Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Great job on MIS! Sounds like you had a good rest day with connecting to people. Great job on AOLIH timesaver! Hopefully everything went well with Willow's checkup and DH's bloodwork.

This morning I did Edge Booty Extreme 2 Weighted Legs. I forgot how much I love that workout even though it is such a tough one. Hopefully my legs still work tomorrow!

Have a great day!
Julie Yes everything went well with Willow's checkup. DH has a doctors appointment next week so we will see what she has to say. Great work on Edge Booty Extreme 2 Weighted Legs.

This morning was S&S Bootcamp. Then I got some housework done, cleaned all the screens and washed the windows outside. It was a really nice day out so I made sure to get out there.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on S&S BC and your housework! Oh that sounds like a lot of work and no fun but that's how cleaning goes I guess. That is great about Willow!

This morning I was exhausted after a not so great night's sleep. I managed to make it through my hike on Easter Island but that is all I could muster up.

Have a great day!
Julie Sorry that you didn't get a good nights sleep but good for you in getting up and doing a hike on Easter Island.

This morning was RWH Plyo Hiit 1 and Icy Core 1. The burpees get me every time, I really struggle with them. Then it was grocery shopping and doing a bit of meal prep.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on RWH Plyo HiiT 1 and Icy Core 1! There are a lot of burpees in that one. I'll be grocery shopping today. Going to to go mid-morning and hoping it is pretty clear in there. Last week it was so busy I was starting to get cart rage!

I got better sleep last night so I was only the normal tired instead of extra tired. I did Edge Booty Extreme 2 Weighted Glutes! That one is tough but not as tough as the Weighted Legs. My legs are really sore from the WL workout on Tuesday. We'll see if I can walk let alone run tomorrow. I plan on taking tomorrow of work so won't be getting online.

Have a great weekend!
Julie It sounds like you had a great weekend. So nice to get such beautiful weather! Oops, it happens sometimes when we are enjoying ourselves that we end up over-indulging. Great job on PPE!

Cheryl Great job on MIS. That is a long one! Wow, it sounds like you had a nice social weekend! If sure is good to have so many video chat possibilities during this quarantine! Great job on AOLIH and your work outside. I bet the cats enjoyed getting out.

Julie Gret job on EBE2 WL. That is a mouth full. I hope you were able to pass the toilet test the next day!

Cheryl Gret job on S&S Bootcamp. You sure got a lot of cleaning done too! I never finished all of my windows last time I started on them and they need it again!

Julie Great job on your Easter Island hike after a lousy sleep.

Cheryl Great job on Plyo Hiit 1 and IC 1. I almost always sub that workout out because of all of the burpees.

Julie Im glad you got a better sleep and were only normal tired :) Great job on EBE2 WG! You have worked those legs hard this week! Enjoy your long weekend. Hopefully you will get beautiful weather again.

Sorry for being MIA for so long. It's been a busy week! Monday I did TTM. Then Pirate had a follow up vet appointment for his eye. They said that it is still looking thick so he needs to keep on the ointment for a couple more weeks. Then I had to go to another vet to pick up vaccines and syringes. Tuesday morning I did Step Blast and then spent the day driving around giving vaccines to kittens. One of them was not too interested in getting one and drew some blood :p. Tuesday night I had trouble sleeping because my hip was really hurting, so I decided not to do a workout. I spent the whole data loading data into a new software program that we are starting to use for the rescue. Hopefully It will make things easier. This morning I did Crossfire and then had to drop the kittens for their spay/neuter. The vet called shortly after I got home to say we need to wait another week for one of the boys because one of this testicles hasn't completely dropped yet. So the poor guy will be there all day today and then again next week. I'm still fighting the ring worm, but I think all but one of them is pretty much over it. The fur just needs to grow back now, but the vet will tell me after seeing them today. I took advantage of them being gone to give the room a big clean and spray everything down with a bleach solution. Poor Tai has been going in there looking for them. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on Edge Booty Extreme 2 Weighted Glutes. I hope you can pass the toilet test tomorrow. Enjoy your long weekend.

