STS first time!

Hello, everyone! :)

Carolyn, LOL at the Snowbank Plyo; no wonder you've got DOMS!

I'm a few days behind with posting...Sunday was STS Disc 20 Legs; yesterday was LIS Athletic Training and 3 mile Leslie Sansone dvd...Note to self...NEVER do LIS Athletic Training the day after STS Legs ever, ever again. Ouch! :eek:
Today's work out was Jillian's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. I love that one! If only she would make more like this one! I bought a lot of her dvd's when I first started working out but, for me at least, it seemed the more she put out the worse they got. Her early ones seemed to be the best to me (not the ones under the Biggest Loser name, I don't have any of those so I can't comment on them).

I went to do some stretches today and realized my flexibility is going downhill! I used to love doing yoga and pilates but those kinds of workouts have been really pushed aside lately. I went to do that one stretch where you cross one leg over the other while standing and try to reach toward the floor...well I used to be able to touch the floor doing that one! Now my fingers sort of dangle way above the floor and I know if I try to touch the ground I'll be forcing it, which isn't good! Must make time for yoga!:eek: I swear, there are just not enough hours in a day or days in the week to fit everything I want to do in!

Be careful on your runs Carolyn!! We don't want you getting hit by a car!! I'm always paranoid when I drive when those people that are running or biking or something that I'll hit them accidently. Yes indeedy, I see danger around every corner!:eek:

Zippity- you inspired me to do Athletic Training tomorrow! I am having such a tough time deciding what to do this week...but I think that one will fit the bill tomorrow! Maybe I'll just do the leg cardio express though...

Missy- good job passing up the candies! It's not easy when you are really craving something! My son loves Easter candy. One Easter, I tried to take his basket away but then later that day discovered he had found it. I opened the door to his room and he was devouring his chocolate like a rabid animal. He literally looked at me like one too! I was like, whoah kid! Okay, give me the basket...but don't bite me!!:eek::eek:

Gotta go! Later girls!
Wow! I just ran to GNC while I have time between patients and it's 63 degrees outside! Crazy, I tell ya! It's actually cooler here in my exam room than it is outside!:)
Missy, it is so funny that I just read about you avoiding buying Robin's Eggs. They're my favorite Easter candy, too. I was also a brave girl today and didn't buy any. Hoorah for us!

Carolyn, I'm not the one to ask about dieting since I am overweight. IMO, I think you could eat more, especially since you are in meso 3. I read somewhere in the STS forums about someone who cycled their diet with the mesos (?sp?), eating more during meso 3. I'm not sure why your ticker isn't working. If you are using the rotation calendar icon, it should. I read something about updating the ticker if you are not using a rotation, but you have to manually update it everytime by cutting and pasting. I'll have to figure out how to do that so I can switch out plyo legs for squat rack.

zippity, thanks for the warning about AT following legs. Can you still walk? :eek:

Colleen, I hear you about not enough time to do all the workouts you want. Everytime someone mentions any workout, I think, that sounds great..I wanna do that, too! My flexibility wasn't that great, but is probably a little worse now, since I don't even do the extended stretches at the end of STS. :eek:

I'm going for disk 23 today and plan on #24 tomorrow. That would put me into my rest week this week instead of next. Depending how these next few days go, I'll see if I want to do meso 3 x6 days a week. I have family visiting at the end of April/beginning of May. I'm trying to see how I could pyramid back down with STS and have my rest week then.

Well, I just finished disk 23 and tried to muster up the willpower to do the extended stretch. I did about 2 minutes and then fizzled out. Maybe I should try doing a segment of stretch max instead. However, right now I'm just going to dissolve into a pool of sweat! :eek::eek:
Good evening!!!

Colleen---Thats too funny!!! Easter candy is a must for all ages. We just have to learn what a serving is!!! haha:)

Carolyn---So what did you eat this afternoon/evening?

I did MMA: Kickbox and 75 minutes of cardio. I am reached 30,000 steps again!!! Thought I would never see that again. :p

I have a 5K next weekend. So excited! Wish you girls lived closer and we could do it together!!! :)

Good night! Chat with ya tomorrow!:D
Today was Athletic Training leg cardio express premix. I love that it is such an intense sweat fest in only 35 minutes! Perfect!
I'm already missing weights!

