Cathe Friedrich
Hi All! Type away if you have already finished this workout.
Hi Cathe!!! Still lovin STS.. I am doing a 6th month rotation so I am still in meso 2 week 3 but I wanted to tell you that I love double wave loading and Tri sets!! Also I wanted to say thank you for the ball wall squat advice it really helped I was able to do them without low back pain. I hope you have a great day!
Just finished #33 and am loving Meso 3. The feeling is "I can do it for 6 reps!" Still have to go a couple of pounds lighter on those barbell curls. That has been consistent thru out Meso 3. Concentration curls I could heavy up but had to add a little cheat on the fifth count for some reason but was fine on the sixth count. I canf't believe there is only one week left. It went by so fast and I have enjoyed it so much. Is enjoy the right word? You know I think it really is. Thanks again Cathe.
Wow - those bicep curls never get any easier, do they??? I had to assist my left tricep on the crossbody kickback because it was just a bit too heavy - but the weight was perfect for the right side. Since I didn't want to end up lopsided
, I did an assist at the bottom of each rep.