STS first time!

Zippity---Be careful and watch the bite!!!

Carolyn---Thanks! I took a before photo in my bikini. Would not want anyone to see that!!!:confused: But, I did take another one in a bikini a few weeks back and compared, and OMG.... what a difference. I didn't realize I was that fat before. I guess what I am saying is when you look in the mirror you don't see the issues but when you look in a picture it's there!!! I am so excited to be fit again!!!! I am addicted to Cathe!!! That's all I can say!!!

Well, off to dinner and when I return its Disc#12.

OMG...what am I going to do with no weight lifting next week? I think the weights are my friend now!!! hahaha:p

I think I will stick with the LIS DVD's. Do you think the trisets DVD is okay on the off week?
Oh my gosh Zippity! I don't know much about spider bites but isn't the brown recluse one of the poisonous ones? You said it was a little one not much worry? We don't get too much of that around here thank goodness!! Take care!
Congratulations on your continued weight loss Missy!!! That's so amazing and you seem to enjoy working out so much too! I think it's so much more challenging for people to lose the weight when they just really hate and dread working out. When it's fun and your addicted (in a good way!!) then it's not a chore! :D
Carolyn I'm sorry I've become your enabler!:D;) It really is a great workout though!
Time to work on dinner, plus my daughter is like "mama help me button my pants!" This girl changes clothes multiple times througout the day!:confused:
I agree with everything Colleen said about Cardio Supersets, that and AB are my favorites from the series. Its great for when I don't have as much energy as needed for AB, and the 20 minute bonus workout added on is perfect.

I wasn't sure what workout to do today because my arms were hanging by my sides like limp noodles. I looked up Cathe's STS/Shock Cardio rotation and she had CCC the day after disc 13. That is a tough one and I do not reach for it too often, but I did it and now my DOMS are much better. I think I needed a little blood flowing in those muscles.

Missy, I am so impressed with your weight loss and how you keep up your workout schedule. Your hubby sounds sweet!

You ladies are way ahead of me in the STS rotation, but I think I will do the STS/LIS rotation after this. STS is the first rotation I have done, I usually would do whatever I felt like that day. Now I like having the workouts planned out for me.

I am hoping to do Disc 14 tomorrow, but with the time change and my daughters having full day volleyball tournaments on Sunday, I'm not sure I will get to it. I'm a little afraid after the DOMS I got yesterday!

Have a great weekend all!
Just a quick check in. I'm super busy today with stuff so I won't be able to keep coming on here all day:eek:! Withdrawal!
Today was my rest day and tomorrow I can start up with Meso 3!! YIPEE! I'm really starting to loathe the rest weeks.:eek:
Missy- I meant to say something about your awesome hubby sending you flowers. Tell him he's got a thumbs up from "the girls"!;)
Okay, I gotta go already. Talk to you guys later!
Good evening ladies! I went shopping today after I did 1 hr cardio and Ab Circuits!!! I went to Sports Authority and they had an awesome sale. I got several athletic outfits. So excited!!! They were a size smaller!!!

Thanks to all of you girls for saying my husband is sweet. :)

Mary---I am only a few discs behind you, so we can do the LIS/STS rotation together.

Hope everybody's injuries are okay!!! Sometimes your body needs to rest even though we do not want to. When I hurt my left shoulder a few weeks back, I had to not lift any weights for a week with that arm. Now its A O'kay!!

I am off to do Cardio Super Sets!!!! Wish me luck with those discs!!!
Hey girls!
I just finished disc 25 chest and back. I had to up some of my weights toward the end so my 1 RM is still off some!:mad: I feel like I didn't challenge myself as much as I could have...but we'll have to see how the DOMS settle in tomorrow. Maybe I'm wrong! I decided just to use dumbells for the chest presses and incline chest press because I just don't feel safe using a heavy barbell for those, so I'll be sticking to that for Meso 3. I also use a stability ball for the incline since I don't have a bench I can incline. I actually use the cedar chest we keep at the end of our bed for a weight bench!:p I feel like I could still use some cardio so I think I'm going to do her Hiit 30/30. I just love that disc!

