STS Update and Cathe TV

CatheTV sounds exciting, but Cathe, promise you won't start STS until us folks in Canada have received our STS too! We wanna sweat with you!
Thanks for the update! And for the news on Cathe TV. THAT sounds so cool! Wow! .. AND you doing STS too!!!!
Can't Wait

Thanks for the update. Can not wait to get STS into my hands and start working on the "new" me for 2009.
Ohhh I can't wait--I popped in to see if there was an update on STS. Hurray!



This is so great. Cathe TV, new WM 2!!! Very exciting.

I am glad that things are getting done with accuracy. Seriously - how disappointing and frustrating would it be to get your discs only to find that one is missing or not working! I am really happy that Sony and SNM are putting so much effort and care into this endeavor.

Thanks Cathe and thanks for the super huge discount on the pre-order!!!
Thanks for the update! The wheels were turning a little slowly at our shop after our 2 week shutdown for the holidays but we're back up to speed now! Hopefully, Sony is "back in the groove", too.

Cathe TV sounds awesome. I'm looking forward to your next update, Cathe! Hopefully, it will contain a ship-date in it and then we can all devote some of our "checking back on STS progress time" to the UPS tracking site! ;)

One thing though... :(

Would it be possible to wait for us overseas Catheites to get our STS DVDs before starting an STS check-in?... Pretty please??? :):):)

So we can all start at about the same time along with you, Cathe?

I don't think it would take more than 10 days since you ship the DVDs...

Always good to get news.

How about better workout manager and all that?
Sounds great - it will be better and I haven't even
used the current one yet!

Looking forward to a great New Year - with gifts coming!
Thanks for update...until then...

Thanks for the update - some things are not in our control. :( but if anyone wants to get in the "endurance" mood, try out Power Hour again. Just put in that this morning and it was quite challenging with a little heavier weights.

Made me proud to kick butt on that workout. Endurance has always been my downfall on weight lifting.

Good luck all! Have a good weekend!:)
What awesome news! I don't know how you find the time to do even MORE! It sounds so exciting. What a nice surprise. I can't wait to be doing STS right along with you!

Thanks for the update Cathe!

I almost fell off my chair when I read you will be doing STS along with us!!!!!

Cathe TV sounds awesome as well as the info. on the new WM, you are the best!!!!
I love the ask the intern feature I think that will not only be very informative but a lot
of fun too!

Thanks again,


This is so great. Cathe TV, new WM 2!!! Very exciting.

I am glad that things are getting done with accuracy. Seriously - how disappointing and frustrating would it be to get your discs only to find that one is missing or not working! I am really happy that Sony and SNM are putting so much effort and care into this endeavor.

Thanks Cathe and thanks for the super huge discount on the pre-order!!![/Q

Or circular scratches(LOL):p:p:p

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