Pam Good job on TTM, Step Blast and Crossfire. Wow you sure have been busy with kittens. It is always fun when one of the testicles hasn't dropped. Hopefully he can get neutered next week. It sounds like you are winning the ring worm battle though.

This morning was Muscle Max and then I got the vacuuming done. I needed to go to our shelter today to pick up some cat food to take to the Vancouver shelter when I go there tomorrow. Then we had someone come and look at our front patio. We want to make it a bit bigger so he will give us a quote on the cost. We will see how much it is and if we can do it this year or wait until next year.

Have a great day.

Cheryl I think I am winning the ring worm battle, although pirates has gotten a little worse. Today was sulphur dip day. Instead of completely dipping them I just put it in the spots though, so I hope that is as effective. Great job on MM! I hope you are able to get your patio done this year, that would be nice.

Friday I did intensity series bootcamp and some work around the house. Pirate had to go get his eye checked again. The original problem is gone but now he has been having a thickening of his cornea. They started him on new drops and I think it seems to be looking a lot better. I was worried because it was really dark all the way around his eye. They said that is the ring worm and the hair around his eye fell out which is why it looks so dark :rolleyes:. Saturday morning I didn't feel like working out. It was another day of vaccines. One person brought her 5 kittens over and then I visited 3 other fosters to vaccinate 9 more. We weren't planning on taking in any more cats or kittens for awhile, but we had someone contact us saying they found a mom cat, 4 kittens and the father and that if we would take them they would pay for all of their vet care plus donate $1000! Needless to say we took them, so then I was running around to pick up some flea meds for them and drop them off to the foster. When they went to get the mom and kittens they found another mom and 2 kittens that are still nursing, so we took those too. We did some scrambling to find fosters for all of them, but we were able to. The people who found them ended up donating $2500!! we were pretty excited about that. This morning was Body Max 1 step and power circuits and Lite six pack abs 1. It's a beautiful day so now 'm sitting by the pool reading and getting the medical information entered for all of the vaccines. Happy fur mothers day!

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Pam No worries on being MIA, it happens so easily. Great job on TTM! Hopefully another week will help Pirate’s eye. Great job on Step Blast! Good for you giving your hip a rest. Great job on CrossFire, your hip must have been feeling better to do that one! Poor Tai missing his friends. Great job on BC original style! Oh wow, poor Pirate having to deal with all that. That is very generous of them to pay the vet care plus donate an additional $2500! That is amazing! Great job on BM1 step and circuits plus Lite 6 pack abs 1!

Cheryl Great job on MM! We are going through the estimate process right now to get our carpet replaced with tile. It is way past due and I hate the waiting and hoping we can find the right workers for the right price.

Friday I did my last run in the Easter Island series and then did some cleaning before taking Sheba to the vet in the afternoon for her acupuncture. Saturday I did a couple of hikes in the French Alps and then did some organizing around the house. Sunday was my lazy day. We had cold, windy weather over the weekend. Quite a difference from the weekend earlier. I hope we are not headed back into Fall/Winter. This morning I did a Get Lean workout and then a walk in Timber Creek Zion National Park.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on your run on Easter Island. Is acupuncture working for Sheba? The vet said that she had been to a training session and they had a cat that had Tai's exact symptom with his upper respiratory problem and it was cured by acupuncture. Great job on your hikes in the French Alps, your GL workout and your walk in Zion. Our weather was a quite a bit cooler this weekend too, but it was nice in the sun so I did get to sit outside and enjoy it on Sunday for while. They had snow where my sister lives in Michigan and my In-laws in Pennsylvania!!

This morning was XTrain Chest, Back, and shoulders. I had forgotten how much I like the format of those workouts. Have a great day!

Pam Great work on Bootcamp and BM 1 and Lite six pack abs. Wow you were really busy with kittens this weekend. That is a lot of vaccinations to do. That is great that you got a nice donation, that really helps with all the work that you do.

