Strength in Numbers

Pam Good job on your bike ride and S&S PHA + Bonus Abs. I hope you enjoyed your lunch. I can relate with trying to get cats into carriers. They can be jerks can't they. She just wanted to rub it in your face :p. Great work on BM Step and Power Circuits.

Friday I took as a day off so I could get the housework and laundry done. I also had to make something to take to our dragon boat and Saturday I didn't make it off the couch all day. I was so exhausted I didn't want to do anything at all. I don't drink alcohol anymore so I know it wasn't because of that so who knows what it was. Today I am much more awake and I did a bit of a walk before I went to the farmers market. I will get back to working out tomorrow.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on STS 2 Lower Body 2! Luckily the snow was gone by the next day. I am glad you took a day to listen to your body and rest. Sounds like you really needed it. There will always be tomorrow to get more things done.

Pam Great job on your bike ride & S+S PHA plus bonus abs! Oh no Cream Puff was being a little stubborn. We have had dogs that hate being in their crates when we leave but when we are home they will go in there and lay down or play. Great job on BM Step & PC!

Friday I did a heavy lower body workout and then did some cleaning around the house. I was feeling lazy so I didn't get as much done as I would have liked. Saturday was my mobility workout and then I got the dogs nails trimmed. Sunday was a heavy upper body workout and this morning I slept in.

Have a great day!
Julie Great work on your heavy lower body workout, your mobility workout and your heavy upper body workout. Sometimes you just need those lazy days.

This morning was ICE Metabolic Total Body. Then I got a bit of cleaning done. Now I need to figure out what to do with the rest of my day.

Cheryl Great job on ICE MTB! And on getting cleaning done.

This morning was a lower body workout. It is deload week which is lighter weights/less reps but I try not to take any caffeine on deload week to give my body a break. It was tough this morning as I didn't get good sleep last night.

Have a great day!
Cheryl I guess your body was just telling you that you needed to rest!

Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout and cleaning. We all have those days where we just can’t get as much done as we want to. Great job on your mobility and heavy upper body workouts!

Cheryl Great job on ICE MTB and your cleaning. I hope you did something fun the rest of the day.

Julie Great job on your lower body workout, Oh boy, that would be tough having a lousy sleep and no caffeine!

Sunday was DHs Birthday and I had gotten tickets for the Carolina Panthers/KC Chiefs game. We got up and drove to Charlotte, had lunch and then went to the game. We were expecting the Panthers to get crushed, so it was nice that it was a really great game. Wr came home yesterday and had a Hurricanes game last night. it was beautiful out and our neighbors were also going to the game and invited us to come tailgate. Our two regular goalies are both out again so we were pretty worried about the game. They looked really bad for the first 2 periods, but came back and had a fantastic third period and won. This morning was Body Blast Supersets. I hadn’t done that one in awhile so it was a nice change of pace. Have a great day!

Julie Good work on your lower body workout especially with not having a good nights sleep or caffeine

Pam You had a few sporting days. That is great that the Canes smartened up in the 3rd period to win the game. It is hard when you are dealing with injuries. Our team is going through the same thing. Good job on Supersets.

This morning was ICE Rock'em Sock'em Kickbox. Then I went and got groceries. Now I have a few things to get done around here.

Have a great day.

Pam Wow you had some good games to go to. I didn't know tailgating at hockey games was a thing. I thought that was just football. Great job on BB SS!

Cheryl Great job on ICE RSK!

This morning was an upper body workout again on no caffeine but I did get a little better sleep. I'm excited for a 4 day weekend and getting to sleep in. DH and I going to his sister's for Thanksgiving tomorrow and I have to bring a few things.

Have a great weekend! TTY Monday!
Cheryl Great job on RESEK!

Julie I’m not sure if tailgating for hockey us typical, but a lot of people do here. Great job on your upper body workout with no caffeIne! We are going to my DHs sisters for Thanksgiving too.

This morning was LITERALLY Revved up Rumble with the calorie crush and 6 pack abs. I noticed that the new series is in the workout manager so I guess it will be arriving soon! Have a great day!

Julie Great job on your upper body workout and no caffeine.

Pam Good work on RUR + Calorie Crush + 6 Pack Abs. I am looking forward to the new series and I am so glad that I got the downloads. We have a postal strike here so it would be sometime next year that I would have received the DVDs if that was the way I went.

This morning was ICE Chiseled Upper Body. Then I went out to my mom's and was gone most of the day. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and Black Friday and I will touch base with you guys next week.

Cheryl Great job on ICE CUB!

This morning was LI Series Cardio Supersets, but now I always call it Metabolic Supersets thanks to Julie . I have to make an appetizer to take to my SILs house and otherwise will be chilling. Have a great day!
Pam Great job on RUR plus CC and 6 pack abs and LIS CSS aka MSS! I forgot I had named it that!

Cheryl Great job on ICE CUB! Oh no that stinks you have to wait to get the new series because of the postal strike. Any chance the strike will end soon?

Thursday we had a great time at DH's sister's for Thanksgiving. Friday I did a lower body workout and then did some chores around the house. Saturday was my mobility workout and more chores around the house. Sunday I took as a full rest day and this morning was my sleep in day.

Have a great day!
Julie I’m glad you had a great Thanksgiving. Great job on your lower body workout, mobility workout, and chores!

