Carolyn, I hope you like the coconut oil because that's a mega jar!

I didn't think I would but I'm appreciating all its subtle qualities. Did you read some of the reviews? People use it to fry eggs, as butter on their toast, wash their face or hair, moisturize their bodies... Amazing! I'm not there yet! I have oily combo skin on my face and can't imagine rubbing that on!

Can't imagine rubbing it on arms and legs either. My inner clothes would get all oily. I saw a giant jar at Costco last week but didn't buy it. Maybe later...
Get thee to Travis, now! He'll stretch out that neck pain!
Did your birthday pass already?
Colleen, glad you had a restful sleep. What a difference that makes!
Missy, good luck at the chiro! Enjoy Tim's opening tomorrow.
Mary, hope you are able to work from home.
Our shores have been taking a massive battering this winter from all these snowstorms and high tides!
DS has the ingredients for cookies out, thawing. What was I thinking?? We have lots of tin cookies open! I'm trying to get him away from the computer for a couple of hours. Anyway, I said he better not come down at 4 pm to start making it and get in my way when I need to prep dinner or something!
Still snowing with light, fine flakes, not much wind. Beautiful out.