Julie Good job on your run on Easter Island, your hikes in the French Alps and your Get Lean workout and walk in Zion National Park. Bummer that you had lousy weather for your weekend, hopefully it was just a glitch and you will get nice weather again soon.

Pam Great job on XTrain Chest, Back and Shoulders.

So Friday I didn't workout because I couldn't get up any earlier that I already do. Then I spent the day at the Provincial Office. Saturday I did Body Weight and Bands then went down to the shelter. It was very quiet and I only received one phone call all day. Sunday I did Lite Extended Stretch 1 and Step Boss Extended Stretch 1. Then we had our weekly chat with my brother and mom. We had a very hot weekend here. It was well into the 80s so I didn't sleep well last night. I was suppose to do Kick Max this morning but I just wasn't into it so I did Lite Rev'd Up Rumble instead. I just got off a Zoom call with some of my dragon boat team to chat and catch up with each other. It looks like we may not get out on the water until sometime in mid September.

Have a great day.

Pam We do think acupuncture is working for Sheba. We took her in because she was having some incontinence and it has gotten a little better but what we have noticed most is that it seems to relax her and she can tolerate Gunner and Layla's high energy better. Great job on XT CBS! Oh snow in May is wrong no matter where you live.

Cheryl You're retired, you shouldn't have to get up earlier than you want. Great job on BW & Bands and your Extended Stretch montage! Oh I am jealous of your weather but sorry you didn't sleep well. Kick Max is one you have to work yourself into want to doing. It is not that tough just not that fun imho. Great job on RUR! Oh no mid September until you can dragon boat. I hope that you can get out sooner.

This morning I did a Get Lean workout and a hike up Devil's Backbone Mt. Baldy. It had a little bit of running up inclines but luckily not too much. Yesterday I was on a meeting and forgot I wasn't muted and I saw Benny sitting on Gunny. I was worried Gunny was going to get mad so I shouted "NO!" The person talking thought I was talking to her. Whoops! I did get a picture.

Have a great day!
Julie I love the picture of Benny and Gunny. That was too funny about your conference call too. Great job on your Get Lean workout and hike up Mt. Baldy.

This morning was Lean Legs and Abs. Then DH had a doctor's appointment via video chat. It worked out really well. Then in the afternoon my neighbour called me because there was a sick coyote in a field just by our place and she didn't know who to call. So I gave her a number and then I went up there myself. The poor coyote had mange he didn't have much fur left on him and he was just lying there. He did stand up once and he was so skinny I was amazed that he could even stand. He did lay back down again as that took a lot of energy for him. We did get hold of of a conservation officer to come out because he wasn't in a good place as it is used by a lot of people to let their dogs run off leash and we knew it would be dangerous if a dog went up to him. They knew about this coyote as they had received a lot of calls over the past several months but they couldn't pin him down anywhere that it was safe. So she said the most humane thing to do was to put him down. We couldn't stay when she brought out the rifle we left for home but we heard the gunshot as we were walking home. It was sad but we knew it was best for the coyote.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on LLA! Oh my goodness. I just teared up with that story. I know not a lot of people like coyotes but I think all animals have a place in the grand scheme of things. Even thought it is sad, it was probably the best thing for the poor animal.

This morning I did a run in a quaint Swiss town and then a hike in the Swiss Alps. This morning at 3 my alarms goes off and I groggily made my way into the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I am reaching for my toothbrush, I see something hanging down right next to it. It was a daddy long leg hanging there!! :eek: I am proud to say I didn't make a noise so as not to wake up my husband but I did bat at it crazily until it fell into the sink where I smashed at it until it was dead. Needless to say, I was fully awake after that.

Have a great day!
Cheryl I never want to get up early anymore either! Great job on BW+bands. That would make for a very long day getting only 1 phone call all day! Great job on all of your stretching on Sunday, I bet that felt great! We have been having such cool weather, but it is suppose to be hot here this weekend so we are hoping to get out to ski. We've typically been skiing a lot by now. I don't think I can ever get exited about Kick Max, great job subbing in RUR. That is a bummer that you might not get out o the water until September :(. Hopefully it's not that long.

