I couldn't agree more with the above poster. I actually looked through all the posts to see if SNM or Cathe answered this because Ruserious kept saying that we were just trying to push a product.
The OP asked for everyones opinion and that is what that poster got. I got through phase 2 of P90X and just to get that far took everything I had. I had a huge problem with the warm ups which were all the same so by the time I started the workout I was already bored. I also found the warm ups ineffective, I just don't understand why you would only do a few minutes of marching in place into a jog into jumping jacks then 8 minutes worth of stretching when you are going to work your chest and back!!??
While I did get results, more definition able to do more push ups and I really enjoyed plyometrics I didn't think I should have to feel guilty about not being able to fit in 6 days of grueling and heavy weight lifting. Especially considering that with Cathe's four day split I can still get in my heavy weights and cardio in the time it took me to get through one X weight workout.
For me STS address the weaknesses in P90X. The warm ups which I always thought were poorly put together in the X and the fun factor which I never had except for the first week then it was always the dread factor.

I realize that these programs are different in many respects and I am not comparing them. There were things about the X that I didn't like that I think Cathe can do better at.

To be perfectly honest, I dont know how anyone could compare STS to P90x (good or bad) because the series isnt even produced yet. Now once we have the product in hand than maybe we can form an opinion of comparison. I also think the poster comments about people "selling or pushing cathe products" is so off base. I have recieved P90x as a gift last year and I was put off by all of the products pushed by beachbody. I tried P90x for 2 weeks and was not impressed, my opinion only. I am sure a lot of people have had great results from using the program as is. Just because someone does not like P90x and expresses that opinion, does not mean they are misleading the consumer or ridiculous, they are probably happy with using Cathe and just giving their opinion. Not everyone is ready for P90x or STS, it can be too hardcore for them.
I believe any workout plan that works for you (with results) is a wonderful thing.

Just wondering, does beacbody posters talk about cathe on their forums? If so, I bet a lot of posters would suggest P90x over cathe.
what's clear is that "ruserious" is here because the word is out regarding STS. Beachbody MAY have sent him (perhaps he works for them?). Apparently they are threatened by the perceived competition. He also seems to not understand the idea of a PUBLIC forum on the CATHE website. Duh - of course, we're going to praise Cathe products - that's why we're fans. And as someone else said, how can you call something that doesn't yet exist, inferior? Your using what as your basis for comparison - telekenesis?
Do you work for Beach Body?? Because you sound like their spokesperson.
People are only giving their opinions. STS is not even out yet so how can you say it's inferior??? By its description to me it will be a better product for "me". 3 days a week, and I can use different instructors for cardio etc.
And I take offense you saying this is a silly topic, I find it very interesting what the "educated crowd" are thinking.
And SNM are not "exploiting a good product and pushing their own line" YOU are doing that with P90X.
Have you even done a Cathe workout?

>To be perfectly honest, I dont know how anyone could compare
>STS to P90x (good or bad) because the series isnt even
>produced yet.

I only became interested in Cathe's workout in December 07 and ordered them in late December and received them in early Jan 08. I came to know about P90X through Cathe's Forum and based on the views given here, I ordered it.

By no means I am affiliated to Cathe or trying to sell her products but I have to say I really do prefer her workouts. P90X is awesome but for someone who has done pylometrics and yoga and core exercises, they are nothing new, just packaged in a better rotational format and in different instensity.

I guess it is just the fun factor involved and this is very individual to one's own need. To me, I was very excited about P90X when I got it but it did not draw my interest as much as other programmes i have tried. This is personally how I feel.

