Marie, thanks, my tummy was better than yesterday but still so puffy uncomfortable today. I wonder if it's the daily lemon juice in water that's doing it. It has happened before, years ago. I've been doing the lemon thing for a couple of weeks now, and it just cropped up yesterday. I have all these meyer lemons in the fridge and they're so juicy.
Hang in there--STS is at light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel time! Then XT in no time!
Hard Strikes has too many jumping jacks! It was filler material and not likeable.
You and Tony will arrive to the right juncture when you decide on another baby. Don't sweat it now--B is too young!
Oral health is so crucial. A friend of mine swears she had been feeling unwell for the five yrs since her root canal, so she went to a holistic dentist and removed it. And feels so much better. She's the one who has done OP and recovered from her oral surgery very well with it. I brush and floss daily and still have plaque, tartar, inflammation. Can't wait to see what they think after OP

So true that you make more friends with other moms. Wait till B starts school!
Don't beat yourself up for not working out. Remember, you don't have to do it everyday to get results, and missed time with B can't be retrieved!
Missy, you've got an appt with the desired dentist, right? That's great. Don't go back to the other one with the substandard work! Maddening! Good luck!
Colleen, have you any coconut oil? I thought I read that people got rid of their congestion with OP. Although it would be hard to breathe if your nose is totally stuffed, and your mouth is swishing oil.

I do hope you feel better pronto.
Carolyn, can you believe another storm?? I'm so done with snow. This time around your area looks like it'll get more than mine. You can snowshoe some more!
Don't beat yourself up for trying the running. It has been a reasonable amount of time, and now at least you know.
The OP is supposed to help your sleeping. I sleep like the dead anyway so it's hard to tell.
Wassup, Jean and Mary!
Buona notte, mi amici!