Happy Halloween! Saturday I did the original Imax and then did some yard work since our leaves are starting to come down. They are still mostly on the trees though so the next few weeks are going to be fun. Then we had a Halloween party to go to. Yesterday was my rest day and we went to a friends to watch the Steelers and Eagles game. This morning I finally started STS because I pre-ordered STS 2.0 yesterday. First round of push up mania complete! Yippee! The people who met Layla on Friday decided to adopt her so they will be picking her up tomorrow
. I got one new kitten on Saturday. Her name is MacKenzie and she is still pretty shy but very sweet. One of the others that I was supposed to get has bad diarrhea so she is trying to get that cleared up before giving him to me. There is already a family that wants to do a trial with him and Cocoa Nib starting next week though, so I may not end up having him at all. The other 3 are supposed to be weaned this week so I will be getting them after that. It seems like so many have been coming and going lately! Have a great day!