Julie It sounds like you had a great weekend. So nice to get such beautiful weather! Oops, it happens sometimes when we are enjoying ourselves that we end up over-indulging. Great job on PPE!
Cheryl Great job on MIS. That is a long one! Wow, it sounds like you had a nice social weekend! If sure is good to have so many video chat possibilities during this quarantine! Great job on AOLIH and your work outside. I bet the cats enjoyed getting out.
Julie Gret job on EBE2 WL. That is a mouth full. I hope you were able to pass the toilet test the next day!
Cheryl Gret job on S&S Bootcamp. You sure got a lot of cleaning done too! I never finished all of my windows last time I started on them and they need it again!
Julie Great job on your Easter Island hike after a lousy sleep.
Cheryl Great job on Plyo Hiit 1 and IC 1. I almost always sub that workout out because of all of the burpees.
Julie Im glad you got a better sleep and were only normal tired

Great job on EBE2 WG! You have worked those legs hard this week! Enjoy your long weekend. Hopefully you will get beautiful weather again.
Sorry for being MIA for so long. It's been a busy week! Monday I did TTM. Then Pirate had a follow up vet appointment for his eye. They said that it is still looking thick so he needs to keep on the ointment for a couple more weeks. Then I had to go to another vet to pick up vaccines and syringes. Tuesday morning I did Step Blast and then spent the day driving around giving vaccines to kittens. One of them was not too interested in getting one and drew some blood

. Tuesday night I had trouble sleeping because my hip was really hurting, so I decided not to do a workout. I spent the whole data loading data into a new software program that we are starting to use for the rescue. Hopefully It will make things easier. This morning I did Crossfire and then had to drop the kittens for their spay/neuter. The vet called shortly after I got home to say we need to wait another week for one of the boys because one of this testicles hasn't completely dropped yet. So the poor guy will be there all day today and then again next week. I'm still fighting the ring worm, but I think all but one of them is pretty much over it. The fur just needs to grow back now, but the vet will tell me after seeing them today. I took advantage of them being gone to give the room a big clean and spray everything down with a bleach solution. Poor Tai has been going in there looking for them. Have a great day!