I wish everyone should look at this forum with open mind. And it is through this forum of sharing opinions that got me to purchase and try P90X.
I swear if I hear one more time about how EXTREME P90X is I'm going to hurl. Yes, the workouts are challenging. But if you've already been doing plyo and heavy lifting, then it's nothing out of the ordinary. I was dreading Plyometrics the first time I did it. Twenty minutes into the workout, I realized it wasn't nearly as bad as what Cathe puts you through in Drill Max. I've done both, and for me, in that aspect P90X just wasn't as challenging.
Yes, pullups are difficult (I can't do them unassisted yet). However, the legs portion of P90X Legs and Back is lagging. A side lunge with a kick doesn't do jack for me. My legs have NEVER been sore after that workout, not once. The wall squats weren't a problem either. Why? Because my body was conditioned to do them from working out with Cathe. I notice that the people who seem to think P90X is so radically extreme are the ones who weren't in great shape prior to starting. If you're just getting back into exercise, then yeah it's hard as hades.
The one workout with P90X that I struggled with from the jump was YogaX. Why? Because I never do yoga so it was totally new and challenging.
I don't think it's fair to say that those of us who have done both are ridiculous when we're speaking from experience. Mind you, I really like P90X and it's given me excellent results. The increases in upper body strength are exponential. However, there are weaknesses in the program for some people and that's okay. One workout program cannot possibly be everything to everybody. No need to insult other products or the posters on this board.
Wow you guys! I don't own either of them, didn't even know what P90X was until yesturday. BUT !! What stands out like great BIG GOLF BALLS IS THIS! STS isn't on the market yet. Can't be compared to P90X. The original post was "any preliminary thoughts"
different training methods work for different people. P90X has obviously worked really well for a lot of people, but STS is an untried product at this stage. You can't compare the leg workout with STS, or the Chest or the yoga or whatever it isn't possible.
You can, however, get information from SNM?? Whose job it is to SELL YOU THEIR PRODUCT

Remember : all the information you are all currently reading about STS is to educate you. The same goes for P90X, the product is being pushed to be sold, to make money. For me, I think its like everything else you can really only make up your own mind, if it works for you, great, if it doesn't, move on.

Wait until you have tried it folks. I know I am waiting and not getting carried away and pre-ordering hype, i did that with the 4DS (I am not making any comments, don't want to get anyones back up)
I posted an opinion on this thread also. I have used P90x and Cathe and so am entitled to have an opinion. I do not have an ulterior motive for posting. P90x has a great back workout, primarily because of the pull-ups.The P90x chest workout was OK and was primarily loads of push-ups with not a lot of variety. The leg workout is WIMPY. The arm workout is nothing compared to Cathe's upper body workouts because of the lack of variety, periodization and tempo changes. The P90x ab workouts OK but doing the same abs gets boring after a while and sorry my friend, I wear both an hrm and an accitrainer and Cathe's cardio gets me where no P90x cardio has ever taken me. I did state in my previous post that I liked the plyo workout but it is still not in the same league as some of Cath'es cardio. Take the challenge yourself with a hrm. We are not disputing that P90x is a good workout program and that it doesn't have its merits, we are stating pros and cons with respect to Cathe's workouts. Ditto for the fact that no comparisons can be made between STS and P90x, only surmises based on what has been described for STS. I have no financial interest in promoting Cathe, in fact I have lost a lot of money because of Cathe.
You need to check your facts and take you message to a PUBLIC forum. The point of the Cathe forums is to promote her products.

I'm sorry, but you come off sounding somewhat ignorant of what Cathe's workouts are like. Many people here are already in great shape, many have tried P90X and liked it for variety, and many have tried it and disliked it because they have other choices they prefer that give them results they like.

There is no ONE WAY to workout. This is NOT the place to be doing a hard sell of P90X. It would be like someone going to the BB boards to diss P90X and promote Cathe products. It's just silly!
I am laughing right now at all of you. How can I say that STS is inferior to P90X? That is a great question. I posted that specifically to show you, how silly your comments are. Everyone, on here, has been talking about STS, which is a workout that is not out, and is unproven in terms of the results you can expect. They are talking about how it is superior to P90X, or will be superior to it, without even trying it.

For example, the one poster who said they would of waited for the STS instead of getting P90X. That to me is an ignorant comment, because you haven't even tried STS yet.

Another person made the silly statement, that the word is out about STS. Actually no it isn't. I found this website when I typed in "calories burned for p90x plus" in Google. Since I just got the plus, I was just doing some fun research.

I do not work for beach body. Why would beach body need to post on a forum? I found them through one of their commercials. They are on TV left and right.

Also I am a guy. And for me, I don't want a women instructor. I want a man instructor, who is in great shape, because I myself want to be in great shape. I figure if the instructor is ripped, then as long I follow his program, I will get ripped as well.

My wife likes the program, because she has seen some of the females that are on the program, who are in fantastic shape. Moreover, the before and afters, are amazing.

But this is not all. I know P90X works, because I have done it, and followed it exactly. I am in phenomenal shape.

People always tell me, that they cannot believe how ripped I am, or how chiseled my stomach is.

