This is great info. I really appreciate how we can get so much info on these forums about Cathe and others. Still a lot to think about - but I'm sure I'll cave in. I suspect my summer is going to be busy, so if I can get set with P90X now, then STS will come out and I'll have that (I suspect I will be lucky if I can get in 4 days a week for about 2 months, so if it's an intense Cathe-day I won't fall back too much - I hope).
Yes lots of good info. I've almost made up my mind to get STS. My children don't give me much time to workout so the 6 days a week with P90X is out of the question for now. Hopefully with STS I can get in 3 weight days and 2 cardio days. My body does slim out when I lift heavy. My sleep deprived body doesn't like to workout much these days but hopefully by time we get STS I'll have a better schedual (i know its missplled).

I just have to say this: I never got P90X because, after looking at before and after photos of the WOMEN at their own website, I thought the women's bodies all looked... uneven. They all seemed to have killer abs and sexy backs but their arms and legs were so skinny as to make them look distorted and out of proportion. By way of conrast, the P90X MEN ALL looked HOT!

With Cathe, every muscle gets attention and the end result is a COMPLETELY fit body, you know? Look at the photos of the P90X WOMEN and see if you don't agree. If I'm wrong, you wouldn't know it by the before and after photos. Impressive abs? Yes. Impressive backs? Absolutely. Impressive arms and legs? Not so much...
I got P90X a few months ago, tried it for several weeks, got bored, and came back to Cathe. Now, my SO wants to try P90X with me as a workout partner, so I'm revisiting.

I cannot do ANY pull-ups. Otherwise, I am ridiculously fit. I lift heavy, can do push-ups on my toes, and I do loads of weightlifting and cardio with Cathe (pretty much exclusively). Almost all of the P90X stuff feels...too easy! Even though I admit I can't do pullups. With most Cathe weights workouts, my heart rate gets pretty elevated and I burn calories like crazy. With her cardio, I average about 450 calories per workout. During P90X, I average about 250 calories burned per workout.

My favorite is the Plyometrics, which is really fun, but which only burns around 300-350 calories for me. I also enjoy the Shoulders and Arms, although I like all my Cathe upper body stuff better. I really don't like the ab workout, the leg workouts, the cardio (other than Plyometrics)...when I tried it before I found myself substituting comparable Cathe workouts until suddenly...I was just working out with Cathe again.

I never really looked forward to P90X the same way I look forward to Cathe. I don't mind Tony but I also don't think he's the bees knees or the cats pajamas or anything. And I figured that unless a miracle happened, I'd probably end up gaining weight if I suddenly started working out less intensely and burning fewer calories than ever before.

So now, My SO and I are doing P90X in the afternoons, but I'm waking up early and working out with Cathe as usual in the morning. We're already substituting Cathe for the abs, legs, and he's skipping all the cardio except the Plyo. He has knee and back issues, and a lot of the moves in the P90X series are problematic for him.

I know a lot of people have really enjoyed P90X and done amazingly well with it; I know that my experience is NOT totally representative of what you can expect from P90X. But I definitely feel totally confident ordering from Cathe, so I think I'll probably sell P90X and preorder STS. Sorry to have written the great American novel here, I guess I've been thinking about all this lately and I had a lot to say!

P90X is AWESOME! If you are serious about getting into shape in a structured format then P90X gives you EVERYTHING you need to get your butt off the couch.

I have been doing Cathe for years. I love almost all her workouts (except kickboxing - I hate kickboxing with any trainer not just Cathe) and let me be frank - if I ended up doing the same Cathe workouts for 3 weeks straight then those too would turn out to be boring.

Listen, you can't compare the two. They are different people and different workouts. Each product motivates you differently. Tony Horton was annoying as hell initially but once I stopped doing his workouts, I actually started to miss him and would hear his voice in my ears yelling at me to put the DVD and push play. Today, he is one of my favourite and TRUSTED @home trainer.

