STS first time!

Thanks!!!! I am sure proud that I was able to do it!!!

I have another 5k scheduled in one month!!! Gotta keep up my training so I will do well in it! The one in April, normally there is average of 1,000 to 1,500 that participate! So excited!!!

My husband laughs at me because I get so pumped up for these races. It is the competitive side that comes out!!! hahaha :D

That is a wonderful accomplishment! I'm way too intimidated by stuff like that...well, plus I don't run!:p

I have to say, this nice weather is crimping my computer style! LOL I don't have much time to write since our company is already arriving for grilling out today. I did manage to get Cathe's Gym Style legs in today. Holy smokes, she's not kidding around on that one! This was my first time doing that workout since I got it with the preorder from the new upcoming workouts. I was going to try and tack on some cardio but there is a pretty good cardio effect with that one. Plus I was already sweating like crazy. Part of that was because we are trying to resist putting on the central air and it is actually hot out today! It's March for crying out loud! We just can't bring ourselves to put on the air.

I did stick in Michelle Dozois More Cardio Interval Burn and attempt the second block but I've just concluded I don't like that workout. She is just way too bouncy in that one. I like plyometrics and high impact but I don't want to to be like Tigger!!

Okay, I'm getting crap for being on here...:p better attend to those guests!
Colleen---have fun with your guests!

It has been in the 80's here all week. We have been running the air for several weeks now! It's really bad when the dog starts begging for us to turn the air on. Can you say spoiled? hahaha

My husband and I are making a homemade pizza tonight! after dinner, we are going into town where there is a small lake...we are going to go for a brisk walk together! So excited, its not often that he wants to exercise! Anyways, if you walk around the lake it is 1 mile! He said he would do 1 mile! He said he would bring his fishing pole and wait for me because i need to do several more laps!!! I'm crazy....I know!!!:p

Where is everyone? It has been quiet her today!

Hope you have a lovely evening! Be back later!
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Morning ladies!
Gonna tackle disc 28 today. I sure hope it goes better than last Sunday, but I'm afraid the chest exercises won't be as heavy as the program intended due to lack of a turbo tower. That's okay, though, we'll just see how it goes.
Last night was pretty fun. Grilling out, good friends, campfire out back...good times! This weather is so awesome. We just love having people over when it's nice out. My husband made a killer fire pit a few years ago and we have a nice big backyard to hang out. Even though we live in town, our backyard is pretty shielded with trees and stuff so it feels very private back there...almost like we live in the country! :)

Carolyn- I hope you're having a better day today! Did you get a run in this morning? Your kids are very lucky to have you at home!

Marie that sounds like you had fun last night! I hope you slept in this morning after staying up late. Get LOTS of sleep right a few months you won't get those ZZZ's for awhile!;)

Jean- it sounds like your sister really put you to work while you were visiting!:eek: At least it can count as exercise! I'm sure she appreciated all the help with the yard work too!

Okay, I gotta get some housework done.
The end in sight

I can't believe I'm about to start the final week of STS! I've never really accomplished anything like this before. When I'm finished I'll take a week off then I think I may do P90x again for something different (and finish it this time) In the Fall I think I'll come back and go at STS once more, probably with a barbell the second time (I've only been using dumbbells). It's been fun to watch all your progress along the way!

Missy, congrats on the 5K!

No workouts for me this weekend. Spent the weekend in western MA at my daughter's volleyball tournament. I did manage to get some walking in, between games. I need a good Cathe workout though, hope to get back on track with STS disc 17 later today.

Hope everyone has a great Monday!
Hello ladies!
Yesterday I did disc 28 chest and back. I'm still not loving the upper body discs in Meso 3 as much as I did with Meso 1 and 2. The shoulders, biceps and triceps one was okay. I think I like that one better because I can actually see the definition in my arms with working those muscle groups whereas with chest and back I don't feel as much instant gratification. The discs are sooo long (68 minutes for 2 muscle groups!) and when I'm done I still feel like I need to work out more! I took out Cathe's MMA Kickbox for some light cardio afterwards. I remember why I wasn't crazy about that one...combo 1 and 2 are good but I didn't like the twisty turny moves in combo 3. I also don't care for the drills in that one but I do like the core section. Soooo...despite working out for a long period of time I still felt like I wasn't thorougly "worked out" if you know what I mean!:(

Carolyn I'm glad you liked the workout you did from Les Mills! I'm looking forward to hearing more about that system. Keep us updated! Oh and I forgot to say before....Congratulations on finishing STS!!

Maryk I know what you mean about feeling like you need to get back on track...I've been totally off track when it comes to calories and portion sizes! I don't know's not hunger so much and I'm usually really good about portion control but I've been terrible the past few weeks! I feel like I need to do more cardio to offset my slip ups!