Carolyn- your eating sounds wicked healthy! Now I feel like I need to step it up!:eek: I definitely think my wine habit and my love of carbs and all things salty keeps me from having six pack abs! Well, that and the stretched out/post pregnancy skin that never quite snapped back! I posted about that on VF one time, and this one lady was like "yeah, never look down while doing plank!!"LOL Sometimes I think about cutting out alcohol completely for a few months just to see what it does for me, but then I think "Nah, I like it too much!". I'm not a soak or anything, but I do enjoy a glass probably 3 times a week or so. During the summer I really love a cold beer...and not the crappy Bud lite but the full calorie microbrews. I've really been into Shock Top beer the past few summers (it's a white ale similar to Blue Moon if anybody knows that one). You gotta live right? My hubby is pretty happy with my body and I'm fairly satisfied with it these days. I think I've got a decent balance going betweeen taking care of myself with diet and exercise while still enjoying the things I like. As far as work out time, I usually do an hour or slightly less a day. It's either strength or cardio (or circuit before I started STS). I have to get up early and do it or else I totally don't have time! If I had the time though I'd totally love to do more...maybe not two hours but definitely 75-90 minutes! I love working out! It makes me so dang happy!

Jean- Speaking of exercise making me happy, I was thinking about your post and cardio. I swear, even if cardio didn't have any other benefit I would do it solely for the warm, fuzzy and calm feeling I get afterwards! It is such an amazing stress buster, isn't it? I do love the weights though! I love feeling so strong!!

Betty- the italic are above right next to the bolded "B". You press the I then put your word in between the two symbols. Oh crap- they just handed me a patient file! I got more to say! LOL Okay, it's not so much the working out that is taking a lot of time but posting on the threads! I love it too much to stop though! You guys totally keep me motivated! TTYL!
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Good Afternoon! I have been slammed today! I did do my morning cardio.

Carolyn---I also enjoy wine. I think as long as its not the whole bottle we will be fine. Plus, doctors says 1 glass a day is okay!!! As for your eating, you have the "clean" eating down!!! Way to go!!!

Jean---The Biggest loser---I was so hoping she would go home, but NO. We are stuck with her for another week.

Colleen---Don't you just love AT---I do! I can't wait for the new ones!!! I also LOVE cardio---I feel like it part of my day. Not really exercise. It gets me up and moving in the morning!!!:D

Gotta go...Be Back Later!!!
Hi Everyone,
Its my rest week, but it feels kind of strange not to be lifting any weights. I've done a few days of yoga, and cardio. Today I did a circuit class on my lunch hour with very light weights. My eating has been out of control this week, don't know why. I also enjoy a glass of wine in the evening, we should not have to give that up!

Carolyn, your eating looks great. With all of that heavy lifting, I would think you could even eat more protein.

Missy, sounds like you are doing great with those cardio sessions.

I am looking forward to starting Meso2. I looked ahead to my next workout card and it had some weird weights on it, like 53 and 38 for my barbell. I bought some 5 lb adjustable ankle weights a while ago and thought I would take out some of the weights to make 3 lbs and just strap it to my barbell. When I looked at the ankle weight, it has 6 weights in it instead of 5. WTH? How did you all adjust for the odd numbers?
Mary I did the same thing with my barbell and my 1 and 2 lb wrist weights. I just wound them around the barbell when I needed a little extra/odd weight. However, I didn't always follow the exact weight called for on the sheet. Sometimes I would just round down, or sometimes up if I felt I could handle it. I sometimes viewed the workout sheet as a guide and sometimes as gospel.:p I especially went lower on the chest exercises...I just don't feel safe doing some of those without the tower. I can not wait to get one! Hopefully soon! I totally got uncontrollably hungry when I started Meso 2! I found if I just increased my protein I was okay. It's like your muscles are crying out for it!