Score on the risers Betty! I want to say I saw the topper was for sale by itself on Cathe's site, although you could probably get a better price if you shop around. I can't wait to get my cardio club step...and the turbo tower...and now I think I need to buy heavier dumbells! I was even looking at a heavier weight vest (the one I have is only 8 lbs)! The quest never ends, I swear!!
Carolyn that's so crazy how people are spending more on ebay for those Les Mills discs than if they just bought it new! Some people are just dumb, I swear. Why the heck would you do that?? I suppose they just don't realize it's available elsewhere or something...or I guess they just didn't do the research and assumed they'd get a better deal on ebay?
I sure hope your tushie feels better soon! I totally consider Afterburn to be a lower body workout! I always get lower body DOMS from that one so I could see how that would be a lot after a leg day for sure! Don't feel bad about your eating this weekend either! You would be aghast at the food I consumed last night at my husbands work party!:eek: Ah well!

Last night actually turned out to be a lot more fun than I thought it would. Those plumbers get pretty rowdy though! They really put the beers down, let me tell ya! Then after dinner, most of the guys came over to our house to play pool and hang out...and they ended up staying until 3 a.m.! By 1:00 I was like, okay, I'm going to bed...please don't think I'm a bad hostess! Needless to say, we slept in really late this morning! Daylight savings didn't help in that regard, either!

Okay, I'm going to head to the bedroom and do 30/30...later girls!
Good Evening!! I have been so busy lately. I miss chatting with ya dut=ring the day. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Today, I have done 1 hr cardio, STS Kickbox, and I wash and waxed my truck! Oh and of course I did my normal Sunday food prep for the week. Now I am done for the day. Looking forward to taking a shower and getting ready for Army Wives!!!! :D

Jean---I like Cardio Super Sets.... I made it through last night. No I did not stop and take a break even though I wanted to!!!:eek: It is a tough one!!! But well worth it!!!

Betty---Awesome score on the risers. Check on,, and of corse ebay!!! I have seen them around. Good luck with that!!

Carolyn---your day sounds like alot of my up poop!!! I have horses so I know what it is like to shovel poop!!! hahah:eek: Hope your glutes feel better tomorrow so you can give it 100%. Everybody has to endulge in sweets from time to time. We are all human!!! :)

Colleen---Sounds like you had an awesome workout today!!! Keep it up!!! :)

Chat with ya later!!!:D
Jean--- We don't ride much. We had 3 horses for years and actually had to put one down the day after thanksgiving last year. (Which was one of the toughest things we have ever done) We miss him so much!!! :( So now we only have 2. One is not rideable because he has joint problems and if you exercise him alot he would be in alot of pain, he is our oldest so we just pamper him with love. My husband has had him since he was young, so he is just another member of the family. Our other horse is rideable, but we haven't rode since last summer. It is hard to do alot of things when it gets dark before you get home from work during the week and the weekend is chore time. (not enough time to do everything you want in a weekend). Spring is coming so maybe we will be able to ride again.

Oh... I was at a wall and finally busted through. I stayed at the same weight for 2 weeks. But, now I am on a roll again!!! Keep pushing yourself and the last 5 pounds will disappear!!!
Good Morning! I am struggling today with the time change. My alarm went off a 5:45---and I keep pushing snooze. I only got 40 minutes of cardio this morning! Looks like I will have to make up for it tonight. I am dragging my butt this morining!!!

Carolyn---Keep us informed about Les Mills. I use to take classes at the gym and liked it. But, I am more into working out a home. So I am interested. Hopefully it comes soon!!!

Hope everybody has a lovely day!!!:D
Carolyn--- I know about those nasty ticks. I live in an area surrounding plantations/woods. I am always checking my dog for ticks. If she goes in the woods she always gets them. As, for the weather. It has been very gloomy here the past few days. But the temp has been in the 70's. That is a plus. Just wish the sun would come out!!!

I am hoping for a nice and sunny Saturday! I have my 5k this weekend!!! So excited! :eek:
Carolyn---One low have you been running? I always run on the treadmill and I am curious as to how you like running outdoors? Is it something you have to start small with and work your way up? Thanks in advance! :)
Thanks Carolyn!!!

I have been outside playing with my dog and have been jogging a little and I am enjoying that. So, I thought I would soon start running in the evenings. Now that it is lighter longer I can try to sqeeze that in after dinner and before my Cathe workout a few days a week.

Betty! I'm so glad your liking Meso 2, too! Just be prepared for that hunger to strike.:eek: I found by increasing my protein calories (rather than just general calories from carbs/fat) it really helped tame the hunger monster. I put extra whey protein on my yogurt and oatmeal and also ate things like boiled eggs in the morning along with my oatmeal. Those growing muscles need it!;)

I'm so jealous of you girls who can run. In my head, I can picture myself running and loving it and getting that endorphin high...but the reality is totally different! My knees scream when I try to run and I just hate it!:( Thank goodness there are lots ways to exercise. I would love to be able to run though because it is such a simple way to get your cardio in!

