Well, gol-ly! It is frigid! Arctic air! DH and I went for a walk, and with two pairs of socks my toes stayed frozen the whole time.
I did AB this morning. I seem to be doing it more often than I remember. I apparently did it earler this month too. It is still very hard, but getting easier. So much get-down-on-the-floor work. That's the killer part.
I have a split pea with ham in the slow cooker. Been going for several hours. The house smells so good.
Jean, I watched L!fe Happens on Netflix yesterday. Have you seen that? It was very good. I pressed pause so many times that I could have enjoyed it a lot more. I love Kate Bosworth's character! She makes no apologies for who she is! That Krysten Ritter is such a cutie. With those huge gorgeous eyes.
I would love to go through your boxes of stuff! I'd be in heaven!
Does that mean you're not moving in the spring?
Selecting materials for a new house--dream come true!
I agree with you that our Carolyn does indeed have a way with words!
Carolyn, I'm so sorry for your friend's husband! What an unfortunate accident! Hope he's not disabled from it!
Want to hear of your bargains when you get back from shopping with mom!
Sorry, don't watch Homeland either.
How does one's pelvis become off by 1"? How does the patella come out of alignment??
Sorry about the TMI but don't you also use Tampax etc? I couldn't live without it!
Colleen, good job getting to the root of your malaise yesterday! Meds are full of bad side effects! I hope your stomach settles down until your appt.
It's so nice for you to join that adopt-a-child program. I did that through our elementary school in the past. Did you hear of that NYC rookie cop buying a high-quality pair of boots and thermal socks for that homeless barefoot man in Times Sq? Brings tears to my eyes each and every time I hear it!
Missy, now that you're all done shopping and decorating, you can just enjoy December!

I love Xmas movies but every year I forget to watch them.
Becky, hi there. Thanks for updating us on you, your workouts, and dad. You are to be commended for taking care of an ailing parent. No one ever pats you on the back for that.
Enjoy knowing dad's recovering and you're all home together.
Hey Marie! Hope all is well with you and your little man.
I'm freezing. Time for afternoon tea! (It's such a darling custom, I'm trying to remember it daily. Except I have a cafe mocha
