Hello gals,
Nothing exciting going on. I did Tabatacise this morning and I must say I think I understand how one's feet get injured with all the pavement pounding. There was just so much jumping that I could feel my feet getting all messed up.

I can't afford to do this workout too frequently.

Then I whipped out B&G stab ball abs. I must remember to do B&G more often. It is an enjoyable one. Maybe this week, so at least I picked the separate bonus ab section.
Hey, Carolyn! I hear you on the trip planning. Very time-consuming and stressful. It was at the tip of my tongue to ask you if you had purchased airline tickets yet. That's the part I have to do first, before any hotel stuff. I can't tell you how much time I spent last year just watching airline tickets fluctuate, since I traveled 4x!

Being at the mercy of rude people out there just plain stinks! I hope it all comes together for you guys. School vacation fares are ridiculously higher! Including summer. Not to rush my kid through school but I CANNOT wait till I'm not stuck to only traveling when school's out. September, October, March, May would be glorious!
You asked about OP on skin. I personally feel a beneficial effect. My face feels more moisturized and plumped up (but not oily); I notice it especially because in the past couple of years, I can definitely feel and see the loss of younger female hormones. The perimenopause hormones are not much to speak of, let me tell you.

I too have experienced teeth aching from sinus buildup. No fun.
My spin bike usage has averaged two-three times a week, which is still awesome, considering I wouldn't have exercised extra otherwise. I still have not pulled the trigger or CM or Ride. Sorry, ladies. I will get to it, I promise!
Jean, I hope you'll post today. It has been many days and we miss your voice.
Marie, nice job getting an early workout it and then working. Speaking of glycogen stores after OG, I'm so bad and never eat anything before working out. I must start feeding myself some nut butter or something.
Missy, my tailbone would thank your for the cushy pad too! My third layer is the Cathe mini-mat I found last year for the step.
Congrats on the elliptical! Make sure you use the handles, or at least be aware of distributing your weight evenly when you're on.
Colleen, I'm so glad to hear your sinuses are well.
Your rebounder sounds awesome and fun.
Mary, hope you're enjoying a nice new rotation!
I'm growing old waiting for UY to hit $50!

Must remember the pre-order at the end of the week too.
Zzzzzz again