>>You asked me if I have tried various CATHE workouts, over seven days and tried to get the same results. Why would I?<<

Yes, but the point I think some people are trying to make here is that you are on CATHE'S website on a CATHE forum. A regular to this forum asked for opinions and she was given people's OPINIONS. You have decided to take all of the talk personally. If P90x doesn't work for someone, then it doesn't work. Not ALL workouts work for ALL people.

If you are not a Cathe fan and don't do Cathe workouts then why would you have even visited this forum at all???

You like P90x - GREAT!! The majority of us like Cathe (or else why would we be here) - GREAT!! Stick with what you know and like and we will do the same.

Thank you.
>>I didn't say CATHE programs were short. I said they were shorter, overall, when compared to P90X.

I just said that I know there are longer programs, in my previous comment, however, there are many 40 minute programs, and programs that are less than an hour.<<

Actually, I don't know very many Cathe workouts that are less than an hour by more than 5 or 10 minutes at most. Many are even over an hour (i.e. Body Max 2). Maybe you are thinking of the workouts on FitTV that are edited to fit into the time slot?

The only workouts that I can think of off the top of my head that are less than an hour are the very beginner step videos.

>>>You asked me if I have tried various CATHE workouts, over
>seven days and tried to get the same results. Why would I?<<
>Yes, but the point I think some people are trying to make here
>is that you are on CATHE'S website on a CATHE forum. A
>regular to this forum asked for opinions and she was given
>people's OPINIONS. You have decided to take all of the talk
>personally. If P90x doesn't work for someone, then it doesn't
>work. Not ALL workouts work for ALL people.
>If you are not a Cathe fan and don't do Cathe workouts then
>why would you have even visited this forum at all???
>You like P90x - GREAT!! The majority of us like Cathe (or
>else why would we be here) - GREAT!! Stick with what you know
>and like and we will do the same.
>Thank you.

Excellent, excellent post. Beautifully said.

I think I need some more convincing of the 'shredded, ripped, cut' state of this person. I could sit here and tell you all day that I look like Arnold, but unless I post some pics, it's all Something this person seems rather good at. :)

LOL what an arse, Can you imagine being this poor shlucks wife. Oh my. If this guy's past time is pissing off Cathe's forum then he need more help than we could ever offer. Ripped and Shredded, LOL, :)
Hey Ruserious: We want to see YOUR before/after photos. We want to bask in the glow of your explosive "ripped, confident" hotness RIGHT NOW!!! Ha ha ha haaaaaa...
In response to your comment. I am really not, trying to make anyone in this forum upset. If that is honestly, what is happening, I will stop posting in here. That definitely was not my attention.

I just noticed the STS versus P90X comparison, and thought it was unjust. For one STS isn't even out yet. Two, I haven't seen anything in CATHE, that is ideal for a man, and a woman.

As for pics, of myself. I don't think it is appropriate, for me to show off pics of my body, on the internet.

Call me conversative in that way, but it is just me.
>Two, I haven't
>seen anything in CATHE, that is ideal for a man, and a woman.

If you haven't seen anything in CATHE ideal for a man and a woman then you haven't seen anything in CATHE.
1 - ANY workout that is ideal for a woman is ideal for a man and vice versa. It is called modifying! If the weight Cathe is using is not heavy enough for you (or anyone) you go heavier.
2 - there are actually a few workouts where Cathe has men in the video (including the one you claim your wife did - Bootcamp). Again - if you feel the weight used is not heavy enough, by all means, go heavier.

Unless you can't lift as heavy as Cathe and don't want to be shown up by the ladies???

Of course, that isn't what you are really saying because we know that you actually haven't attempted a Cathe workout - have you???

Hey! I am the idiot who posted the question.

Well, I've tried P90X now and I can honestly say that I prefer Cathe to P90X's cardio.

It does not hold a candle to Cathe Friedrich's cardio.

It is weenies like YOU that serve to make me less enthralled with P90X.

I started this post and I do not appreciate your comments.
Great, you want a male instructor?

Then get the hell off these forums.

Cathe is awesome and she and her crew are role models for females AND males.

If you think she is some wuss prissing around, you are really wrong.

She is the most advanced fitness instructor who puts out home videos that I've ever seen.
Have you even DONE a Cathe workout?

Go on - Try IMAX 3 and make my day.