Hope we get more action on the boards today!:p TTYL!
Betty we were posting at the same time! Have fun on your walk later. Isn't this weather nuts? I feel so disoriented by how quickly it got warm...I still have the kids snowpants hanging up in the laundry room!:eek:

I forgot to ask before...anyone watch the Walking Dead season finale last night?? I always have such a tough time going to sleep on Sunday nights that we usually record that show and watch it later in the week (makes the insomnia even worse for some reason!). We just couldn't wait to watch it though! I have to say, I really really hate Lori! Why can't a zombie just eat her already?? I'm also not liking Carol. Why oh why is it so hard for show runners to make likeable female characters?:confused: It was awesome though and I'm really excited for next season!:D
I did a 30 minute outdoor bootcamp class at my work gym today. Boy that was tough, the instructor is a drill sgt (if we don't answer her she makes us do pushups, I was just trying to breathe). I am not acclimated to this warm weather yet. Then I managed Disc 17 when I got home, and I was able to do all my weights, but I am wondering how I will walk tomorrow! But I feel so good I got it done.

Marie, I am so excited to follow your pregnancy here.

This week is supposed to get really warm, I hope everyone can get out to enjoy the weather!
Thanks for all the encouragement! Its been an adventure so far :) So no workout today unless I can count that hour and a half nap I took haha! Off to bed for me!
My favorite Gym Styles is Back Shoulders Biceps, but the Ch&Tris and Legs slay me. All those pushups! Do you find Gym Styles any easier after completing STS?

Jean, congrats on your land purchase. I look forward to retiring on Cape Cod some day, but we have 3 college tuitions to take care of first!
Oh, you'll have to let us know when you've watched the Walking Dead so we don't spoil anything! I will say, Carolyn, that I know who the person is you were talking about and it's not anyone we've met yet. The show is based on a series of graphic novels (really just a fancy name for comic books;)). The stuff at the end hinted at what's to come. I haven't read the comics myself but I looked up stuff online about it...yes, I am that nerdy!:eek:

Today I did Kathy Smith's Power Step! I love that one, such an oldie but a goodie. Tomorrow will be Plyo legs. I don't know how I'm going to get through the rest of Meso 3...I'm already dreading the chest and back disc on Sunday. The shoulders, biceps and triceps one is okay and I'll be doing that either Thursday or Friday but I really don't like the chest/back ones. It's so long and it's just the same 2 exercises, repeated 4 times with the same weight...:confused:. I think partly it's the fact that I lack the turbo tower and incline bench. I couldn't really build up the strength with the pull ups or go heavy with the barbell, plus I hate having DOMS in my chest and back for some reason. It seems to bother my neck, which must mean I'm using my traps too much. I'm getting really whiny!:eek:

Jean- Congratulations on the land purchase! You must be so excited!

Carolyn- Yay for abs DOMS!

Marie- Getting that sleep???;)

Maryk- that bootcamp sounds scary! I don't think I could handle having someone yell at me like that. It's one thing when it's Jillian...I can always turn off the tv if it's too much!:p

Okay, better do something useful! TTYL
Look guys! I just graduated to Cathlete! Well, it must've been a few posts back but I just noticed it now! lol
Carolyn, I never watched the Talking Dead. I actually didn't realize what that was until the show was almost over. I do go online though and check out various fan forums, plus Entertainment Weekly does write ups on it. We are really slow today at work! Too much time on my hands!

Oh, also I ordered a cardio club step the other day! Mark called me at work and informed me he had just bought some car parts for his old camaro (he restored a 1969 Camaro and is obsessed with classic cars). I said, "Oh, so that means I can buy that step right?" Silence, and then "Oh fine!" Hee.
Now I just have to get that Turbo tower...
Hello all! :D

Hello! Sorry I've been gone for a week, but this flu thing really knocked me on my butt...I'm better, no fever, but the tanks still just aren't full yet, takes awhile to get the energy back. :eek:

Anyhow, since I missed a week of STS, I'm going to go back and repeat the last week of Meso 1 before moving on to Meso 3. If I can't get the groove back, I may just repeat Meso 2. Doesn't really matter where I am in the program, just that I"m getting stronger...

Last week I did a few sessions of yoga, and Sunday did LIS Tri-Sets Total Body Express with light weights. That's all. :eek:

Jean, congratulations on the land purchase! :D

Carolyn, I'm sooo jealous about your new counter! Our house is 18 years old and needs some work! :eek:

I've been eating organic for close to two years, and it's been complete sticker shock! :confused: Not to mention, the check out people always give me that cautious look reserved for crazy people when I show up with a cart of organic food! :eek: This is Alabama, after all. :eek: It's been a slow process, but now even my 18 year old prefers the organic milk, fruit, and meat. The hardest thing has been finding wild caught fish that's not insanely expensive, and frankly, I don't trust Gulf of Mexico fish and shrimp since the spill.

Today was a 3 mile walk outdoors in the 85F weather!!! :cool:
Good evening ladies!

