.

I KNOW how everyone feels when they don't have time to "complete" a workout and I would HATE leaving a great yoga stretch or any tidbit out.

So please, I beg...throw us a bone here. Busy mommies with so much to do need a 45 minute, intense, get the job done BOOT CAMP!!!!

I know, I'm such a whiner.
My vote is for 60 minutes too -- I'm always willing to shorten a workout by skipping a segment if I'm short on time, but love to fill a full hour for the most part.

I love your kick-boxing combos too or anything you do on the step. I'm not the biggest fan of hi/lo though. And I like it better when the cardio doesn't take up too much space -- especially when I have a lot of equipment out.

Sounds great! -- Renee
I also vote for 60 minutes...those who prefer a shorter workout can leave out a cycle! Thanks for asking for our input!


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