Strength in Numbers

Pam Willow and Tango have seen each other but Willow has been in a crate so not a lot of interaction yet. There has been a bit of hissing and growling but I am hoping that will stop soon. Great job on Total Body Trisets Upper Body Split and the abs from Turbo Barre. Were the kittens not weaned from their mother yet to be nursing on one of the other kittens? I hope trading the kittens will work.

I didn't do a workout this morning because I was busy with Willow and she was in my workout room. However the furnace is in my workout room and it seems like she doesn't like the noise that it makes so I moved all of her stuff out of there into the rest of the basement. That seems to be working better for her. I am hoping that things will go smoothly between Tango and Willow and we can move her up with the rest of us. We will see how things go in the next couple of days.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl It's very likely that the kittens were taken from their mother before they were weened, that seems to happen a lot unfortunately. I got the new little guy and he is so cute, but he also nurses on himself! I have never seen that before. It sounds like you are doing all of the right things to introduce Willow and Tango slowly, so hopefully it won't take them too long to get used to each other.

This morning was Revved up Rumble. I did the premix with the calorie crush and the extended stretch. The stretch felt really good. Then I spent most of the day working outside because it was such a beautiful day. I washed my new car and my old car and did a lot of outdoor cleaning on the patio. I was hoping to do some planting, but It is supposed to get down to 32 tomorrow night so I decided to wait until after that. Have a great day.

Pam Great job on Revved Up Rumble. It is nice to get outside when it is nice out though it sounds like it is going to get pretty cold tonight.

Saturday I did FT Legs Glutes and Core and then in the afternoon I went and helped our coaches with a learn to dragon boat program. It was quite windy on the water which made a lot of waves so we got a bit wet. We are still trying to get Tango and Willow together without them hissing or growling at each other. It isn't as bad as the beginning but there is a ways to go before we can trust them together. This morning I was so sore in my lower back that I didn't do a workout but did some foam rolling instead. This afternoon I went out and visited with my mom.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on FT Legs, glutes and core and the learn to dragon boat program. I bet it is hard when it is so windy and rough like that. I hope that our back is feeling better. Hopefully Willow and Tango will learn to like each other soon. It can be hard to keep them apart since it seems like anytime you don't want a cat to go somewhere that is where they want to be!

Yesterday was my rest day and I just ran some errands and did some cooking and playing with the cats. I also took in one more kitten, so I'm hoping the people who adopted Willie and Manny come and get them soon. I think they are going to get them this week. This morning I did Circuit Max. I started the April rotation, but I think I'll be making a few changes because several of the workouts were in last months rotation too. Have a great day.

This weekend flew by! Friday I did Cathe Live Totally Pumped Total Body. It was alright. Not a favorite or one I will probably revisit. Saturday, we had an early vet appointment and I didn’t get up in time to work out. After the vet appointment, we ran some errands and then groomed all 3 dogs and did some cleaning. Sunday I did my heavy weight workout and did something to my knee during my squats. I was able to finish out the workout since it was upper body after that but I took this morning off just in case.

Pam Great job on your 21 mile bike ride! How nice you could all get together! Great job on HST! Oh Willie is so tiny! I bet he is adorable. Great job on TBT UB plus TB abs! Hmm! I don’t remember the TB abs at all. Not surprising since I don’t like abs or barre. Great job on RUR plus CC and ES! Oh the new guy must be hungry if he is nursing on himself. Oh wow, how many cats do you have right now? Great job on CM!

Cheryl Great job on Twist! Yea, so glad you were approved to get Willow! Great job on FT LG&C and your dragon boating session! Hope the foam rolling gave you some relief. I’m hoping Willow and Tango get over the hissing and growling soon. I am sure you are ready to be able to set Willow free and not have to worry about it. I’m also hoping that we both start getting our energy back. This week is a beast of a week for me with meetings but I think our weather may be turning around by the end of the week.

Have a great day!
This morning I did Cathe Live Bands and Bodyweight! It was good. My knee was still hurting a little. Right below the knee cap. I dug out an old knee brace I haven't used in over 10 years and that seemed to help.

Have a great day!
Julie I hate that the weekend flew by. Great job on LIVE TPTB. When I read the name I thought it sounded like a good one, but it's a bummer that you didn't really like it. Grat job on your heavy weight workout, I hope that your knee is doing better soon. You were smart to take a day off to let it rest.I think the nursing on himself is a comforting thing. He does it when he is settling down to go to sleep. I worry that he will give himself sores or something, but mainly seems to be just making his tummy wet. I have 5 little kittens, plus Willie and Manny, plus Spanky and our two right now. Hopefully the people who adopted Willie and Manny will come and get them soon. I don't really remember the TB abs either and I just did them :rolleyes:. Great job Live Bands and Bodyweight. I'm glad that the knee brace is helping your knee.

This morning I did Intensity and the abs from LLA and abs. Yesterday I was back to prepping the bedroom to be painted. My DH gave in and said not to wait for his help because he knows it will be a long time before he has the time. I have never patched tape before, but it sure is nice that there is so much info on YouTube. I'll be doing some more prep work today and hopefully will be able to start painting soon. I was going to do some planting, but it is cold and rainy so that is going to have to wait. Have a great day!