Time for dinner! Later girls! :)
You ladies are too funny about the recipes. I like getting recipe recommendations from other people, but I too think the pictures they post always look gross and have never tried one!
Okay, I did something extremely dumb today. I keep having to remind myself that kettlebells and STS do not mix. Then the little devil on my shoulder keeps saying, oh just do it... it will be fine. Just make sure it's cardio! Well, I tried to sneak in a kettlebell workout today and it was a big mistake! I put in Bob Harpers kettlebell cardio shred. Little did I realize that I'm not conditioned for the kettlebell stuff anymore. I grabbed my 20 lb bell for swings. I started off fine but then he goes to 1 handed swings which are a lot tougher with a 20 lb bell, then back to two that point I felt my mid back go.:(:eek:. I think I strained my lat muscles on both sides. I stopped immediately...I've never hurt myself with kettlebells before! I put ice on it, then took ibuprofen (for inflammation) and magnesium (for muscle spasm). I also stretched some. I don't have to go into work until 11:00 so I may try to do a yoga workout to stretch myself out some more. I feel like such an idiot!
When I do get back to kettlebells eventually I'm going to have to start out with lighter weights I guess, like when I first started with them.:(

Yup, kettlebells and STS do not mix...sorry you got hurt. :( I did Bob Harper's Total Body Transformation yesterday, which has a kettlebell-type swing segment, and my tendonitis just erupted in both forearms. I taped them and continued, but no more kettlebells until STS is over! :confused:

I've already finished STS for this week; was hoping to do the next 3 discs then take next week off for spring break, but my body isn't listening-it wants a rest or yoga day. :eek:

We've hardly even had winter this year. All the trees are blooming or showing new green, and the temp was 75F yesterday. Nice! :eek:
Oh man, we are all a mess today! I feel better at the moment, although that could be the ibuprofen talking! I did Jeanette Jenkins Power yoga, well most of it anyway since that one is so darn long! I actually had to take breaks throughout it. My back felt better getting those long yoga stretches, but it is a pretty intense work out in itself. She does this one move called a is a tough one to hold! I actually held it the whole time though which is a first for me, usually I come out of it early! I'm glad I had the time to do yoga today since the stretches really seemed to help. We'll see tomorrow how sore and/or stiff I feel. I was totally intending to do a long, intense workout tomorrow too!:( I take every other Friday off and that's really the one time when I can do a super long work out without anyone distracting me! I guess we'll have to see how I feel.

Zippity I'm so sorry about your tendonitis! Boy, we both got kicked in the rear from a Bob workout! I love him, but now I'm nervous to do that dvd again. I'm thinking I might have to hide my kettlebells from myself to prevent temptation...although this back thing may have finally cured me of that!

Carolyn- I'm so sorry about your neck and hip too!! I do that a lot with my neck where I sleep on it wrong and it totally screws me up. I actually found a great chiropractor that helps me when I do that. If it's been a few days and it's still hurting I'll go see him and it immediately feels better. I don't know if it's a pinched nerve or what when that happens. I do this thing when I sleep where I put one arm up over my eyes and forehead and sleep that way...bad for the shoulder and neck though so I'm constantly fighting myself to put the dang arm down! As far as the hip, do you think it's still that same thing from before, maybe getting aggravated?

As far as ants...boy I hope we don't get them this year! I have a bad feeling though due to the warm winter we will. We also get those nasty asian you guys ever get those? Man, they smell bad too! I also heard the mosquitoes will probably be bad this summer from the mild winter too.:( We have such a bad mosquito problem in our back yard as it is! I can hardly work in my vegetable garden come July it's so bad! That's when I usually let the weeds take over!:eek:
Later girls!
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Good Morning ladies! Sorry I wasn't around yesterday!!! Super Busy!!! I did my carido and B&G yesterday!!!! I absolutely love B&G!!!!

Today I did my moring carido and am off to work. Oh, I got sucked into the daily deal!!! Drill Max!!! So excited!!!

Chat later, have to go to work!!! TGIF!!!!:eek:
Hi Everyone!

I decided to post while I can still move my arms. I started Meso 2 today. All I can say is 'OW'! My weights for chest were way too heavy, although I think I was doing them at the end of Meso 1. But my form was suffering so I had to drop down. Then my shoulders felt fried before I even got to the shoulder exercises! At least I know I went to failure. And I even did the extended stretch today because I was sore before the workout even ended! I think I'll see how the next workouts go before I modify my 1RMs in the workout manager. Still, a great workout, I never push myself this hard when I do Cathe's other weight workouts.

I hope everyone's injuries are temporary.

We usually get those big ants in the spring. I have also heard the bugs are supposed to be really bad this year because of our mild winter.

