Strengthening Abs: Need Advice


I've been doing Cathe's workouts for about 8 months, though not consistently until the last two months or so. I've noticed that I'm gaining muscle very easily in my limbs. This is interesting because my limbs are the first place I gain fat, and the last place I lose it. I'm looking forward to seeing some nice definition when the fat layer melts away. However, I'm not noticing any strength gains in my abs. Cathe's ab routines are very difficult for me, so I have to modify a lot. I have the most trouble with anything involving holding my legs just a few inches off the ground while lying on my back (like I said, I'm heavy-limbed). For example, I can't do banana holds or split-leg crunches. I either just lift one leg at a time or leave them on the ground.

Well, weeks into this, I thought I'd be able to stop modifying for a few things, or that ab routines in general would get a bit easier. Any advice for strengthening that area beyond what I'm doing? Am I just being impatient? I try to work abs about twice a week. Should I be working them more often?

I work abs about 5 days a week. That's what works for me. I get much better results in strength, endurance and definition that way.

You don't have to do what I do but I would definitely work them a minimum of 3x per week though.

HTH. :)
I work abs about 5 days a week. That's what works for me. I get much better results in strength, endurance and definition that way.

You don't have to do what I do but I would definitely work them a minimum of 3x per week though.

HTH. :)

I was afraid of that :p
Make sure you listen to that woman (Wendy)! Cause, where I'm from, we call her the AB NAZI!!!! :p :eek: The girl knows abs ;)
I was afraid of that :p
LOL IKWYM. I used to hate working abs and therefore was guilty of blowing them off. I have Slim Series to thank for showing me the wonders of daily ab work though. I realized that I disliked working abs because I never got the results I was seeking. Slim Series was my first taste of results in that area and now I don't mind working them. In fact, I ENJOY it! :D

Make sure you listen to that woman (Wendy)! Cause, where I'm from, we call her the AB NAZI!!!! :p :eek: The girl knows abs ;)

Heheh. Thanks Kiki. ;)
LOL IKWYM. I used to hate working abs and therefore was guilty of blowing them off. I have Slim Series to thank for showing me the wonders of daily ab work though. I realized that I disliked working abs because I never got the results I was seeking. Slim Series was my first taste of results in that area and now I don't mind working them. In fact, I ENJOY it!

Slim Series is a BeachBody program, correct? Would you recommend it?
Yes, Slim Series is a Beach Body program.

The works outs are boring for a lot of people and they are all about 60-80 minutes long but IMO, when done with a challenging weight load with additional cardio in a rotation, they work-IF this type of training works for your body anyway.

They are high rep/low weight work outs. Definitely real endurance training but they helped to lean me out and define my muscles when I used them after my round of P90X. I've done them since then as well and have always been pleased with the results. It's been a while since I dusted them off and I do belive their time is coming soon. Perhaps this year at some point post STS. I'm due to become a 1st time STS grad at the end of June. Maybe I'll pull them out then. :)

Are they Cathe? No way but I definitely feel it's an effective set. I didn't care for the lower body only work out (the rest are basically total body) so I would sub in another lower body endurance work out.

If you need great music though, DO NOT GET THEM! The music isn't very good and what makes it worse is that the instructor can't keep the beat so I use the no music option and it's fine for me.

HTH. :)
Hi Sam!

I'm in a similar situation and I completely understand your frustration. I've been working out with Cathe since last October and I still struggle with many of her abdominal routines. However, i've come up with a few things here and there that have helped me...maybe they'll help you as well! :)

(1). I absolutely agree with Wendy about working your abs more often. Wendy gave me this same advice a few months ago and it has definitely helped! Previously, I was working my abs 2x a week. Now i'm up to 4x a week (on average - some weeks 5x, some weeks 3x).

(2). Try other instructors. I'm 100% Cathe loyal BUT I found I needed easier abs routines to help me get started and restore my confidence. I found a couple Ellen Barrett Pilates DVDs on Netflix that included abs sections. I also would string together the abs sections on Jillian Michael's 30 day shred DVD. Completing intermediate routines has helped me build up to Cathe's more advanced routines.

(3). Work your abs at the beginning of your workout instead of the end. I noticed sometimes if I was running short on time or just completely tired I would skips abs, which again hindered my progress. Plus, sometimes I struggled with Cathe's abs routines because other mucles were exhausted and giving out (hip flexors, arms, etc.). By doing abs at the beginning of my workout (after the warm-up) I made sure that I actually got my ab work done AND I found many of Cathe's routines slightly easier because my supporting mucles were fresh and ready to go. PUB is a prime example. I used to struggle sooo much with the side planks in PUB but I finally figured out it was because my arms were exhausted, not my abs!

