Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Great job on SSL and enjoying having your house back! Good for you for enjoying your morning like that!

Yesterday was my rest day. I had to go give some vaccines and washed my cars but other than that was pretty lazy. This morning was supposed to be Gym Style Back, Biceps, and shoulders, but my disc wouldn't play so I did Pure Strength Back and Biceps and the bonus stability ball abs from Butts and Guts. It's supposed to be pretty hot today so I'm going to get the grass cut this morning so that I can get in some pool time this afternoon. Have a great day.

Pam Good job on PS Back and Biceps and SB abs from Butts and Guts. Enjoy your pool time.

Saturday I did my paddle simulation. Then I went to work. It was a busy day so it went by fast. Today I went to the farmers market and did a few things in getting the bathroom back in order.

Have a great day.

Cheryl So glad all the work is done. 3 weeks sounds like a long a time and I am sure it felt longer to you. Great job on LITE SS LB! Great job on your paddle simulation!

Pam Great job on your bike ride with DH! Fingers crossed the kitties get interest soon. Great job on X10 CB plus RWH LIHI Legs plus bonus abs 1! That sounds like a tough one to combine! Yea, so glad you got to ski but oh no, your poor DH having back issues from it. Great job on Intensity and PS BB plus B&G sb abs! That is weird about the disc not playing; hopefully it was a fluke.

Friday I did a run in South Africa and a couple of rounds of YB yoga! I had a 2 hour meeting I had to log on to work for but after that I did a lot of meal prepping and a little cleaning. Saturday I did YB booty, total body, and core and then did some cleaning and a 2 mile walk with DH! Sunday was my lazy day but DH wanted to go on another 2 mile walk so we did. I am hoping he can keep this up! This morning I did LIS TBT Total Body Express and YB core!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on your paddle simulation and starting to get your bathroom back in order.

JulieI think my disc wouldn't play because it is a really old one that I had on VHS and burned to a DVD and the DVD player I have now often doesn't like those. It's weird though because PS is like that too and it played fine, I think I just need to break down and buy some of the DVDs. Great job on your run in SA and yoga. A two hour meeting doesn't sound like much fun or much of a day off! Great job on YB B, TB, and Core and your 2 mile walk. That is awesome that your DH is wanting to walk, I hope he keeps it up too. Great job on TBE and Core!

This morning was supposed to be Afterburn, but I just did that one not too long ago so I did To the Max instead. It about killed me, but I made it through. I had on an orange top and my face matched it when I was done :p. Have a great day!

Julie Great work on your run in South Africa and YB yoga, YB booty, total body and core and LIS Total Body Express and YB core. A 2 hour meeting doesn't sound like fun on a day off. That is great that your DH wants to go for walks, hopefully he will keep it up.

Pam Good job on TTM. You must have worked hard if your face was the same color as your top..

This morning was PRS#2. If felt so good to do some cardio again. I had to take a couple of breaks but I got through it. Then I got some cleaning done.

Have a great day.

Pam Oh that makes sense about the DVD. I know she does deals of the day and maybe GS will be on that some time. Great job on TTM! That is a tough one. Not sure what is easier that or AB.

Cheryl Great job on PRS#2! It can feel great getting back to certain workouts.

This morning I did a run in South Africa and a couple of rounds of YB yoga. This is my last week of the Yoga Burn yoga workouts. I have two more days and then I am going to move on to the monthly system which has 12 workouts per month with a different yoga focus each month. I am going to start with Hatha and hopefully I like it has much as I have liked this other yoga.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on PRS2. There is no shame in taking breaks when you need them!

Julie Hmm, I *think* Afterburn is a little easier than TTM, but I hate the jack pushups on the discs and the zombie dragging things so much! Great job on your run in SA and yoga. Is the monthly system Zoe also? She is really good and I can't believe how flexible she is! I'm still trying to make myself like yoga more though. It's awesome that you are enjoying it so much!

This morning was Muscle Max. I was a little worried because the disc froze a couple of times during the first 30 seconds, but luckily it behaved the rest of the time. Someone is coming over this morning to meet Goose and Tito so I may be down a couple of kittens soon. Have a great day!

Julie Good job on your run in South Africa and YB yoga. I think Hatha yoga is more gentle than the other forms of yoga.

Pam Great work on Muscle Max. I am glad that the disc behaved through the workout. I hope Goose and Tito get adopted today.

This morning I did P30 Lower Body and abs. Then I went grocery shopping. It went well until the power went out. I was surprised that they didn't have a back up generator in case this happened. It took a long time but I could finally checkout and leave. I really didn't want to go back another day.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on P30 LB + abs. I don't blame you for not wanting to go back for groceries, but I'm sure it was no fun to wait so long. A couple of weeks ago I went to the grocery store and as I was going in someone stopped me and said they didn't have power. I almost left but decided to go in and luckily they either had a generator or the power came back on quickly because it was on when I went in. I was so glad that I hadn't left!

