I finished disc 38 this morning and felt very accomplished! DH commented on the nice view from behind! I am very happy with the squat rack but look forward to plyo legS the next time around. I do feel that I could have gone heavier today but I was afraid. It wasn't until after that I was sure I could have ?!?
Hi Everyone! Ok, looks like I am first. Well I had to do double duty and that is probably why I feel especially stiff right now. I had my lower body blast class today and felt extra spunky so I didn't tone it down (knowing all the wiser that I still had Plyo Legs on the schedule today). Well, I was soaked after class and I figured I will never be more prepared than right that moment to dive into Plyo Legs so I ran next door into the filming studio and fast forwarded past the warm up and dove right in.

It was actually kind of neat starting the warm up all sweaty like that. I started off extra jumpy and euphoric....then my muscles started saying "uh, remember us? we're tired and hungry!! you almost done crazy lady?"

So I made it to the end but not without a fight as the last 10 minutes were HARD. The stretch felt great and then I was on a hunt for food.

How was your workout?
Hi Cathe & STS'rs ! :)

I did Plyo legs this morning. Another sweatfest. And honestly , I had waves of nausea after the airjacks at the end.

I admit to skipping the scissors (?). I just don't feel I can get those:eek: ....I don't know if it's the balance, or what , but I jumped on the bike and pedaled like mad instead. Is there a better substitute ?

Killer workout !:eek:

Hi Everyone! Ok, looks like I am first. Well I had to do double duty and that is probably why I feel especially stiff right now. I had my lower body blast class today and felt extra spunky so I didn't tone it down (knowing all the wiser that I still had Plyo Legs on the schedule today). Well, I was soaked after class and I figured I will never be more prepared than right that moment to dive into Plyo Legs so I ran next door into the filming studio and fast forwarded past the warm up and dove right in.

It was actually kind of neat starting the warm up all sweaty like that. I started off extra jumpy and euphoric....then my muscles started saying "uh, remember us? we're tired and hungry!! you almost done crazy lady?"

So I made it to the end but not without a fight as the last 10 minutes were HARD. The stretch felt great and then I was on a hunt for food.

How was your workout?

You are a brave, brave woman!! Or a wee bit crazy;)

I completed disc 29 this morning.

I love the low lunges and the plyo air jacks. I was good and tired!!!!
I completed Disc 29 early this morning and now I am feeling it in my legs and especially my calves--those plyos I guess. I did much better with the plyos this time tho I have to admit I did modify. For the others I just did as many as I could and pushed myself harder than usual. Actually I am pretty proud of how I did this morning. I really didn't think that plyos would be part of ANY routine that I did but I tried and surprised myself at what I could actually do. Thanks Cathe once again for pushing me.
Hello everyone :)!

Cathe - Two lower body workouts in one day????? Don't make that a part of any future workouts, please :eek:! Not all of us are that crazy ;)!

I did this one yesterday and thought it was a great workout! I love the 30 second segments. It helps the workout fly by plus you know you're going to survive each exercise because it will soon be over :p.
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Hi Cathe and STS Warriors;)

STS Meso 3, week 2, Disc#29 Plyo Legs= 50 minutes
Calories burned= 388

This just seemed to fly by so fast. I know I really enjoyed not having to change wts. on my barbells today. Other times it seems when I do have to do that since mine are the kind that screw on cuffs it takes forever probably adding fifteen minutes or so to the length of the workout. Phew! Today was just dumbells and changing sometimes to weight gloves so that was a nice break. I'm still dealing with knee injuries so I did have to either modify on some of the plyo jacks, or tuck jumps, jump ups on the step. I have to becareful of the kneee impact and degree of knee bend while the inflammed tendons heal. Ugh, its bothersome but I have to train smart and modify where I need it. This was a fun workout and liked that the time went by so fast. I do have to admit the last three exercises seemed really hard and didn't seem to want to go by as quickly. I think its probably because I was pretty much out of gas at that point. LOL!!! I feel your pain Cathe:p

Butts & Guts- Stability Ball abs only= 15 minutes
Calories burned= 76

Ok, that's it for me today. TAke it easy and relax the rest of the day. Job well done today ladies!!;)


Plyo Legs: Disk 29

I imagine everyone recalls what the majority of us felt during this workout last week. :confused: I was even unable to finish it and had to come back the next day for a re-do. Anyway, whatever the heck happened between then and today's routine is beyond me. I not only completed this one, but increased my weights! I didn't have to stop or modify. I did only do half of the 180 degree turn jumps simply because they make me dizzy. No nausea. But what gives? How could there be such a drastic improvement in the course of one week? I am certainly not complaining, I feel like Superwoman today! :D I am curious to hear if anyone else experienced this as well. Good luck everyone!
Hoohoo!! I did Disc 38 - squat rack legs - yesterday. I love how these work. I went good and heavy; made sure I got low in all the squats, etc., and really worked through the glutes. When I finished I felt very energetic and strong. As the day went on, the legs gradually lost their energy, until I was dying after dinner I did not get a long enough sleep last night, and was dragging my sorry, stiff butt around all morning. Then I did 4DS Kickbox cardio & core, as per the cardio rotation. It's beyond me how the Plyo-Leg folks would be able to do that workout the day after....But it shook out a lot of the stiffness in my back and hamstrings, and made me feel better again. After dinner tonight I taught a cycle class (subbed), and now feel terrific. My legs felt awesome on the bike. Must have been the chocolate birthday cake I ate an hour before the class :D.

