STS first time!

Jean---I ordered---4 day split, drill max, low impact circuit, and body max 2. I bit the bullet when Drill Max was on sale---so I could use the 20% discount and free shipping!!! I did 4 day split kickbox tonight....and I am in LOVE!!!! It almost killed me...but I got through it and I feel amazing!!! This week is my rest week from I am just doing DVD's--no weights or light weights. I do miss STS...but I am enjoying the freedom of doing what I want!!! :D

I was thinking of ordering the Hardcore series while the sale was on but not sure! I just spent $100 last week. I am addicted to DVD's...what can I say. Do you think it is a good series?

My husband, is so supportive. He told me last weekend he was very proud of me and if I needed anything to buy it. I am So lucky to have a wonderful and loving husband. Most of my local friends don't have anything close to supportive. So I do not take him for granted. I hope your men as the same!!!! Sounds like they are in recent discussions.... :)

Have a lovely evening!!! Got to go to bed as it is very late!!! This time change is kicking me in the butt!!! :(
Good Morning ladies!!! Just finished my morning cardio!

Marie, Make sure you stick with your walking!! I use to work at an OBGYN when I lived in Florida and they always told patients that better shape you are in the easier delivery. :) Good luck with your journey! Keep us up to date!!

Off to work, check back later!!!

OH.....Colleen---we made it---100 pages!!! :eek:
HATE HATE HATE working my abs!:mad:

omg that was so hilarious!:D Those two posts right after each other made me laugh out loud!:p I have been bad about squeezing in abs too! I used to love working my abs. Then I went from a lot of core focused workouts to tons of lower body/leg focused ones and my attention sort of got away from the ab stuff. Now I'm weaker there again! :confused:

I did Plyo legs today too! I was a bit frustrated though because I slept in today and had to squeeze in that workout. I felt rushed and didn't really properly warm up or cool down and stretch after. Now I just sort of feel off kilter and somewhat unsatisfied with my workout experience today!:( I wasn't paying attention to my form during one sequence since I was sort of hollering to the kids to get up for school (they are totally sleeping in this week too...dang daylight savings!). I was somewhat distracted when I went to do the box jumps...I know, stupid!:eek: You totally need to be focused on what your doing with those! I sort of twisted an ankle on the way down at one point. It wasn't bad enough that I really hurt myself. My ankle feels fine right now and after a minute of sort of checking myself I finished the workout. It sort of freaked me out though, like I totally should have known better! Sigh. I guess there's always tomorrow!:cool:

Now I don't have any patients for a little I may do a little stretching back here in my office!

Good luck with your physical Jean! I'm sure your going to pass with flying colors since you are totally in good shape. I bet your doctor is going to be impressed!;)

Later girls!
Jean- I'm so sorry about your brother-in-law. Illness is so draining on a family. I feel bad for your sister. Does she like to workout too? It would probably really help with her stress. It's so easy to neglect yourself when you are taking care of other people! We women are infamous for that!:(

As far as my working out in the morning...I know it's so ridiculous how I work out while the kids are getting ready! I try to get their breakfast and clothes situation all set up so they can get ready without me...but that's only if they get those little bodies moving! Daylight savings is killing it this week because we are all still sleepy...although today it was better. It was nice today because I didn't have to rush Lydia to 4K after getting Dylan on the bus since it was some kind of workshop day or something for the teachers.
I was so much better last year getting up to work out in the morning! I would get up with Mark at 5:30 and be working out by 6:15...this year I've been sleeping until 6:15 and can't get my butt to start working out until 7:00 a.m.! Every day I think, you can do it...just get up with Mark. Then morning comes and the snooze button it is!:eek:

Today I did Afterburn! I know, I know...crazy after Plyo legs yesterday! I really felt up to it though and I really needed to do something from the LIS series. I go through withdrawal if I don't do either AT, AB or CS once a week!
Luckily I feel fantastic and thoroughly worked out!:D I also really felt the need to "burn that butt"! I know the rest week is only 7 days but I swear I felt my lower body getting mushy!:confused:

Carolyn- did you get your run in? It's beautiful here's supposed to get up to 75 degrees and it's sunny!!

Time to get to work! TTYL
Betty we must have been posting at the same time! My ankle is okay today. It was really more of a stumble and I managed to catch myself before really twisting it, thank goodness. It was really more the adrenaline "oh crap!" feeling I got that freaked me out and made me pause a bit! That is one move you simply can not be distracted while doing! So dumb!:eek:

I really wish Jeanette would put out another power yoga dvd! Hopefully it would be alot shorter though. That dvd is just so long I rarely do the whole thing! I prefer my yoga to be between 30-45 minutes max. I usually just do the "power flow" chapter and call it a day, although sometimes I'll do the end stuff too since there are some good hip openers there. When you do decide to start purchasing again (I know, I'm on a self-imposed freeze right now too!), you should also check out YogaWorks Body Slim dvd. It had a few mixed reviews on collage but I found that one to be right up my alley. Good flow, athletic style, not too long. It's great! Sorry to be a total enabler!:eek:

Jean- you watch the Walking Dead! I love it!:p I was suprised to see that ending too! Shane was getting pretty dangerous for the group though! I'm a fan of Rick...something about that guy. Did you know the guy who plays Rick is actually British??