What I realized about P90X is that it gave me the right focus to succeed. It gave me a plan, and all I had to do was committ to follow the plan. The workouts got boring after doing it for 3 straight weeks but ... BUT .... by the end of 8 weeks the results were awesome! The last 4 weeks were to nail a lifestyle down.

What also helped with P90X was the eating plan they provide. No guess work required. You have to eat this; You have to workout with this tape and you have to do it for so long. No brainer and results are seen within 4 weeks.

They also provide supplements which I did not purchase. Instead, I purchased EAS recovery drink locally which was much cheaper - and, of course a choice of protein drink - I didn't have to but one gets rather tired eating too much chicken and tuna.

If you have P90X and it is collecting dust then all I can say to you is one day, a time will come when you will be ready to committ to succeed with the product.

One of the things I don't like about Cathe is that she is all about workouts (great, I mean nothing wrong with that but most of us struggle because we don't really know what to eat).

Sure - we can get the info from WW or SB or Atkins but they don't know how many calories you are buring doing Cathe workouts - all of last year, I felt drained because I wasn't eating enough and was only doing (mostly) 60 minutes tapes with Cathe. P90X gave me the discipline to LISTEN TO MY BODY. It gave me the discipline to feed my body the right fuel. And it gave me motivation to keep pushing play every morning.

So like I said - everyone is different. P90X is supposed to work - if it didn't for you then it is because you weren't ready for it (mentally at least). I know because I avoided Cathe's Drill Max for the longest time - but now I laugh wondering why I avoided it so much in the beginning.

I've done both Cathe and P90X. There are definitely areas where P90X is stronger, and then there are areas where Cathe is stronger. From day 1, I've felt that the Legs routine in P90X was lacking. Sure, there were new moves that I hadn't seen before, but I never really felt that they did much for my legs. There have been times when I couldn't walk after a Cathe legs workout. She hits the lower body from EVERY angle with EVERY exercise imaginable. This is probably because she's a woman and she realizes how difficult the legs, hips, and glutes are to strengthen and tone for most women. How many guys are really all that concerned about these areas? That's why I think they get short shrift from Tony.
Where P90X excels is in the chest and back department. He never uses weights to work the chest, just pushups. And they are effective. The different styles of pushups in the Chest, Shoulders & Triceps routine are bananas. He uses basic push/pull technique with the back and chest and uses only your own body weight for resistance. Pullups are no joke. While Cathe does target these muscles, the ultimate test of upper body strength is the ability to lift your own body weight and Tony's workouts get you there (I'm not there yet...but closer than I was when I wasn't even attempting pullups).
In terms of cardio, Cathe has more variety so of course she wins out. I worked out with Cathe first and Drill Max definitely prepared me to do Plyo X once I started P90X. Yoga X is an incredible workout and I haven't seen anything from Cathe that's comparable. However, any of Cathe's kickboxing routines kick Kenpo X's @$$.
P90X is a very regimented program. To get maximum results it's got to be followed as perscribed. Yes, it does get boring. But the good thing is that when the boredom kicks in the workouts switch up. I definitely couldn't do multiple rounds of P90X because it would definitely get tedious. However, getting through 90 days with Tony and the kids isn't that bad. If anything the nutrition plan is on point.
I agree about the push-ups pull-ups and ab work as I said in a previous post but the leg work and rest of the upper body work is seriously lacking in P90x and if you want to develop and train these areas sufficiently you need to supplement with other workouts and Tony advises against this with his program and if you follow his program, you will have difficulty finding the time to add workouts to this workout program anyway. I also feel that too much emphasis is placed on push-ups for chest work.
As far as cardio, as other posters including myself have noted, the cardio is not very intense, in fact I thought with the exception of plyo, they were easy. Also,there are only a couple cardios to choose from. If you are not a cardio enthusiast this won't be a problem and as far as weight loss this won't be a problem IF you follow the prescribed diet plan with the program. As far as cardiovascular fitness gains and cross-training gains this is a disadvantage. I do like the plyo segment and will rotate this into my workouts occasionally.
I want my legs and arms, not just chest,abs and back developed and I also like to be aerobically challenged. I am also self-motivated enough to put my weekly rotations together to train all body parts and to cross-train and so I prefer Cathe to P90x. I also prefer to have alot of variety in my workouts not only from a cross-training perspective but from a mental perspective. Your preference will be based on what you are looking for in terms of fitness goals and if you prefer highly structured programs or like to design your own rotations. Different strokes for different folks. :)
>I agree about the push-ups pull-ups and ab work as I said in
>a previous post but the leg work and rest of the upper body
>work is seriously lacking in P90x and if you want to develop
>and train these areas sufficiently you need to supplement with
>other workouts and Tony advises against this with his program
>and if you follow his program, you will have difficulty
>finding the time to add workouts to this workout program
>anyway. I also feel that too much emphasis is placed on
>push-ups for chest work.
>As far as cardio, as other posters including myself have
>noted, the cardio is not very intense, in fact I thought with
>the exception of plyo, they were easy. Also,there are only a
>couple cardios to choose from. If you are not a cardio
>enthusiast this won't be a problem and as far as weight loss
>this won't be a problem IF you follow the prescribed diet plan
>with the program. As far as cardiovascular fitness gains and
>cross-training gains this is a disadvantage. I do like the
>plyo segment and will rotate this into my workouts
>I want my legs and arms, not just chest,abs and back developed
>and I also like to be aerobically challenged. I am also
>self-motivated enough to put my weekly rotations together to
>train all body parts and to cross-train and so I prefer Cathe
>to P90x. I also prefer to have alot of variety in my workouts
>not only from a cross-training perspective but from a mental
>perspective. Your preference will be based on what you are
>looking for in terms of fitness goals and if you prefer highly
>structured programs or like to design your own rotations.
>Different strokes for different folks. :)