I have been extremely busy at work and home! I had not had any time to get on the computer! I am still on the cardio wagon in the am and I started Meso 2 on Monday! Loving it!!!!:p

The weather has been lovely here. In the 80's. But the mosquitos are horrible. I think its becasue we really didnt have a winter to kill of all the bugs. I hope it will not be like this all summer! Can't stand the smell of mosquitto spray!!!

Off to fo Cardio Super Sets!!!

Be back later! :D
Good Morning!!!!

I got up this morning and did my hour of cardio!

I then had to go to Walmart and buy office supplies! I hate Walmart!!!!

Just got to work, so now I have to play catch up for next few hours. I am finally back in my office. So excited! I am done with covering for other employees. (for now)

Okay, be back later!!!

Oh, biggest loser update..... Conda can't win anything by herself. Her brother need to quit giving everything to her. She is such a pain!!!! :D
Afternoon ladies!
I did disc 29 Plyo legs today. Oh how I love those plyo discs!:D I have disc 30 down for tomorrow but I'm thinking I'll try to do it tonight or maybe Friday since I kind of want to do Afterburn tomorrow instead.

I'm tempted to skip the last 2 chest and back discs of Meso 3:eek:. My neck was just really bothering me after I did it on Sunday and I've developed a dread factor for those exercises. I went to the chiropractor yesterday and he fixed me right up! :) I don't know what I'm going to do in place of those though...maybe just a bunch of push ups and I'm starting to think I actually prefer the way kettlebell workouts work my back so I may do one on Sunday. I will probably try it with a lighter bell though just to be safe. Gotta work my way back to those particular workouts slowly I think!

Organic food... definitely expensive! It's so crazy! I find I will go through spurts where I buy organic stuff and then go awhile just getting the conventional stuff. It's so tough to shop super healthy. Before I met my husband I rarely ate red meat and never touched pork or sausage. The man insists on eating that kind of stuff and I can't really cook separate meals for myself and the kids only want the crappy stuff! I swear, my kids both like the most processed crap and when I cook healthy things they just pick at it!:mad: It's so frustrating!

Carolyn- I totally laughed at the 10 year old son missing the toilet thing...I have two boys in the house (7 and 42!) and they both seem to have trouble hitting the dang thing! What the heck is wrong with guys? It's not like it's a small target or anything!?

Zippity I'm glad you feeling better! Good to have you back! I would probably just do like your doing with STS and don't worry about going to heavy if it wears you out too much. Especially if you're just recuperating!

Marie- Whoo Hoo! Afterburn! That's awesome! You must be getting some of that energy back. Are you in your second trimester yet?

Jean- score on the Butts and Guts! Just remember to ease into it slowly!! I had CRAZY doms the first time I did that one so you might just wanted to do part of it at first! That's interesting about Lori and the Walking Dead. I'm really frustrated with how that character is written. She went all season acting like she hated Shane (after all, he tried to force himself on her in the season 1 finale!!) and practically asked Rick to kill him in the tent saying how dangerous he was...and then suddenly she's all nice to him right at the end? Ugh. I hate it. I don't know if the writers of the show want us to hate her so bad but I totally do!

Betty you're right...this nice weather is cramping the computer posts! Luckily I'm stuck at work right now. It's almost embarassing, but I have more time to be on here when I'm at work then when I'm at home! I'm constantly running around super busy when I'm at home.

Later girls!
starting STS first time ever on Monday

This week I've been doing my OMRs and will be stating STS on Monday. I have a decent set of dumbbell sizes but will be getting a bigger variation of barbell plates and also some magnetic incremental weights. And a weighted vest, and a squat rack someday. On and on, ha ha. At least I have enough to get started and as I get going I'll have a better idea of what I really need.

Oh, we don't have TV reception (by choice) out here in the country, so I hardly know what you guys are talking about with all the TV chat. :)
welcome huecotx! Have fun starting STS!

Well, I wound up doing disc 30 last night! Two workouts in one day, unusual for me! It was so hilarious too because my kids wanted to "work out" with me. Dylan picked up my 5 lb weights and Lydia had 3 lb'ers. It was so funny. Dylan kept saying "oh yeah! Feels good!" Then Lydia would copy him! They lasted about 20 minutes and then Dylan was like "whew! I need to take a break!". It was so much fun. At one point I went out during one of the one minute breaks to get some water and Dylan yelled out "MOM! Triceps!":p
Today I'm going to do Afterburn!:eek:

Have a great day ladies!
Hello everyone!

Finished Disc 18, I really felt my abs working when I did the one-arm rows. Probably a good thing, as I have really been neglecting my abs and cardio this week. Just not enough time!

When my kids were little they would sometimes exercise with me. It was a challenge to my patience, but they do grow up so fast so enjoy it while you can!

The other night my husband left the door open when he went out back to grill. So we got a house full of mosquitoes and my girls are covered in bites. Then this morning there were black ants in the kitchen, gross. I really like this warm weather but hate these bugs, its still only March!

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