Next patient should be here any second...better get to work!
Good Afternoon Ladies!!!! It is so nice and sunny out today and I am stuck in my office!!!! Can't wait till I get off so I can enjoy it!

I did my cardio this morning, and I am feeling better from this time change! Yesterday I was so tired, I went home cooked dinner, ate, went and got 20 bales of hay (horses), stacked them in the barn, came home worked out, took a shower and went to bed. Slept so good. I think I am back!!!!

Can't wait for next week so I can start meso 2!!!! I so miss the weights!!! Didn't think I would ever say that!!! :eek:

Carolyn---Hopefully Fed Ex gets to you before you leave. I am so excited for you!!! Can't wait for your reviews!!

Did you guys watch Biggest Loser last night? Now they are singles...thank god!!! Hopefully sooner than later Conda will get the ax!!!

Gotta Go! Be back later!! :p
Carolyn I was totally thinking of you when I decided to do Afterburn today! I was originally going to do a Jari Love dvd (cardio only premix) but AB kept calling to me! I really really wanted to do it, but I hesitated because of what happened to you! I felt pretty good though, and I only had slight DOMS from the Plyo legs workout. I think it was because I wasn't so focused on it so I didn't really work it as I hard as I usually do. I usually try to go as low as I can with lunges/squats and I felt like yesterday I was really phoning it in. Also, with the weights I kept missing a few reps in the beginning because I was calling out to the kids all the time! I feel much better about my workout today!

As for Walking Dead...oh my, I third the Lori dislike!! Mark and I can't stand her! When she was driving the car and hit that zombie we were like "could she be any dumber??". I kept hoping the zombie would eat her! LOL The guy with the bow is Darryl. He is my absolute favorite character on the show. I don't know how he can be so sexy when he is so dirty and grubby all the time!!:p I think if they kill him off I just may have to stop watching!

I hope the FedEx man gets there today Carolyn. I hate it when they require signatures too. What a hassle! Just leave my package, dang it!

Wow today is a lot more active on the board than yesterday! :)
Jean---throwing hay bales is exhausting! (20) 50 pound bales. I have been doing it for so long and it is still exhausting! Thankfully I only have to do it every 2 1/2 weeks. As for Conda---I thought it was sweet but I sure did not want her to get the shopping trip!!!! She is a big...did I say BIG girl!!!! She has alot more to go!

Looking forward to this evenings workout!!!

Be back later!
Good Evening!

Carolyn---thats great! I get super excited when any fitness order arrives! Its like a kid at christmas! Happy previewing!!! Hope it is everything you expected! Let us know what you think of the system. :p

Well, I just finished Drill Max and can I say.... I thought she was going to kill me!!!!! It was amazing! Cathe keeps surprising me with every workout! :D

Now off the water the plants before it gets dark.

Be back later!! :D
Cool Carolyn! You'll have to let us know what you think. I've been curious about this one. People talk about it on VF but I didn't really follow the threads. Now I'm curious since you have it!

We had Chinese take out for dinner! Not exactly low fat or low sodium tonight!:eek: I tried the curry chicken though and it was delish! I also had the hot and sour soup. Two spicy things...I was sweating like I was doing a Cathe workout!:eek:
Marie, Congratulations! How exciting! I remember being so tired during the first trimester, but after that I felt great. Keep working out and listen to your body.

I finished the first week of Meso 2 and I loved it! My weights were right on for legs and back and bis, but seemed too high for chest so I'll keep an eye on that for next time. On the down side, my eating has been out of control this week. I seem to be hungry all the time and snacking constantly, not always on good things.

Its always exciting to get new fitness purchases. I've been checking the daily deals but I have most of the dvds already, I need more equipment. Do you all have the STS tower, or any tower? I really want to get that.

Have a great day! We had some beautiful weather but yesterday was cold and gloomy here. I am so ready for spring!
Good Morning! I did 45 minutes on the treadmill this morning! I am not feeling 100% today. I have drainage from all of this pine pollen (allergy) and my stomach does feel very well. :( I hope this crap i s gone by Saturday. (I have a 5k). :)

Good luck with your kitchen upgrades! I'm sure once it is installed it we be beautiful.