Julie Great job o your GL workout and hike o Mt Baldy. Devil's Backbone sounds tough! That picture of Benny and Gunny is so funny! The look on Gunny's face is priceless! :p

Cheryl Great job on LLA. Oh that is such a sad story about the coyote. I wouldn't have been able to stay either but it was the most humane thing to do. It still had to feel bad hearing the gunshot.

Julie Great job o your run and your hike in the Swiss Alps. A daddy log legs hanging there is not something you want to see at any time of day, let alone 3 am! You were very strong not making any noise while you battled him. I don't know if I would have been that strong!

Yesterday morning I went on a 25 mile bike ride in the morning. In the afternoon I braved Costco for the first time since the quarantine started. It was a little crazy, most people were not really trying to social distance from what I could tell. At one point I had stopped because a couple of people were going through the end of an aisle. While I was stadia waiting for them another woman came up and went right through. Oh well. This morning I did Xtrain Bi's and Tris and bonus core 1. My biceps are talking to me right now so I think I will be feeling it. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on your run in a Swiss town and hike in the Swiss Alps. Wow you were strong not making a noise with the spider there. I bet that really woke you up.

Pam Good work on your 25 mile bike ride and XTrain Bi's and Tris. Not everyone believes in social distancing here either. It can be a bit frustrating when you are making an effort and another person will just barge right through.

This morning was Imax 4. I like that workout except for the last blast that has you go over the step into a burpee. That one does me in and I can't go as fast as they can. Then it was grocery shopping which was really quiet.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on your 25 mile bike ride! I went to Costco a couple of weeks ago and it was just as awful as before. Great job on XT B&T plus core 1! At least your bis weren't singing to you!

Cheryl Great job on Imax 4! That is a tough blast! I will be going grocery shopping tonight. I hope they actually have prepared/bagged salad this time. Last time they were completely out of all lettuce.

This morning I did a Get Lean workout and then a walk in Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica. I was looking at the beautiful scenery and wondered if I could afford to retire there. Then the trainer said that Costa Rica was home to over 20,000 different species of spiders. Well, that answered my question!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on Imax 4. That last blast is a doozy! The first time I did that workout I did the double blasts premix and was definitely regretting it on that one (and a couple before that too!). Glad that grocery shopping was quiet.

Julie Great job on your GL workout and your walk in the Costa Rica cloud forest! 20,000 different species of spiders??! :oops: No Thank you!!!

This morning was XTrain cardio leg blast. I really enjoy that one. Then I sat by the pool and did some work on rescue stuff. I posted 4 of my kittens on our website at noon and 2 of them are already adopted! I'm guessing the other 2 will probably go quickly because they are the only kittens we have available right now. I still have Ramsay who needs his neuter and we are still working on Pirates eye. I'm riding in the morning so will likely forget to check in. Have a great day!

Julie It is so annoying when a store is out of everything. Hopefully they had what you needed. Great work on your Get Lean workout and walk in Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa rica. Eek 20,000 species of spiders!!!! No thank you.

Pam Good job on XTrain Cardio Leg Blast. Kittens always get adopted so quickly. I am sure the other 2 will go very fast as well.

This morning was Total Body Trisets Upper Body. Then I got some housework done and then went out for a walk.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on XTCLB! That sounds very relaxing sitting by the pool to get some work done. Hope the other two get adopted quickly and enjoy your ride!

Cheryl Great job on TBTUB and your walk and housework! I was thrilled when I walked in and saw that they actually had lettuce in the produce section this time. They are still pretty scarce on frozen veggies but hopefully they can restock those soon.

This morning I did a downhill run and then a hike in the Swiss Alps! I love running downhill because I can go faster. Granted my downhill speed is probably most peoples jogging speed but still. We are finally getting into the 70s but they are also calling for rain most of today and tomorrow. I guess I will take it!

Have a great weekend!

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