(4). Prepare modifications in advance. Many of Cathe's abs routines were way too advanced for me so i'd end up doing maybe 1/2 of the reps for each specific abs exercise and then stopping because I was losing my form, other mucles were taking over etc. It turned into a vicious cycle - the abs exercises were to difficult so I couldn't do many of the exercises but that meant my abs weren't getting stronger because I wasn't do many of the exercises (I hope that makes sense). One Sunday afternoon I picked a few modifications for each section of my abs (lower, obliques, upper) that I knew I could do. Then, when I came across an exercise in a Cathe routine that I couldn't handle, I would sub in my planned modification. Though I still struggle with many of Cathe's abs routines, i've definitely gotten stronger. There are times when I can get through maybe 3/4 of the reps for a particular exercise, but instead of stopping I immediately start one of my planned modified moves.

(5). Try Abs Hit and/or STS Abs Circuits. I LOVE Abs Circuits! The routines are longer (average 15 minutes) but Cathe often adds in 5-8 second breaks between each exercise, which she doesn't always do in some of her other abs routines (LIC comes to mind). These small breaks make all the difference for me. The routines on Ab Circuits are still tough, but find I don't struggle with them as much because of the brief rests.

HTH! :) Good luck!!!

I used to hate doing abs, too. They were my weakest body part so doing crunches hurt my neck and I would be frustrated through an entire ab segment. I finally just decided to "do this". I started doing a short (6-10 min) ab segment EVERY DAY. I had a compilation DVD from the FIRM (this was before I discovered Cathe) and I used it until I could do the excercises without too mush strain. Sometime during this journey, as my abs strengthened, I began to LOVE ab work!!!

I would suggest that you start by doing planks. Maybe try doing them outside of your workout, like while you are watching the news. Just aim for a few minutes a night, and hold them longer and longer as you gain strength. (I wish I had known about planks while I was starting on ab work!) Since planks strengthen so much more than just the abs, maybe that will also help with doing other types of ab work other than crunches.

Good Luck!
ITA w/Laura! Planks are awesome. They are my go-to exercise when I really don't have time but need to hit abs. Short but oh so effective!
Wow! Such helpful people, thank you! It's nice to know I'm not the only one. I worked out with FIRM videos for years, and I always said that the worst four words in the world were, "Let's work the abs." I'd always want to just hide under my mat and whimper.

Katie, thank you so much. I was thinking of trying to do abs first when I'm not so tired. I often feel like I'm thinking so much about other muscle groups that I can't focus on the ab work. I'll look for videos on Netflix too. I can't believe it's never occurred to me to look for fitness videos there...

TexasLaura, I will definitely do planks here and there... even though I despise them ;) I think I have the FIRM compilation you're talking about... 5 Day Abs?

FitMommy, I'll have look a little more at Slim Series. It's hard for me to spend money on anything but Cathe since I discovered her, but variety is always good.

Once again, thanks everyone! I was feeling pretty frustrated, but now I feel like I have a game plan. It's not like I have visions of a six pack (yet), but I can feel certain things in my lower back that I shouldn't, and I know I need to increase my strength in that area.
FitMommy, I'll have look a little more at Slim Series. It's hard for me to spend money on anything but Cathe since I discovered her, but variety is always good.

The Slim Series is what helped influence me to work abs pretty much daily but it's definitely not the ultimate answer to strong abs. If you are interested in a full body endurance program then look into it but if your true interest is in your abs specifically then it's not worth investing in this program for just that. You can gain results in your abs from anyone's ab routines so long as they challenge you and you work abs often enough. HTH a bit. :)
Take up tap dancing. :p

Seriously, though, I used to hate ab work, too, until I finally gained strength in that area and was able to do more and more. And then I started tap dancing and noticed a considerable increase in my ab strength. I've been a stop-and-go exerciser over the last couple of years due to life stuff taking over, but I started working out regularly again 3 weeks ago. I have had no ab DOMS and I think it's because I've been tapping this whole time.

And, even though planks are evil, as you get stronger and stronger you will be so proud of what you've accomplished with them! Trust me. Just be consistent and you will see gains. Good luck!

Hi Sam!

I'm in a similar situation and I completely understand your frustration. I've been working out with Cathe since last October and I still struggle with many of her abdominal routines. However, i've come up with a few things here and there that have helped me...maybe they'll help you as well! :)

(1). I absolutely agree with Wendy about working your abs more often. Wendy gave me this same advice a few months ago and it has definitely helped! Previously, I was working my abs 2x a week. Now i'm up to 4x a week (on average - some weeks 5x, some weeks 3x).