The thing with the upper body work for shoulders, biceps and triceps in P90X is that you get out of it what you put into. The key is to choose the right weights. You really have to max out on the last rep in order to see gains. Tony does work the muscles with different moves and from different angles, but the basic movement and pace remains the same. You've got to lift heavy in order to make those reps quality. Also, the pullups and pushups engaged the muscles in the arms as well so you get a secondary arm workout from those moves as well.
The great thing about Cathe's shoulders and arms routines is that she forces you to get stronger by varying the weights and speeds of the moves. Even if I go a bit light for shoulder presses, I'll still feel the burn with Cathe because not only does she make you do 12 reps, she'll then have you do another 8 with a slow 4 count, and then have you follow it up with singles. Heck, I could choose no weight and my delts would be on fire with her sequencing.
And you are right, from a cardio cross-training perspective, Cathe has P90X beat by a mile. There's just a larger variety of workouts to choose from. When I was following the P90X schedule I simply subbed a long run for the Kenpo X workout.
Have to agree with the previous posts about P90x not being very effective for arms and legs. Ditto for the cardio. I went through the P90x program faithfully and my arms and legs didn't get thoroughly trained. I think even if you max your weights, it isn't a big help because of the limited variety of exercises and lack of lifting stlyes : ie tempo changes, lo wt/hi rep, hi wt/lo rep someone pointed out.
As for leg work, there is not much there.

There is alot of great back work but the chest is mostly push-ups, although I must say these are killer push-ups. Ab work is OK too. This strikes me as one poster said, an ideal workout for guys but we ladies like to train our butts, legs, and arms hard. The arm,leg and butt work is wimpy IMHO. Though there is arm involvment in the pull-ups and push-ups, many of these muscles act as synergists in the work and they are not primarily targeted. You need to supplement with upper body work and who has the extra time given the amount of time needed for this program..
I think its probably OK to sub his cardio days with Cathe's cardio as P90X falls very short in the cardio department.
I have to say that I love Cathe and she is the one that got me lifting *real* weight. I don't think I'll be preordering STS but that's just my opinion. I have seen my best results with any program from using P90X and now the X+. And honestly I agree w/ people in that I don't feel that the leg work in P90X is as tough as Cathe. That's why I sub or add in a Cathe leg day and sub in a run or a Cathe kickboxing workout for Kenpo. P90X is a well-designed program but like anything you have to find out what works for *you*. For me, I love the pushups & pullups. I still get excited that I can *do* real pullups thanks to P90X!