This morning was Step Blast and then I had a mammogram :eek:. Those are never any fun, but it's good to have it over with for another year. I came home and made lasagna and brownies for a delivery tonight and now I'm going to get some pool time in before going to the grocery store. Have a great day.

Pam That was good that you didn't leave when you were told they didn't have power. Grocery shopping is always a pain. Great work on Step Blast. Mammograms are not fun but necessary. I think I am due for one later this year.

This morning I did some yoga that had some are and booty work in it. My butt is feeling it right now. Then I got all the housework done and this evening I did my dry land training. Our coach said that we may get back in the water in a couple of weeks. That would be great if it all works out that way.

Have a great day.

Looks like I typed up a post yesterday and forgot to hit the submit. Whoops!

Pam Great job on MM! So glad the DVD worked for you. Hope things went well for the kitties. Yes, the monthlies are from Zoe too. Great job on SB! Oh yuck but at least you are good for another year.

Cheryl Great job on P30 LB plus abs! That would stink about the power going out at the grocery store. Glad you were able to get it taken care of. I'm kind of looking forward to a gentler version of yoga for a few weeks. Great job on yoga! That sounds awesome if you can get back in the water in a couple of weeks!

This morning I did ICE Metabolic Total Body plus the Blizzard Blast and YB core! I felt really good after the regular section of MTB but man there was quite a few too many air jacks and burpees in the BB. Last night Benny for some reason was whining so I took him to the living room thinking he would be more comfortable on the couch. I slept the whole night on the couch and my back was so sore when I got up. I was happy I had an easier hike on the calendar in Oregon. Then I did a couple of rounds of YB yoga! I am taking tomorrow off work and looking forward to a nice long weekend since Monday is a holiday!

Have a great weekend!
Julie Great job on ICE Metabolic Total Body + BB and YB core and your hike in Oregon. Oh yuck I am not a fan of burpees at all. You are a great pet mom to sleep on the couch with Benny all night. Enjoy your long weekend.

Yesterday I did a Tabata workout that alternated between cardio and weights. It was a tough workout. This morning I did Rev'd up Rumble. Work was busy and the day went by fast. I hope tomorrow will go by just as fast.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on your yoga with booty work, I hope your butt recovered quickly :D. Great job on your housework and dry land training too. I hope you are able to get back in the water in a couple of weeks!

Julie Great job on MTB+BB+Core! I am not a fan of air jacks or burpees. Some of those blizzard blasts are really intense. On poor Benny, but what a good dog mom you are, I hope your back wasn't sore too long. Great job on your hike in Oregon and yoga. I hope you enjoy the extra long weekend!

Chery Great job on your tabata workout and RUR! I hope your work day went by fast!

Looks like I forgot to post for a couple of days. The people who came to meet Tito and Goose ended up taking Tito And Jose. She sent me some pictures and a video of them meeting their dog. It was pretty funny. Tito didn't care about the dog at all but Jose let the dog know that he is the boss :D. Thursday DH and I went for a bike ride in the morning and had some friends over to swim and for dinner in the afternoon. Friday was Cardio Leg blast and the abs from LIC. Saturday was my rest day. Some people came over who are interested in Aurora and Ophelia. They aren't going to be ready for adoption for about 3 more weeks, but this is the second time they have come to see them. The guy wants them really badly but the wife isn't so sure. I think she may be closer to agreeing after yesterday though. This morning was ICE Cardio Party and Strong Body Stacked Sets upper. It's cool here today so it looks like it will be an indoor day. Some people are coming to meet Goose this afternoon They really wanted Goose and Tito, but I'm hoping they will want to take JD also. Have a great day!

Pam That is great that some of your fosters got adopted out. That is funny about Jose letting the dog know who is boss. Good work on your bike ride, Cardio Leg Blast and the abs from LIC and ICE Cardio Party and Strong Body Stacked Sets Upper. I hope your other fosters get adopted out quickly.

Saturday I did my paddle simulation and then worked all day. It was another busy day and it went by fast. Today I was going out for a walk and noticed that Zoey was on our friends deck so I went to say hi to her. Our friends back was giving him grief so I told him that I would take Zoey out with me, so we walked down to the pier and back. It was a nice walk and there were a lot of Canada Geese with their little goslings. Then I worked in the garden for a bit and now I am pooped and ready for bed.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on your Tabata workout! Sounds tough. Great job on RUR and your paddle simulation! So glad that your work days are going by fast. That is nice that you took Zoey on your walk with you. We have a ton of geese in the town I work in. They stop traffic all the time crossing the road. Sometimes they stand in front of the door to the building I work in and then I have to walk around to a different door since they scare me a little!