This morning was Cathe Live Metabolic Meltdown! It was good but not what I was expecting. I think I was expecting some cardio mixed in but it was all compound weight moves. Weird I am wishing there was cardio mixed in. My knee is still iffy even with the brace. It really only affects me with squats and lunges so I just had to be careful on those.

Pam Great job on Intensity and LLA abs! Oh my gosh too cute that his little tummy is wet. I guess that makes sense about the comforting and is kind of like a baby sucking a pacifier or their thumb. Hopefully you can get the painting done soon and get to planting.

Have a great day!
Pam Wow you sure do have a lot of kittens. Hopefully the adopters will come and get Willie and Manny soon. Great job on Circuit Max.

Julie Good work on Cathe Live Totally Pumped Total Body. Too bad that you didn't like it but at least you have a lot of others to choose from. Bummer about your knee, hopefully it isn't anything too serious. Great job on Cathe Live Bands and Bodyweight. Glad that the brace helped your knee.

Pam Good work on Intensity and the abs from LLA. YouTube is great for finding out how to do things. Hope you can start painting soon.

Julie Too bad you didn't like Cathe Live Metabolic Meltdown. Umm you seem to like cardio and ab work more than you used to. You must be changing.

Sorry that I have been MIA but I have been too busy to sit down at the computer. Monday my back was really sore so I did Stretch Max segments 2 and 3 and my foam roller. Then we got some errands done in the afternoon. In the evening my back was better so I went dragon boating. It was a really nice night though a bit cold. Tuesday morning I went to Twist. I had to modify some of the moves because my back was a bit tight. Then I got the screens off the windows and clean them. I had Tango outside with me and Willow was at the screen door. They meet each other through the screen door and things went well. So we decided to let them be together. It had been fine just a couple of hissy fits but otherwise they are tolerant of each other but not best friends yet. We are separating them when we go to bed and if we go out until we are sure things a good between them. Tuesday night we had our strata annual general meeting so I went to that since there were a few things to vote on. This morning I slept in so I only had time to do Stretch Max Segment 1. Then I went to the SPCA for my shift. In the afternoon I went and got groceries and then I walked our friends dog Zoey.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Cathe Live Warrior Kickboxing. I really liked it even the core section at the end. My knee is feeling better today too. Not 100% but I think it is getting there.

Cheryl No worries on not posting. Glad the SM segments and foam rolling helped your back that day so you could do dragon boating. Great job on Twist and for modifying! Oh yea! Sounds like things are going to go well with Willow and Tango! I hate having to do the slow introduction thing because I just want them to be friends right away but I know it is best to do it slowly. Great job on SM 1!

Have a great day!
Julie Great work on Cathe Live Warrior Kickboxing. Glad that your knee is feeling better too.

So last night after saying that we were going to keep Tango and Willow separated at night we decided to see what would happen since they have been getting along quite well. Tango was at his normal spot at the foot of the bed and as soon as I got in Willow jumped up and layed down right beside me. She didn't leave my side all night and it was a bit hard to move around but it was nice having her there. I even left them alone when I went to Twist this morning too and everything was good as far as I could tell. So my workout at Twist was really good. My back was feeling a lot better so I could do all the moves without modifying. Then I got the laundry done and the blinds and windows cleaned on the main floor along with the vacuuming and washing the floor. I was pooped after that and had a nap.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Cathe Live Athletic Conditioning! It was like Athletic Training but the step portion was a lot different and dare I say less tedious. The live version also seemed to have a lot more variety of moves too. So happy it is the weekend and we are supposed to be near or in the 70s all weekend!!! Finally!

Cheryl That is AWESOME news about Tango and Willow!! So happy they are getting along beautifully. Great job on Twist and glad your back is feeling better. Man you got a lot accomplished. Now hopefully you can enjoy the weekend.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Great job on Live MM. That is strange that there was no cardio!Sorry to hear that your knee was still giving you problems too.

Cherylno worries about being MIA, I was for the last couple of days too! Sorry to hear your back was sore, but great job doing sm and your foam roller. Nice that your back was feeling better and you got to go dragon boating, great job on twist and all of your spring cleaning that you got done. that is awesome that Willow and Tango are getting along so well! Isn't it funny how we let them disrupt our sleep because we don't want to disturb them? :p

Julie Great job on Live warrior kickboxing. Glad to hear that your knee is getting better.

Cheryl Great job on Twist and so glad that your back was feeling a lot better. You have been a cleaning machine this week. You are making me feel like a slacker!

Julie Great job on Live AC. It sounds better than AT I find the step very teidous in that as well. Enjoy the beautiful weekend weather!