And I am sick of you and your wife, poor womanl
>In response to your comment. I am really not, trying to make
>anyone in this forum upset. If that is honestly, what is
>happening, I will stop posting in here. That definitely was
>not my attention.
>I just noticed the STS versus P90X comparison, and thought it
>was unjust. For one STS isn't even out yet. Two, I haven't
>seen anything in CATHE, that is ideal for a man, and a woman.
>As for pics, of myself. I don't think it is appropriate, for
>me to show off pics of my body, on the internet.
>Call me conversative in that way, but it is just me.
RUSerious, you have been carrying on here about how "ripped" and "shredded" you are for days and about how superior your chosen fitness approach is to a system that hasn't even been filmed yet but, when push comes to shove, suddenly you're SHY? RUKidding??? You aren't DYING to SHOW everyone your smokin' bod after all the crap you've spewed here since you threw your first flame? Your sudden "conservatism" didn't rear it's head until you were told to put up or shut up. RUSerious, URAFraud. Now that you've buttoned up everyone sees you for the pathetic liar you are. You have a desperate need for attention, which isn't being satisfied in any real sense so you go online to pick fights and feel the spotlight. But it's over now because you've outed yourself. Oh, and don't even think of reinventing yourself and using a new moniker to come here and try this again. Your manner of discourse is unmistakable. So go on now, with your tail between your legs... you poor sad beast.
Hi all! (apparently I have a lot of thoughts on this :) :) )

roseirous: I'm pretty sure you meant to say that wasn't your "intention" not 'attention'.

I've been working out to Cathe for 6 years (and used to post on the forums . . . I don't know what happened to my log-in) and I love her.
I saw P90 on an infomercial and encouraged my hubby to buy. I thought "hey, here's a program we can do together" and we got it and I was BORED TO TEARS . . . my opinion mind you . . . :)
Then we were looking on the BB website one day and came across the "making of p90x" and my hubby got really excited and I ordered it for him. He sweat buckets doing the workouts and I was glad he found something . . . I love to sit with him while he works out and
replenish his water and laugh over the stupid jokes Tony Horton makes.

However, I would not be able to work out with those DVD's every day.
Cathe is who I have found that I like . . . once again, my opinion. :)

roseirous: you mentioned several times saying that waiting to get STS was making a silly statement . . . :( why? I know I like Cathe. Will I get results with p90x, sure - but p90x is not for me and Cathe is. she has spunk that I like.

You mentioned that it is "simply not true" that STS is better than p90x - :( why not? how do you know? It's not out yet - as you yourself have admitted. NO ONE here said it was better . . .they only alluded to the fact they knew Cathe and liked her workouts and were excited about STS and what it claims it will offer(in so many words mind you and this is a paraphrase of multiple comments) ;)

You go on to mention that "there are many programs that can help the average person get into reasonably good shape" but if you will read the description on Cathe's workouts, her workouts are not geared for the "average" person - they are geared to the "advanced" exerciser. ;)

Next you mention "However, P90X is not for everyone. IT IS EXTREME" - :( extremity is ALL RELATIVE. and for me (here comes my opinion again) p90x is Extreme - in its boredom. :)

Then you go on to say "Comparing STS to P90X is just silly, and not fair to people looking to get in the best shape of their lives." :( So we are to assume that p90x is the only way to get in to the best shape of our lives . . . golly wonder how all those EXTREMELY fit people have done it for all this time . . . thank goodness we now have p90x . . .ahhhhh . . . (sighing with relief) ;)

Oh then there was this comment "Nothing wrong with being a fan of CATHE" - :) you are a generous man . . . :)

"I just don't think they are the level of P90X." - :( So you can have opinions on a workout but we cannot? :)

"I do understand that there are more ways to skin a cat. However, I also know that everyone I have seen, has had phenomenal results with P90X, and it has an established track record of excellence, while STS does not." - :( WELL OBVIOUSLY NOT YET - IT'S NOT OUT!!!!!! YET!!!!! :)

Then you say "You asked me if I have tried various CATHE workouts, over seven days and tried to get the same results. Why would I?
If P90X works, and I know it works, why would I try to reinvent the wheel. You are not talking to someone who is coming to you for advice. I have already gotten fantastic results." - :) ya think maybe this is our thought process about Cathe????? We are not coming to you for advice either. ;)

And finally, my favorite comment of yours is "You are a really bad communicator, aren't you?" Dear man, part of being a good communicator is seeing both sides and having a successful interchange of ideas . . . I ask you, have you done this??? I think not . . .you have, however succeeded in offending many a woman on this site
:D :D

whew . . .
R U crazy or something?

Wow...this has gone from a comparison of P90X to STS, to a personal attack on me. And because I want post pictures of my body, on a forum full of women I don't know, I am a fraud?

I think you really need to see how crazy these remarks are.

I am not trying to incite anyone any further on this website.

I hope STS delivers for the people that are looking forward to it. Who knows, maybe it can give P90X a run for its money.

STS definitely has a long road in front of it though, because P90X already is a proven system that works.
>R U crazy or something?
>Wow...this has gone from a comparison of P90X to STS, to a
>personal attack on me. And because I want post pictures of my
>body, on a forum full of women I don't know, I am a fraud?
>I think you really need to see how crazy these remarks are.
>I am not trying to incite anyone any further on this website.
>I hope STS delivers for the people that are looking forward to
>it. Who knows, maybe it can give P90X a run for its money.
>STS definitely has a long road in front of it though, because
>P90X already is a proven system that works.

Does you wife know where you are??? ;-)
"Does your wife know where you are???"

She's probably on another computer checking out the new ripped and shredded dudes who are going to be on that "girly" STS workout!!!!!:p }(

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