Be back later. :D
Hello ladies!
Cathe's on the Open Discussion forum! Yipee! I really hope she answers my question about sequels to some of her dvds. I swear, I'm getting so spoiled by her workouts I'm having a really hard time pulling other workouts off the shelf! I keep thinking I need to give some of my other ones some love but I lately I almost always change my mind and do a Cathe! I'm really hoping she puts out some more cardio with mixed impact. I'm running out of cardio only options on my off STS days...which is one reason I want to learn and tackle some of the step routines. was disc 27. I liked this one better than the chest and back on Sunday. I think it was because the weights on the sheet were spot on. I kept thinking I should be lifting heavier I wasn't quite getting out of it what I should have, but every time I'd try to up the weight by even a little it would be too much. I hate to say this, but so far I think I enjoyed Meso 2 more than this one. It could be because I feel off kilter from the daylight savings change. Hopefully I'll feel differently next week. I think I'm at a little disadvantage not having the turbo tower. I really wish I could have done those pull ups now. I can't wait until this dang tax season is over so I know if I can afford to get all the stuff I want. I'm probably going to get all this stuff at once since my wants are building! I've been eyeing the cardio club step, the turbo tower, a heavier weight vest and I need to get some heavier dumbells and weight plate for my barbell!!:eek: Plus I've got some of Cathe's step dvds on my wish list at collage!

Carolyn- I totally agree with you about being weirded out by strangers in the house alone. I can thank my mom for making me suuuuuper paranoid! Hopefully he gets his butt out of there soon! I hope the cabinets turn out nice.

Maryk- don't forget to up your protein intake to curb the hunger monster! I'm totally convinced that's the key!!

Marie- I feel like I'm living vicariously through you with your pregnancy! I hope you keep posting on your progress and give us updates. I don't know if it's because 40 is looming in October but I've been having baby fever lately! No more for us though...Mark took care of the birth control thing on his end.:cool:

Okay, gotta go ladies!
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Carolyn, too bad about the clips, yes they should overnight them to you. But congratulations on finishing STS, that is an accomplishment in itself and proves you are a strong lady! Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves. Maybe your husband or a friend notices the changes?
I'm here! LOL

No workout for me today. I was going to try and squeeze in MMA Kickbox but it just wasn't happening this morning.:( Busy day! I'm hoping I'll get done early with work so I can go grocery shopping and get home to do a workout before I pick up the kids but that may be too hopeful. My brother has himself on the schedule at 3:40 even though I don't have anyone else scheduled after 12:30! I could be done then but we can't get a hold of my brother to get him to come in early! Grrrr. Plus it's a free exam anyway and he's notorious about no showing! We'll have to see how this goes....;)
Good afternoon!!! I'm here. I had the day off today. I have been at the beauty salon all morning. Had to get my hair highlighted and cut!! Now I am ready for summer. Just got home! :D

Now I am cleaning the house. I still have to workout!

I have so much to do.
Just finished Afterburn!

I cleaned the entire house, baked a cake for my husband, exercised, and I am doing laundry!!!

Hope everybody has a lovely Friday!!!!!!!!! :D
Well, the workout didn't happen this never does if I try to do it any other time than the morning!:mad: I did manage to get a hold of my brother and convince him to come in another day though. We ended up taking a few walk ins though so I was still there until 2:30 today. I got groceries, which always takes me way too long. I'm one of those people who hates to shop so I try to do just one big grocery trip a month (sometimes I stretch it to 5 or 6 weeks!) so it winds up taking me 2 hours! I'm also a label checker...always looking at the ingredients and such. :eek:

Now we're just getting ready to grill some steaks while me and the hubby have a beer. :) The kids have been running around's insane how warm it was here today! At one point, the thermometer on my car said 82 degrees!:eek: Crazy!!

Hopefully tomorrow I'll get Gym style legs in...I may have to add on some cardio if I have time too. I feel like I've been eating waaaaay too many calories the past few weeks!:eek:

Oh, Marie I wanted to give you a tip on the stretch mark/belly thing. I always used coconut oil on my belly once, often twice a day and I don't have a single stretch mark. One thing I heard recently too is if you do dry brushing of your stomach before the oil it also helps prevent the loose skin that sort of can hang around after baby is born. I have that unfortunately (never look down while doing plank!!:eek:). Supposedly if you take a brush, you can buy them in stores, I got one at my food co-op but have seen them in places that sell skin care stuff, and you sort of brush the area to exfoliate the skin it stimulates the cells...or something. LOL You should google it maybe for better info than I can give!:eek:

Okay, check in with you guys later!
Good Morning Friends!!! :D

I just got home, I finished my 5K. I placed 67th out of 500. I think I did pretty awesome!!!! So pumped from the competition. :p

Hope you ladies have a fantastic day!!!

Be back later!

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