Jean- I totally agree with are good to go at a size 4 girl! No need to lose anymore weight! You'll have to let us know when you do an LIS workout. I'm so excited for Cathe's new ones. I guess she was at a conference this week learning all kinds of new cool stuff!:eek:

No workout for me today. I'm not feeling DOMS so much so I know I can heavy up some more next time! Plyo legs is on the schedule tomorrow! Yay!
Have a great day everyone!
Hello everyone! :)

Sorry I haven't been posting very frequently, but this week has been definitely not typical-first I get a spider bite, which is healing nicely; then, I came down with the flu. Had a flu shot, but I know it's not 100% protection.

The major, earth-shattering news is that I have been looking at the two last discs to Meso 2 for almost a week and haven't been able to do them. :)

Missyt, congratulations on the weight loss! :)

Does anyone else do yoga? I've really started loving it, and have been on a buying binge-don't feel well enough to work out, so I buy workout videos instead...Rodney Yee, Byan Kest, Shiva Rea, and of course, Cathe. :eek:
Thanks Zippity!!!

I was wondering about you yesterday. I am glad to hear that your spider bite is healing. Hopefully you will feel better soon. At least you are thinking of exercising, hey...if you can't exercise you can shop!!!!! :p
Jean---just have 1 serving a day, and you will be okay!!! It is good to reward yourself for the hard work we all do!!! I feel the people that say they can't have it are the people that freak out and eat everything in site!!! So, it is good to have treats when you want them with moderation!!! Of course! :D

Well, I got home today and had a present on my doorstep!!! My Cathe order arrived!!! So excited, tryin to figure out which new workout I want to tackle today!!! Will let ya know afterwhile!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Hope everybody had a nice day. Enjoy your evening!
Zippity are you sure that flu wasn't really symptoms caused by the bite?

Yes, I tested positive on the influenza quick-test. However, until then I was wondering if it was all the same thing. I'm feeling better this afternoon and have only purchased one more yoga tape since my last post. :eek: No workout today; hopefully yoga tomorrow then back to sts the next day. :cool:

Marie, I don't know you well but CONGRATULATIONS! Such wonderful news! :D I had horrible nausea the first 12 weeks, then it magically went away. Hopefully, your nausea will resolve soon. :)
Holy Crap Marie!! Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!:D You are in for quite a journey! Baby is steering the boat for awhile now:p. I remember when I was pregnant being slightly freaked out at how my body changed without feeling in control of it...but it's all good! It didn't even bother me that much but it was a little freaky knowing that I wasn't in charge! Your body will eventually be yours again!;) The best part is when you start to feel baby inside moving's the most amazing yet weird feeling ever! Like Jean reason to quit STS ever!:eek:

Zippity- thank goodnes the spider bite is healing well! We don't get too many spiders but the ticks...oh the ticks around here! Carolyn, do you guys get a lot of Lyme's disease cases around there? Literally 3/4 of my immediate family have had Lyme disease at one time or another...including me and my husband! Luckily, we all got it early enough to get the antibiotics to clear it up but some people are not so lucky. If it isn't caught right away it becomes this horrible, chronic disease that affects the nervous system and often causes terrible arthritis as well. It's pretty much an epidemic around here so we have to be very careful to check whenever we're outside hiking and stuff.
As far as yoga dvd's...I love yoga and used to do it more often but I've been terrible about it lately. I'm also extremely picky about which yoga dvd's I like. I'm terrible about buying tons of yoga dvd's and only liking about 1/4 of them! I like it athletic, but it has to be well done with good cueing...not too fast but not too mystical stuff or at least very little. I like mostly standing work over floor work too. I'm afraid I wasn't to crazy about Cathe's Yoga Max, although I did like the yoga relax. I liked Shiva Rea in concept and her production values are gorgeous but she uses the sanskrit names when cueing and she's just too mystical for me, unfortunately. I know what you mean about buying stuff when you aren't in the mood to workout. Something about acquiring new workout dvd's totally inspires me to get back to it!:eek:

Enjoy Drill Max Missy! That's one of my favorites! I always save that one for Sundays when I have lots of time to workout since it's pretty long. I don't take advantage of premixes nearly enough!

Time to get Lydia out of the bathtub! Girl's been in there awhile singing away!:D

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