Off to shower, have a great day!
Hey MaryK! I remember noticing after my rest week that the weights seemed extra heavy. I know the rest week is supposed to help with recovery and we shouldn't be losing strength that fast but I really thought I did lose a little strength! That first week of Meso 2 is killer! I had major DOMS that week:eek:! It comes back fast though. I believe Cathe knows what she's doing when she says to take a recovery week but boy is it hard to stay away from the weights!
Which brings me to my, ahem, mistake yesterday...:eek: My lats and back feel better although my back was pretty stiff and sore when I got out of bed this morning. It seems to be better as I move around though. I think the measures I took yesterday made all the difference and I'll be okay. I even think I'll be okay to do cardio supersets today. I know that one has some light weights in it but I'm going to keep them below 8 lbs for sure. I'm so bummed about the kettlebell thing. It's weird how different training methods make you strong in some ways and not others. It will feel weird swinging a 15 lb bell again when I start back up with kettlebells but I know the endurance will come back quickly. I was up to swinging a 25 lb bell before and was thinking about getting a heavier one but I guess that won't be necessary for awhile!;)

Missy I love B&G too! Cathe's lower body workouts rock!:eek:
Later girls!
Oh Carolyn you would totally love Cardio Supersets! I just did that one today and that one, along with Afterburn and Athletic Training are my absolute favorites from LIS! CS is really similar to AB except it takes the intensity down just a bit. It's a lot of fun actually with slightly less dread factor than AB. The bonus step segment is awesome and really similar to the step segment in AT. It's doable for those of us with two left feet! I like to do the premix that is the base workout plus the step portion and it comes in at a little over an hour. Sometimes if I have less time I'll do the shorter premix with the step section which is about 47 minutes I think.

I was thinking we could start another thread in the check in's and challenges section after we're all done with STS. Maybe call it STS graduates, but can't let it go...or something like that! LOL I'm going to keep incorporating STS too and try that modified pyramid I mentioned before so I could still check in with you guys. I do the LIS workouts all the time! I'm so addicted...I have to do at least one a week and sometimes I'll do two. Alot of my other workouts are getting neglected because I'm always grabbing my Cathe workouts! I can't wait to do her two new ones too since they will be somewhat similar to AT and AB!
Okay, time to get in the shower. TTYL!
Good Afternoon Girls!!!

I have missed chatting these past few days. I have been so busy at work. My check out girl has been on vacation and I had to fill in for her. So crazy at that desk. I like being in my office. I look forward to Monday just so I can get back to my desk. hahaha

I did my cardio this morning!! Of course!!! hahaha:D

Oh....check out my weight loss ticker!!!!
My husband was so sweet. He sent me flowers today, He is loving this new me!!! So confident and sexy!!! As we all are and should be!!!:p

STS DVD#12 today. and then I have a rest week. I am going to miss STS. But meso 2 is coming and I am excited!!!

Carolyn---I would do the STS/LIS rotation. I am looking forward to that.

Jean---I too get think to thread is so motivating, I look forward to checking in with everyone and seeing what ya'll are doing for workouts as well. I really hope we can all stick together on some thread.

Gotta go---More patients. Looking forward to 5 oclock!!!

Chat later!!!:D
Hello, everyone! :)

Cokonkel, I think it's the fatigue in the muscles that cause the strain when you do kettlebells. When you start lifting heavy, you also have to really honor and respect the rest/recovery period. All those micro-tears have to heal, and kettlebells just aggravate the tears.

I have a spider bite on the back of my leg. :eek: Dh and I caught the little rascal (may he rest in peace) the other day trying to climb on his shirt when he got out of bed. It was a juvenile brown recluse, so I'm not worried about getting one of those horrid, necrosing wounds, but it sure does ITCH. :mad: I'm really, really meticulous about doing all the things to keep spiders out of the bed, but the little ones can come down from the ceiling or wall or can hitch a ride on a pillow or blanket if it gets thrown on the floor. We have an 8 year old, so blankets get dragged around sometimes. Usually I grab them and throw them in the wash, but I don't catch everything.

The main thing I"m worried about is missing STS Legs tomorrow. :eek: Might have to. :(

Today was Disc 22 Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. Lots of push-ups today, and I"m finally strong enough to do every single one with good form and keep up with the dvd. Whee! :cool:

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