Hi everyone,
CSS was a wringer! I was drenched, huffing and puffing, and now my knees hurt. Remind me to use just one riser for the step part. Even though it's not choreographed step moves (she uses the ends just to do leg lifts, etc), I find that two risers is tough for me.
I need to start tomorrow's compote and icebox pumpkin-mousse pie shortly.
Jean, my screen shows your post time as 5:43 am. There is a way to change your time zone in the User Control Panel.
I, too, have been watching the calendar, remembering that we started on this thread the Monday after Thanksgiving. Happy anniversary, girls!
Since you guys keep mentioning PP, I'm going to have to do it next week.
DS got out of school early so we went out for Thai. Delish. I'm feeling a bit heavier after polishing off my whole plate.
Went for a walk after. Thank goodness. We all sit SO much it's scary. Especially DH.
I'm grateful we took a walk because have you read Cathe's article today on the calories in Thanksgiving food?? Yikes!
Missy, a pedi sounds blissful!
I love Xmas decorations, music, and movies. Wow, I forgot to check if there's a radio station playing the music already. There usually is.
Scrabble sounds great. Love that you guys do that! I have to force my guys to play, and the game I start will sit there for months. I'm going to start one anyway.
Carolyn, will you be making the compote?
Better go and cook before it gets dark and I lose my motivation.
Happy Thanksgiving, ladies! I'm thankful for your friendship!