I can't believe I have only 7 more hours of STS! We're so close to the end! I don't want STS to end, per se, but it is nice to see the end goal getting so close. It feels good to accomplish things. Congratulations to everyone who's made it this far!!

DH came in the room as I was finished and said, "I know you were having a good time because you are so sweaty"! He was right.

I still had to stop and give myself a little extra time to catch my breath after the 180 degree jumps, but otherwise it was lots of fun and my legs felt well-worked at the end. Looking forward to next Wed.
I did this workout yesterday morning and did much better than I did last week and I think that's because I did it on an empty stomach this time. I did much better at jumping up on the step which made me very happy. So today I'm feeling it a bit in my quads but other than that I feel great. Just got done kickboxing.

Have a nice day everyone.

Hi All,

I was surprised at how different this week's plyo legs was from last week's. I went into it a bit cocky, thinking that because I did the first week without too much trouble, that this would be the same. But there were a lot of different exercises this week! How about those rock climbers???? I did maybe 2? Then I modified to mountain climbers, then just stopped about 10 seconds before I was supposed to! Also had to stop early on the squat thrust & jump on the step--I'm definitely going to have to work up to being able to go 30 seconds on that one!
All in all: challenging, fun & a lot of sweating!
Definitely an amazing workout. I tend not to do as much of the jumping onto the step since I'm concerned I'm going to miss it and really hurt myself... I'm wonderng how you all do it! I just don't have a lot of height to my jumps. :confused:

Got dizzy a few times, and checked my HRM and found I was in the low to mid 90 percentile... backed off and was fine.

Great calorie burn and the DOMS are definitely there today.

Um... and I'm still feeling workouts 27 in the triceps... I mean, we work them again tomorrow! LOL I *am* seeing a visible difference in my upper body so I am not complaining! *hurrah!*
Definitely an amazing workout. I tend not to do as much of the jumping onto the step since I'm concerned I'm going to miss it and really hurt myself... I'm wonderng how you all do it! I just don't have a lot of height to my jumps. :confused:

I'm a certified klutz. I don't do those high jumps either. I have a baby step that I use for these, or I just do floor hops. I still sweat buckets so I'm not worried about the intensity. :p I get SOBS (sudden onset butt soreness) as well as DOBS (delayed onset butt soreness) with these puppies. And yes those OTHER SOBS as well. ;)

I'm still finding the legs on Meso 3 to be much more intense than the upper body. I'm thinking that's because I'm used to lifting heavy so this is almost like going home for the upper body. Maybe?

Almost over... then it will be time to start again! :cool:
I'm a certified klutz. I don't do those high jumps either. I have a baby step that I use for these, or I just do floor hops. I still sweat buckets so I'm not worried about the intensity. :p

I am glad to hear I am not alone! I *do* do them, but stop way short of completing the set (probably less than half). I get so exhausted so quickly that my jump height just diminishes to the point of danger. ;)

The encouraging thing is that, for instance, my shoulders have always been WAY weak, but I'm noticing a HUGE improvement as I entered Meso 3... So I'm hopeful that that "explosive" power for jumping will improve in the same way. Each time we go through a cycle, we get better, right? Woohoo!
Shani - You're definitely not alone :). I use only 2 or 3 risers per side, depending on whether I'm having the usual klutzy day or an extraordinary one :p. Way to go on those shoulders :D!
Yes, I only do the 3 risers. I think of the Biggest Loser show and how they make them jump so high up on those steps! Dont know how they do it but I give them OODLES of credit!
Today I am going to do Butts and Guts before I do my STS Meso 3 squat rack legs. Since I don't have a squat rack, and the 110lbs I can put on my back without it (70BB + 40vest) just isn't enough, even when I do 18 reps instead of 8, I thought I'd try pre-fatiguing the legs to get the most out of it. I haven't done BG for about 6 months, so this should be interesting! Let's hope I make it to the STS! I'll follow that up with some ab work and stretching.

Okay, so here it is, later today after my leg workout:

I did indeed complete Butts and Guts and follow it up with the STS Meso 3 Week 2 Legs, doing 18 reps instead of 7 on the squats and plie squats (front squats hurt my chest, so I'm doing plie squats instead). And you know what? I'm STILL not completely fatigued. I still could add on another leg workout, but I'm hungry and I have a ton of things to do today. I get my groceries delivered and they showed up halfway through the STS workout. The rests are so long that I was able to put away my groceries and do some chores during the rests!

The Butts and Guts was as fun as I remember, and I did much better with it than I used to. I guess my legs are getting stronger and I have more endurance than I used to. I know my cardiovascular health is definitely improving- I have to work way harder to get my heart rate up nowadays.

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