We had a really nice Thanksgiving at my SILs house. Friday I did something, but I can’t remember what. Then we had an afternoon hockey game. Our niece was in town and went to the game too, and we all tailgated before, so that took up the afternoon. Saturday I took as my rest day because the kids were coming over for brunch because they had Thanksgiving at their mom’s. Sunday I did Intensity. It seemed really hard but also felt like it went fast, if that makes any sense at all. Then I took Cheese for a trial and then cleaned up leaves. This morning was BodyBlast Push Pull. DHs family lives in Erie, Pa and they were sending us snow pictures all weekend. They were supposed to get 30-50” over the weekend. I’m not sure exactly how much they ended up getting, but it was a LOT and I think it is going to snow every day this week too. So glad we don’t live there! Have a great day!

Pam Great job on Cardio Supersets.

Julie I did get the downloads not the DVDs. I am very glad that I did get the downloads due to the strike and it doesn't look like it will end any time soon. Good work on your lower body workout and your mobility workout.

Pam Good job on your mystery workout, Intensity and Push Pull. That is a lot of snow and that is probably only the start of it.

I am so happy that I got the downloads and I have been trying out the workouts. This morning was Functional Total Body, yesterday was Yoga Fusion, Saturday was the Bonus Cardio and the Functional Abs 2. I have also tried the Lower Body Balance Bonus and a couple of others that I can't remember. I really like what I have tried so far. Now I need to get ready as DH has a dentist appointment which is at the mall so we may wander around to see what sales are happening.

Have a great day.

Pam Glad you had a great Thanksgiving! Sounds like it was busy but fun. Fingers crossed on Cheese's trial. Great job on BB PP! I saw that some areas got like feet of snow and maybe up to 5 feet. That is my height so that is crazy to me.

Cheryl Oh yeah, I forgot about downloads. That is probably way cheaper and gets to you faster. Great job on YF, FTB, BC plus FA2 and LBBB! I did not get these and have a feeling I will be sad about it. They look so different from anything she has done before.

This morning I did a heavy lower body workout. I was pretty tired but I got through it and have a feeling my quads may be sore tomorrow as I am already feeling them today. We also got our first real snow yesterday. A little less than an inch and nothing like the northeast so I am glad for that!

Have a great day!
Cheryl I am feeling envious of you having the new workouts already. I haven’t even received a shipping notice for my dvds yet, so not sure when I will get them. Great ob on al of those!! FTB< YF, BC, FA2 and LBBB! I hope your DHs dentist appointment went well. !

Julie Great job on your heavy lower body workout! Uh oh, you may be in for troube tomorrow if your quads are already feeling it today. I hope your snow doesn’t stick around too long!

This morning was KPC. I didn’t make it through all of the pikes, my wrists couldn’t handle it. I didn’t do a modification on my elbows, but it still felt like cheating. Have a great day!

Julie The new series is different from anything she has ever done in the past and I am really liking them. Great work on your heavy lower body workout and I hope your quads are doing better tomorrow. Yuck it is too early for snow, I hope it didn't stick around for long.

Pam It is weird that I have the workouts long before you do. I hope you get your shipping notice soon and have the DVDs in your hands to try out. Good job on KPC and doing as many pikes as you could.

This morning was the Cardio Bonus + Functional Mobility Fusion. There are a lot of new moves to get you all stretched out. Then I got groceries and I have just come back from taking Tango to the vet for his arthritis shot. Traffic was horrible but I just managed to make it there in time. I have no idea what the problem was.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on KPC! Those pikes are hard on the wrists. I have never tried them on my elbows. I would have thought that would make them harder.

Cheryl Great job on CB + FMF! I hate when traffic is heavier than I expected and it makes me late or almost late. Glad you got there on time.

This morning was a heavy upper body workout! My quads and inner thighs are sore but not horrible. I am passing the toilet test so that is a good thing!

Have a great day!
Cheryl It turns out I never got a shipping notice but my DVDs arrived! I am looking forward to trying out the new workouts. Great job on CB+FMF! I’m glad you were able to make it to the vet on time despite the heavy traffic. That just adds unnecessary stress!

Julie Great job on your heavy upper body workout. I’m glad to hear that you are not failing the toilet test!

Yesterday I had a long overdue hair appointment. The woman who does my hair had surgery so was not working for a month, so it was way late. Last night we had a hockey game and we lost our 3rd game in a row, despite our main goalie being back. They were doing so well and now have really hit a slump. This morning was Cardio Slam. I have a bit of a cold so it was tough getting through it, but I made it. Have a great day!

Julie Good work on your heavy upper body workout. Glad to hear that you are passing the toilet test.

Pam Weird that you didn't get a shipping notice but great that you got the DVDs. I am really liking them so far. Glad that you could get a hair appointment, it is hard when you have to wait. It is strange how things go sometimes with winning and losing. Hopefully it is only a short slump and they will get back to a winning streak again. Great job on Cardio Slam and with a bit of a cold too.

This morning was Functional Upper Body. It was a good workout with a lot of different moves. Then I went out to my mom's as she needed to get some shopping done.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on FUB! I hope you had a nice time with your mom.

Yesterday afternoon I had a vet appointment for Cream Puff to get her yearly check up and shots. When I put her in the carrier she went ballistic and bit and scratched my hand pretty badly. I held on longer than I should have because I was determined to get her in there, but she won again. I am going to have to try medicating her to get her to the vet. This morning was Leaner legs from CTX. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to hold the weights because my hand is pretty swollen and sore, but surprisingly it wasn’t bad. Have a great day!


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