Plyo Legs

Wow, what an odd majority on this one! I too felt the "sick to my stomach" factor on this workout. As a matter of fact, I stopped at the halfway point as I felt perhaps it just wasn't a good day for me. That was the first time in this program I couldn't get through an entire workout. :( Not feeling good about that regardless. I think I will try to either re-do this today, or just do my cardio and abs. Hope everyone has a great day!
I did both workouts. Tuesday I did Plyo Legs using either no or very little weight. Since I was using way less weight than Cathe and crew, I skipped the rest between the leg exercise and the plyo exercise. I DEFINITELY took the break (and needed it!) after the plyo, though. My plan was for this to be more of a cardio (but lower body endurance) workout.

This morning I did the squat rack option. I own a squat rack and used my heaviest weights ever! :eek: The workout manager overestimated a bit on squats and front squats so I had to lower some after struggling way too much on the first set. Front squats felt awkward to me but I was trying to watch my form to make sure I wasn't going to cause any injuries. I surprised myself on deadlifts. Usually my forearms get sore but not so much this time. Either my forearms are building the endurance or the breaks gave them plenty of recovery. (or possibly a combo of both?)

Carrie - sounds like you are describing the Smith machine. I can't really give a good answer, though, since I have very little experience using it. My guess would be not to count the full 45 lbs (maybe 35-40ish?) since your getting some assistance but I'm only guessing.... Hopefully Cathe will address that.....
I am going to try and do both. I did pylo on Sunday ( with very light weights) and I am going to attempt the heavier weights later.

I haven't started Meso 3 yet--soon--as I finished disc #23 today. I'm pleasantly suprised on how much my leg strength has improved. When I was thinking about ordering STS I was aprehensive about the leg work. I always dreaded it. So I started STS with the attitude that I would do as best as I could. Initially I started using no weights and could barely keep up. When I told my family I felt like throwing up they thought I was crazy. Now I know I'm not alone in that!! I've slowly started using some weight--not 1RM like I am for upper body--and I am able to complete the entire workout (without feeling sick---yea!). I'm going to be doing plyo legs. I'm kinda scared, but again I will just try to do the best that I can.
Plyo Legs - Again

Today I attempted Plyo legs again since I was unable to complete the workout on Wednesday. I still felt "that feeling" but was able to complete the workout today. And it was no easy feat. Yes, I had to pause longer, and hit the rewind button on occasion. Wow! That, for me was the most difficult one in the program. At times I feel as though I am among real athletes and I am but an amateur when reading these posts. Good luck everyone! Have a great afternoon! :D
I am thrilled (despite what I've been reading today ;) ) to say I was cleared by my PT to do the leg workout tomorrow. Hopefully by then Cathe will have had time to chime in on all this nausea and dizziness I've been reading about. I'm having enough problems with hip/leg pain without getting dizzy and falling and breaking something tomorrow :p!
Squat rack for me

I have a squat rack at home that needed some attention and it got all of mine with Disc 37! I am proud to admit that I was able to squat 108lbs. At least that is how much weight I put on it, I don't know what it weighs by itself. Anyway, that was major for me.:D
I was able to use my weighted vest and didn't even notice it after a while. Loved the chance to really stretch between sets. Makes it feel like you are really getting deep into the muscles. I did this yesterday and am good-sore today.;)
I am not afraid of the 5% increase, I know I can handle this.
I look forward to trying the Plyo-puke the next go-around.;)

So glad to see I'm not the only one passing up on the puke-fest LOL! It will be interesting to hear about what everyone's results are in a month.

I didn't feel nauseous but I did get lightheaded. I think getting past 90% on my heart rate monitor would be why! I got up to 92% but decided it was not wise and backed off a bit. Great workout!
I'm doing 8 weeks of Meso 2 right now with 2 leg days and 3 cardio days each week. Last Friday I was behind 1 leg and 1 cardio W/O so I decided to do Disc 26. OMG!!! I loved it. I'm proud to say I didn't pause but I was gasping for air and cussing out Cathe!! Sorry Cathe:D I may do this more often as pure cardio after I finish STS. I absolutely loved this workout! I hope the other plyo legs W/Os are just as good.
Holy Sweatbuckets is right! :eek: Sorry it took me so long to post this but I had a few things going on last week that robbed my of my fun forum time :D

Yes, this routine sneaks up on you. At first I'm sure many thought it wasn't too bad because you are probably used to the IMAXS and thinking "wow, there is a lot more down time here", but suddenly is takes off and sings to its own tough tune. Where IMAXS focus on increasing cardio capacity, Plyo Legs focuses on explosive strength so the energy will be dispersed a little differently and "bite" a little differently too.

The hardest part for me was Split jumps, Squat jumps, Half turn jumps (the last 4 on each side were total toughies) and the last three air jacks.

My legs felt incredibly spent after the workout but I survived and am looking forward to it again only because I was a jumper cable in my other life :D.
Turns out that the first STS Meso 3 Squat Rack Legs is not challenging enough for me!

I had to modify it a lot to make it more challenging and I don't think I really got there, even with the modifications. Not because of anything wrong with the program, but because I don't have a squat rack - only a vest (plyo's not an option because of my knees) and I can only lift 70lbs over my head. Here's how the workout went for me:

40lb vest + 70lb BB (did 16-18 reps for each set instead of 8)

95lb BB

Front Squats:
Could not get the positioning right and ended up hurting my chest, so I switched to plie squats instead.
40lb vest + 70lb BB (did 18 reps for each set instead of 8)

Static Lunges:
Used 30lb DB instead of a BB, because of my small workout space and the way it's arranged- just can't use a BB while doing lunges. I think I can go higher on these, so will add my 40lb vest next time. I didn't this time just because my shoulders were getting tired of the vest.

Now, I really felt like I needed more, so I added these on as well:

Hold Squats:
Like holding a wall squat with a stability ball, but without the ball. You just hold your back against the wall with your knees best to 90 degrees for as long as you can. I did two of these, holding for 2.5 minutes each. Think I'll add another one next time. Now that makes your quads quiver like nothing else does!

Hamstring Curls:
Did 4 sets of 8, using 35lb DB

One-Legged Calf Raises:
35lb DB, 4 sets of 10 each side

Then I did some ab work.

After all that, I just don't feel like my legs were worked enough. Maybe for legs I need more reps and less rest. I just can't lift enough over my head to really challenge my legs in only 8 reps, even with a 40lb vest.
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I went heavy and lifted the heaviest I could but didn't hurt like I thought it would. It's an hour and half later since I finished that with an hour yoga dvd and I since had lunch and NOW I'm feeling my legs recover, like it actually did something. I feel great, love that feeling.
I like getting more done with heavier weights. I do enough cardio and didn't want to do the plyo dvd. Thanks for giving us an option Cathe.

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