Hi Nancy and Natasha!
Hope you ladies had a great weekend!
Saturday night was STS M2. I always find myself going back to this series. I will have to follow suit and try Body Beast soon, Natasha!
I have watched several of Tony Horton and Chelene Johnson's Beach Body interviews. I also find them inspirational. I have heard of Casein before but I forget how it works. I use protein powder only on my training days; right after my workout. I have the same hesitation about supplements. I thought about creatine but I don't know how my body will react to it so I never tried. I hear it will make you bloated.
So glad you are committed to this program. I'm sure you will get fantastic results! You must show us pictures!
You and your hubbie are definitely not the only ones in the south not going to church.
We don't go either. For me, I don't feel it's neccessary to go to church to have a connection. I can talk to God any time, anywhere. I guess people go for different reasons. It's just not something that I do. Congrats on getting your taxes done!
I only had it done last weekend. I was stressing out because the deadline was approaching. This year I did not use Turbo Tax, I hired HR Block instead. It was way more expensive though.
At least I know it was done by a tax professional. How's your garden doing? I have been thinking about growing veggies too. Not sure where to even start though. Having a long list of things to do these days, so gardening is being put on the back burner.
Have a great day ladies!
Hope you ladies had a great weekend!
Saturday night was STS M2. I always find myself going back to this series. I will have to follow suit and try Body Beast soon, Natasha!
I have watched several of Tony Horton and Chelene Johnson's Beach Body interviews. I also find them inspirational. I have heard of Casein before but I forget how it works. I use protein powder only on my training days; right after my workout. I have the same hesitation about supplements. I thought about creatine but I don't know how my body will react to it so I never tried. I hear it will make you bloated.
So glad you are committed to this program. I'm sure you will get fantastic results! You must show us pictures!
You and your hubbie are definitely not the only ones in the south not going to church.
Have a great day ladies!