I love having a rotation & nutrition guide to follow and I obviously believe in the product or else I wouldn't have become a coach for MDB. And I never would have tried out P90X if it weren't for hearing so much about it on these forums, so thank you! :)
I love Cathe and have done her workouts for years, but I have to say I didn't see noticeable changes to my body until I got P90x. P90x taught me alot about rotation and the importance of recovery. I also found that I had been doing too much cardio before. It wasn't until I heavied up with the weights and did LESS cardio that I started to lean out and get muscle definition. On day 1, I did push ups on my knees. By the end I could do over 30 pushups in a row on my toes. I also did a pull up for the 1st time.

To make the leg work more intense, I modified and used weights for every exercise even where weight wasn't required and sometimes I skipped the back exercises and rather did each leg exercise twice.

On cardio days, I did whatever cardio I felt like. You don't have to do the prescribed cardio for the whole rotation - I think that would get boring.

What makes P90x so special is the concept of working to exhaustion with proper rest and recovery.. and yes more resistance training with less cardio. I think P90x is fantastic.

and I think STS will be fantastic too.
I suspect the whole point to STS is to address the weaknesses in P90X (and in Cathe's OWN workouts), particularly in regards to women (i.e., lame limb work) while building upon all the things that make P90X effective (chest, back, ab work). Cathe's probably known for some time there's been a void which needed addressing and I suspect all the chat HERE about P90X has gone a long way towards helping her to visualize a plan. I just know there's no way I'm investing a second into any plan that doesn't give me great arms and legs, so forget P90X. But that's me. In order for STS to be the HUGE success it needs to be it will have to address an awful lot of fitness issues and, at least as far as workouts for women are concerned, obviously surpass P90X. Therefore, I hope Cathe doesn't release STS until it's as perfect as possible. I hope it's the biggest thing to ever hit home fitness but for that to happen it has to be very well planned and executed, from top to bottom.
Well, I haven't started the whole series yet (waiting until first week of Feb to do that), but I've been dabbling. I did Cathe this weekend (4DS UB - love that!). Then I did P90X PlyoX. Loved it!!
As a total cardio-hater, that one was right up my alley. The old "you can do anything for 30 seconds/60 seconds" wins me every time. I also liked the variety of the moves and that they were all modifiable and Tony shows those modifications, as well. Now, on to the rest of them.
I saw huge results with p90X. I went from doing no pullups to doing 9. Of course I've lost that now that I stopped doing it. I liked Tony but I missed Cathe. I got p90X+ and have really enjoyed it and got DOMS in my butt and legs from the lunges he does in upper body+. The ab workout is the hardest I've ever done. The workouts are around 40 minutes. I think they are around 50 minutes in P90X.

I'm pre-ordering the STS. I think it will also be challenging and fun. I like to have some variety. I'm not much for rotations but doing p90x gave me great definition and upper body strength.
This is a joke right? Anyone on this forum, preaching about STS being better than P90X is really just trying to push their own product. Anyone that says P90X doesn't get results is kidding themselves, and either not doing the workout, or eating Mcdonald's with fries twice a day.

I read a comment about the calories burned, by one person, stating that they only burned 250 calories during a workout. I would really like to see that. Since my wife is only 5 ft and burns over 650 calories on these workouts.

P90X is a phenomenal program. Now I am not saying STS is bad. However, don't diss P90X and mislead people that the program is in anyway inferior to STS, because it isn't. To burn 250 calories during plyometrics, would mean that you are not doing the workout. Which tells me that some people on this forum have alterior motives.

By the way the plyometrics program (jump training) is an hour long, for those of you who don't know P90X. The workouts on P90X range from an hour a day to 1 hour and half a day.

When is the last time you worked out hardcore for an hour, and burned a measly 250 calories? Now imagine plymometrics which means jumping around for an hour! My point exactly.
STS sounds like a completely different program than P90X. I don't think they are comparable. STS is the periodization program that I've been waiting to see produced for a very long time.