Pam So glad two kitties got adopted out! Great job on your bike ride with DH and CLB plus LIC abs! Fingers crossed for the other two kitties to get adopted when they are ready. Great job on ICE CP plus SBSS UB! Hope you got Goose and Tito or JD adopted out too!

Friday I did The Kettlebell Body workout from Lauren Brooks and YB core and then a bunch of meal prepping. Saturday was a run in Oregon and then my last of the YB cardio yoga workouts! After that DH and I went for a walk and then ran some errands. It was a nice weekend weather wise and we grilled out Saturday and then Sunday we went to lunch with our neighbors. Monday I did P30 UB and started the Hatha yoga month from YB and then went for a walk with DH before having a lazy day. This morning I did P30 LB plus the LB and core bonus and then added on Edge Booty Extreme Booty Blast! It sounds like a lot but it was only about an hour total.

Have a great day!
Last night DH and I went on a walk again. He is doing pretty good at going on walks about 5 days a week. This morning I did a run in Oregon and a Hatha YB yoga session.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on your paddle simulation and your walk with Zoey. I bet your neighbor really appreciates the walks for her. Geese are so funny, they always act like they own the place!

Julie Great job on the LB Kettlebell workout and UB core, your run in Oregon and your YB cardio yoga workout. It's great that your DH is still wanting to walk. Great job P30 UB, hatha yoga, your walk with DH, P30 LB, LB and core bonus and Edge BEBB! it does sounds like a lot! Also great job on your walk with DH, run in Oregon and Hatha yoga session!

Looks like I have been MIA for awhile! Monday I did Metobolic Total Body with the Blizzard blast and Icy core. Then we went to a friends for a cookout in the afternoon, Tuesday was Perfect Hiit HI hiit with the bonus pyramid cardio. After that we had a zoom call to see Eric defend his thesis for his PhD. We were completely lost, but he did a great job and passed, so he is officially Dr Geiger now! He starts a teaching job at Yale in August :). This morning was Lean Legs and Abs. The people who came too meet Goose on Sunday adopted him, so now JD is the last one of that group. The guy who was here on Saturday also applied and was approved for Aurora and Ophelia, so they already have a home waiting for them after their surgery in a couple of weeks. The most exciting news is that Frankie is going for a trial adoption this afternoon. I'm so hopeful it works out. He is so sweet but he's so miserable here being stuck in the one room. Have a great day!

Julie Great work on your kettlebell body workout and YB core, your runs in Oregon and YB cardio, P30 UB and LB, your Hatha Yoga sessions and Edge Booty Extreme Booty Blast. That is great that your DH is wanting to go out for walks. Glad that you are getting nice weather so you can get out on your deck and fire up the grill.

Pam Good job on Metabolic Total Body + BB + IC, P30 HI Hiit + Bonus Pyramid and Lean Legs and Abs. That is great news about Eric. So what will he be teaching at Yale? That is great about your kitties getting adopted out. I hope the trial works for Frankie so he can go to his furever home.

Monday I did an Upper Body + core workout, Tuesday was PRS #1 and today I did yoga. It has been so hot here that you don't want to go outside. It is suppose to cool down for the weekend though.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on MTB plus BB and icy core and Perfect HiiT Hi plus the bonus pyramid cardio! That is amazing news about Eric getting his PhD and getting a teaching job at Yale is super impressive! What did he get his PhD in? Great job on LLA! Yea, so glad Goose got adopted and Aurora and Ophelia having a home when they are done with their surgery. Oh fingers crossed for Frankie's trial to work out.

Cheryl Great job on your UB plus core workout and PRS #1 and yoga! What a bummer it is so hot already. Hopefully it cools off for you a little. High humidity can be miserable.

This morning I did Push Pull and then did a bike ride in the French Polynesia! I go today to get my first shot for the vaccine. I haven't gotten a shot in decades so I am a little nervous for some reason. I am not afraid of needles but whenever they show people getting the shots on TV it looks like the nurse is just jamming the needle in their arm. I am also taking tomorrow off work and hoping to get some things done around the house.

Have a great weekend!
CherylEric will be teaching calculus. Great job on your UB+ core, PRS #1, and yoga. You must be getting our heat as it has been unusually cool here. We're going to be at the beach next week so hoping it will warm up. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to.

JulieEric's PhD is in math. His thesis topic was global congruence for planar curves and the special Euclidian case. DH and I just looked at each other and said huh? :p. Great job on PP and your bike ride in French Polynesia. I hope all goes well with your shot. The shot didn't hurt at all when I got mine but my arm was sore for a couple of days afterwards. I can't look when they are giving me a shot.

This morning was Power Max. I'm making a couple of lasagnas to deliver tomorrow and getting this house ready for guests this weekend. We are leaving for the Outer Banks on Sunday with DHs whole family, so I think there are 10 people staying here Saturday night. The upstairs bedrooms and bathroom never get used so I'll probably have to scrape the dust off :rolleyes:. Have a great day!


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