Turns out that the first STS Meso 3 Squat Rack Legs is not challenging enough for me!
I had to modify it a lot to make it more challenging and I don't think I really got there, even with the modifications. Not because of anything wrong with the program, but because I don't have a squat rack - only a vest (plyo's not an option because of my knees) and I can only lift 70lbs over my head. Here's how the workout went for me:
40lb vest + 70lb BB (did 16-18 reps for each set instead of 8)
95lb BB
Front Squats:
Could not get the positioning right and ended up hurting my chest, so I switched to plie squats instead.
40lb vest + 70lb BB (did 18 reps for each set instead of 8)
Static Lunges:
Used 30lb DB instead of a BB, because of my small workout space and the way it's arranged- just can't use a BB while doing lunges. I think I can go higher on these, so will add my 40lb vest next time. I didn't this time just because my shoulders were getting tired of the vest.
Now, I really felt like I needed more, so I added these on as well:
Hold Squats:
Like holding a wall squat with a stability ball, but without the ball. You just hold your back against the wall with your knees best to 90 degrees for as long as you can. I did two of these, holding for 2.5 minutes each. Think I'll add another one next time. Now that makes your quads quiver like nothing else does!
Hamstring Curls:
Did 4 sets of 8, using 35lb DB
One-Legged Calf Raises:
35lb DB, 4 sets of 10 each side
Then I did some ab work.
After all that, I just don't feel like my legs were worked enough. Maybe for legs I need more reps and less rest. I just can't lift enough over my head to really challenge my legs in only 8 reps, even with a 40lb vest.