I didn't realize that I had forgotten to post the last couple of days. Wednesday was supposed to be HST, but since I did that last week I did High Step Challenge instead. I like that one better because it doesn't have the endless sets of leg presses. It was my birthday and my DH got me a new bike! We were supposed to go for a ride that afternoon, but both of my friends schedules got a little messed up and instead of decided which one of the I would ride with I suggested we wait and go the next day. So I got about half of my planting done on Wednesday and yesterday was a 23.5 mile bike ride. This morning Cycle Max was on the calendar so I subbed Cardio Kicks which always makes me smile. Now it's raining so I'm trying to decide if I should finish my planting in the rain. The people who adopted my cat Dexter last year are donating a cat tree to our rescue, so I'm going over to pick it up this morning. I'm so excited to get to see Dexter. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on Cathe Live AC. Enjoy your nice warm weekend.

Pam Good work on HSC. Nice that your DH got you a new bike for your birthday. Great job on your 23.5 mile bike ride and this mornings CK. That is so nice that they are donating a cat tree and you can go and see how Dexter is doing.

This morning I slept in so I just did ICE LIC #1. Then I got the blinds and windows cleaned upstairs. In the afternoon I got some running around done.

Have a great weekend.

Saturday I did RWH Plyo 2 and LI 2 plus abs 2! It was hard but not as hard as when I did Plyo & LI 1. After that DH and I ran some errands and did a little bit of house work but since it was nice, we spent most of the afternoon and evening relaxing on the deck with the dogs. Sunday I did my heavy weights and then was lazy most of the day. Good thing since it rained off and on most of the day. This morning was my rest day sleeping in.

Pam No worries on the not posting! Great job on HSC! Glad you were able to get half your planting done. Great job on your 23.5 mile bike ride on your new bike and on CK! That one always makes me smile too! How fun to get to visit one of your old fosters.

Cheryl Great job on ICE LIS 1! Ugh, cleaning blinds is no fun. I bet you feel great having that out of the way.

Have a great day!
This morning I did Cathe Live Lift It HiiT It! It was good but I was a little tired so I think if I had more energy it would have been better. It was different than the RWH LIHI. It was 2 high intensity cardio moves followed by a light to moderate weight exercise. Sometimes they were combo upper/lower and sometimes just lower weight moves. It was short at 37 minutes but quite intense because there was little rest. Although she did give more rest after the double shot of burpees before doing deadlifts.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on ICE LIC 1 and getting your blinds and windows cleaned!

Julie Great job on Ply 2+LI2+abs2! That sounds like an intense combo! Nice that you were able to relax outside with the dogs and enjoy the nice weather. Great job on heavy weights too.

Julie Great job on LIHI Live! I love the LIHI workouts in RWH and that one sounds like one I would like too. Except maybe for that double shot of burpees.....:rolleyes:

It was fun seeing Dexter on Friday. He looks so good and has gotten so big. This weekend I had a girls weekend at the beach for my birthday. We did a lot of eating and drinking and not much activity other than a 2.5 mile walk on the beach each day. The weather was beautiful and we had a nice time. I got home and finished my planting yesterday afternoon. Willie and Manny were picked up last night, so now I just have the 5 little guys and Spanky as fosters. This morning was Power max and Icy core 1. Power Max is one of my favorite of the old step workouts. Now I'm working on getting caught up on laundry. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on RWH Plyo 2 and LI 2 plus abs 2 and your heavy weight day. Good work on Cathe Live Lift It HiiT It. I bet you were happy that it was only 37 minutes if it was that intense. I think an hour would have been too much.

Pam Nice that you had a girls weekend. It would have been nice to have a nice relaxing weekend instead of doing a lot of exercising. It would have been fun to see Dexter after not seeing him for a while. Glad that Willie and Manny went to their new home. Good job on Power Max and Icy Core 1.

Saturday I did Cardio Leg Blast. I hadn't done that one in a long time. Then in the afternoon I went and helped out with a learn to dragon boat program. Sunday I did XTrain Bis and Tris and Monday I did 4DS Double Cardio premix. In the evening I went dragon boating. It was a really wet night. This morning I went to Twist and had a great workout. Then I cleaned the carpets. This evening I went dragon boating again with my old team. They need a few more people for a regatta they are doing at the beginning of May so I went to practise with them.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Cathe Live Pedal to the Metal! It was good but not as good as Pedal Power. It did have Al in it!

Pam So glad you had a great birthday weekend and I would say the 2.5 mile beach walks each day were perfect for a relaxing fun weekend! That is great for Willie and Manny to be going to their home. Great job on Power Max and Icy Core 1!

Cheryl Great job on CLB! That is one of my favorite lower body ones. Great job on XT Bis & Tris and 4DS Double Cardio! Sounds like you are getting a lot of dragon boating in too! Great job on Twist! I bet you are glad to have your carpet cleaning done.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on CLB, I love that workout. Great job on XTrain Bis and Tris 4ds double cardio, twist, and all of your dragon boating. My carpets could sure use some cleaning. I think I am going to rent one of those carpet cleaning machines after I get the bedroom painted.

Julie Great job on Live Pedal to the Metal. It's always fun to see Al in the workouts!

This morning I did CTX Leaner Legs. It's pretty short, but I like how it just keeps moving. Then I did a little more prep work for my painting. I think I am ready to start some drywall patches now, so wish me luck. Have a great day!


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