I've used P90X for the the full rotation with the nutrition plan (I only used the diet for about 1/2 the rotation). I have mixed feelings about my results with the overall program. I do think most of the workouts are pretty solid. There were a lot of things I didn't like about P90X that I think I will like better about STS (time will tell).

There have been many P90X success stories and I'm sure there will be many STS success stories. Do you need both, probably not. It just depends on how much variety you want and whether you enjoy both instructors. If I knew then what I know now, I would wait and use STS before investing in P90X.

I totally agree with Jordan. I just got my P90X and have done about a week of it. They are solid workouts but somehow it does not give me the urge to want to do it after one week. I think it is not addictive like some of Cathe's workout. In fact I have this feeling that I would appreciate STS more. However if you want variety and can afford it, it would be good to own P90X as well but I can't see myself doing it 6 days a week continuously for 90 days. After a week, I am yearning to do Cathe's weighted workouts.

I would, like Jordon said, have I known what I know now, would wait for STS first before deciding on P90X.
Ok, let me get this right. Once again you guys are pushing the Cathe programs. This discussion, is obviously by people trying to push their own product.

You stated that you would wait for the STS program instead of getting P90X. That is about the silliest statement I have ever heard. So if you are out of shape and fat, you should not do P90X, because it will get you in shape, but still it is not as good as STS.

Every discussion in this forum is about STS being better than P90X.

It is simply not true.

P90X is by far one of the best fitness programs on the market. I have done it. My wife has done it. I have friends that have done it. All have gotten in the best shape of their lives on it.

Now let me clarify, I am by no means saying that STS is a bad product.

What I am saying is how sad it is to push STS over P90X, when P90X is no doubt the best at what it does. It is sad how you are pushing your product, and comparing it to P90X just to get sales.

Try a different method to sell your product.

Furthermore, P90X now also has the P90X plus which is phenomenal. I got it within the last week and it is a welcomed addition to my P90X routine.

Now if you are reading this article, and have not tried P90X or STS, and are really curious as to which one is better. Than let me assure you, STS is not in the same league.

That doesn't mean its a bad product. There are many programs that can help the average person get into reasonably good shape.

However, P90X is not for everyone. IT IS EXTREME.

It takes self discipline, and determination. However, there is no doubt that if you follow the program for ninety days, you will get in the best shape of your life.

I know I did.

Sorry CATHE forums, but this is the silliest topic of the day. Comparing STS to P90X is just silly, and not fair to people looking to get in the best shape of their lives.

Shame on you for misleading them.

Last but not least, I noticed that someone's post on here said that there was not enough of a leg workout in P90X. This shows you the ignorance in some of these posts. Anyone reading this post go to and take a look at the workout. You have Legs and Back. That is one workout, where all you do is legs and back. Plyometrics, is another 1 hour workout. All you do on that is use your legs to Jump around. It is an exhausting workout.

Yoga X, is an hour and a half long of Yoga, which after the sun salutations and balance exercises your legs will be burning like they were on the sun.

Anyone who had done P90X will see how silly this discussion is, and some of the ridiculous comments being posted here.

By the way, if you are wondering why I am so interested in this topic, it is simple.

I know what it is like to not get results. There is nothing worse than spending money and not getting results. P90X delivers great results.

It is a shame that certain companies try to exploit a good product like P90X, by using its name, and pushing their own line which is inferior.

All this does is mislead the consumer.
hi Ruserious welcome to the forums.

i think you are misled in some responses to the OP's ?. many have tried and gotten great results and those that don't are just voicing an opinion. cathe and SNM has said many occasion that they would never comment on another product not their own so i don't see anybody but "catheites" pushing more for STS which isn't even filmed yet so we can't compare/contrast the two. plz don't criticize by saying "ppl pushing their own products". cathe and crew are not pushing anything just a few cathe fans are giving their opinion.

i think the OP has a mind of their own to make a decision she was just asking for OPINIONS, plz get used to it many of us around have one ;-)


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

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