And for me P90X did that.

STS is a product that isn't even out. To compare them, now, is ridiculous.
I've done some Tony Horton workouts and he has no beat....
I would never purchase another thing by him.....He is annoying to me.

On the other hand...

I have many, many Cathe Workouts...and with a very rare 'fluke' she is on beat and her voice is much easier for me to FOLLOW.

She motivates me.

I've ordered.

Enough Said. :)

´¨¨)) -:¦:-
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((¸¸.•´ ..•´ -:¦:- Terri
-:¦:- ((¸¸.•´*
Wonder why a guy would be in a forum where the majority are all women. Having said that there was another forum I belong to where someone did the same thing by posting anti sentiments. In the end we found out he just want to make members of the forums get heated up. I forgot the term for such a person but it is on the web. He just enjoy the attention of it all.
People also tell me that they can't believe how ripped I am and/or what a great 6-pack I have and ask how i got such nicely defined legs.
My answer is Cathe. Fine, if you don't want a woman instructor... that is your perogative, but on this forum you are are talking to thousands of women who have worked out with Cathe and have seen great results and swear by her and so they won't take your comments about Cathe workouts seriously. We are likely all laughing at you.
However, if p90X works for you and your wife, keep it up. I for one have tried the program and have gotten better results with Cathe (with the exception of a stronger, more cut back which I owe to p90x because of pull-ups but I hear STS will have pull-ups). p90x has hardly any focus on legs and butt which is a major concern to women, and the arm work leaves room for improvement. But hey, different strokes for differnt folks.
>Wonder why a guy would be in a forum where the majority are
>all women. Having said that there was another forum I belong
>to where someone did the same thing by posting anti
>sentiments. In the end we found out he just want to make
>members of the forums get heated up. I forgot the term for
>such a person but it is on the web. He just enjoy the
>attention of it all.

I agree.
And the term you're looking for is "troll" (or a fancier one "agent provocateur").

It does seem suspicious that "ruserious" has posted to only this thread and no other.

Ruserious: calling other members' posts/opinions "silly" is not in the tone of this forum. You may disagree, but try to do so respectfully (as most others have done in this thread).

All non-Ruserious posters: I say we ignore any further posts from this person if they keep to the same tone. I agree he just seems to be wanting to stir up some trouble.
Let me clarify, since you so clearly pointed out, that I don't want a woman instructor. It is simply because I am a guy, and want a masculine physique, and therefore I feel my trainer should have a physique that I will aim for myself.

As for the comment about P90X not having anything for the legs, I find it ridiculous, that someone state that.

Simply, because, I have done the workouts, and genetically have very strong legs. I have played soccer, football, baseball, and basketball on different teams. I am also a runner.

P90X will absolutely work your legs out. In fact, many people will not be able to make it through the routines. Which is why, if you are 300 pounds, you better try something less extreme, before doing P90X.

I think women, will love the P90X program as well. I have known women that have done it, and love it.

It is a good point that you brought up. This website does cater primarily to women.

I really think that if you are a man, or a husband and wife, and want to have a program that is Extreme, Intense, and something you could do together, then P90X is the way to go.

I have noticed that the STS program is a 4 day a week program (correct me if I am wrong)

While the P90X is a 7 day a week program (including the X stretch). Therefore if you are a person who is not willing to commit to 7 days a week, an hour to an hour and a half a day, then maybe something not as intense is for you. :)
No beat? Then you say he is annoying? That kind of contradicts itself. One minute, the guy has no pulse, and the next you are saying he is annoying you.

The guy is an energizer bunny, and offers tips throughout the workouts. He cracks jokes, and ultimately everyone is having a good time.

Anyhow, I am happy that you have found something that works.:D

P90X may be to Xtreme for some, and even I realize that.
No beat - I believe she's referring to rhythm (language can be complicated). By the way - RU - how many Cathe workouts have you (or your wife) ever done. Just for a basis of comparison. I'd recommend you start with say, The Pyramids. Then get back to us!!
It's great that you're a Tony Fan.

To each his own.

I've ordered STS and am eagerly looking forward to doing it.

Best to you and Tony. :)

´¨¨)) -:¦:-
¸.•´ .•´¨¨))
((¸¸.•´ ..•´ -:¦:- Terri
-:¦:- ((¸¸.•´*

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