(2). Try other instructors. I'm 100% Cathe loyal BUT I found I needed easier abs routines to help me get started and restore my confidence. I found a couple Ellen Barrett Pilates DVDs on Netflix that included abs sections. I also would string together the abs sections on Jillian Michael's 30 day shred DVD. Completing intermediate routines has helped me build up to Cathe's more advanced routines.

(3). Work your abs at the beginning of your workout instead of the end. I noticed sometimes if I was running short on time or just completely tired I would skips abs, which again hindered my progress. Plus, sometimes I struggled with Cathe's abs routines because other mucles were exhausted and giving out (hip flexors, arms, etc.). By doing abs at the beginning of my workout (after the warm-up) I made sure that I actually got my ab work done AND I found many of Cathe's routines slightly easier because my supporting mucles were fresh and ready to go. PUB is a prime example. I used to struggle sooo much with the side planks in PUB but I finally figured out it was because my arms were exhausted, not my abs!

(4). Prepare modifications in advance. Many of Cathe's abs routines were way too advanced for me so i'd end up doing maybe 1/2 of the reps for each specific abs exercise and then stopping because I was losing my form, other mucles were taking over etc. It turned into a vicious cycle - the abs exercises were to difficult so I couldn't do many of the exercises but that meant my abs weren't getting stronger because I wasn't do many of the exercises (I hope that makes sense). One Sunday afternoon I picked a few modifications for each section of my abs (lower, obliques, upper) that I knew I could do. Then, when I came across an exercise in a Cathe routine that I couldn't handle, I would sub in my planned modification. Though I still struggle with many of Cathe's abs routines, i've definitely gotten stronger. There are times when I can get through maybe 3/4 of the reps for a particular exercise, but instead of stopping I immediately start one of my planned modified moves.

(5). Try Abs Hit and/or STS Abs Circuits. I LOVE Abs Circuits! The routines are longer (average 15 minutes) but Cathe often adds in 5-8 second breaks between each exercise, which she doesn't always do in some of her other abs routines (LIC comes to mind). These small breaks make all the difference for me. The routines on Ab Circuits are still tough, but find I don't struggle with them as much because of the brief rests.

HTH! :) Good luck!!!


Great post Katie! Awesome tips, I'm a slacker on abs, but get a lot of work on them from mountainbiking. I picked up STS Abs Circuit during the big sale, and this is my favorite too.

I think a lot of us are in agreement that the stronger your abs become, the more you like to work them. Especially when you do a double take at the mirror over that sudden vertical line now having horizontal lines (6-pack) its so very exciting!
I agree, great post! I find that #3 is especially true for me, and PUB is just the example I would have used, too!
I agree, great post! I find that #3 is especially true for me, and PUB is just the example I would have used, too!

OMG I need to do PUB abs before the upper body work out too! That ab segment is KILLER! How could Cathe be so mean to follow that kind of u/b work with all those pikes!??! :eek::eek::eek::p
OMG I need to do PUB abs before the upper body work out too! That ab segment is KILLER! How could Cathe be so mean to follow that kind of u/b work with all those pikes!??! :eek::eek::eek::p

PUB is killer in itself! I kid you not, that is the only workout that consistently brings me doms the next day. Pyramid, but PUB slays me! Every time I do it, which was actually 3 days ago, I tell myself...lower your weights!
Fit_mommy said:
OMG I need to do PUB abs before the upper body work out too! That ab segment is KILLER! How could Cathe be so mean to follow that kind of u/b work with all those pikes!??! :eek::eek::eek::p

Wanna hear how much I cheat on the AB part? I do the pikes BEFORE the other AB exercises she starts with. Now, who do you think is a wuss? Lol! Sometimes, I do it as is but there are days I think I really need to do this pikes first if I am going to get thru them all....thank goodness for chaptering and also the forwarding button on the remote! :)
Wanna hear how much I cheat on the AB part? I do the pikes BEFORE the other AB exercises she starts with. Now, who do you think is a wuss? Lol! Sometimes, I do it as is but there are days I think I really need to do this pikes first if I am going to get thru them all....thank goodness for chaptering and also the forwarding button on the remote! :)

That's not being a wuss, Debbie! That's being smart! That is a BRILLIANT idea!!!!:D
PUB is killer in itself! I kid you not, that is the only workout that consistently brings me doms the next day. Pyramid, but PUB slays me! Every time I do it, which was actually 3 days ago, I tell myself...lower your weights!

I knew there was a reason why I rarely reach for that work out! :p

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