Strength in Numbers

Julie Great job on Live Rock Body Boot camp! That twist to the kick outs sounds like it would make them quite a bit harder!! Oh that is ioiod to know about the Roku, that would definitely make that TV much more usable, even if if not for Cathe Live.

This morning I did RWH Hiit Circuit upper body and added the blast only remix at the end since it is pretty short. It was still under and hour total, but it was a good sweat. have a great day!

Julie Great job on Imax 2. I find #9 the hardest of the intervals. I hate that time change. Our Premier said that he will be talking with the Governors of Washington, Oregon and California to see if we can all stay on daylight savings time. This way all of the west coast will be on the same time. We will see what happens.

Pam Good work on AOLIH and Bonus Abs 2. That sucks when you don't get a good nights sleep. Good for you in getting through it. Going to the art gallery sounds like fun.

Julie Good job on Cathe Live Rock Body Boot Camp.

Pam Great work on RWH Hiit Circuit Upper Body and the blast premix.

So yesterday I went to Twist and then got some housework done. The SPCA called me in the afternoon and asked if I could come in for a shift on Friday morning. I guess the regular volunteers couldn't make it and the manager had to take 3 cats in for a vet check up. So today I did ICE Rock'em Sock'em Kickbox and then went to the SPCA. I looked after 4 cats, 4 rats, i guinea pig and one rabbit. A photographer also came in to take some pictures of the small animals. It was a very busy morning and I helped the photographer with the pictures because I had to hold the rats and the guinea pig so she could take some pictures of them. Then I went over to my mom's to help her out with the income taxes.

Have a great weekend.

Saturday I did Kick, Punch, and Crunch, yes I did the abs even the pikes! Granted I paused and did the pikes on my own and pretty sloppily but I did them. After that DH and I did some light housework and then took Gunner to a vet appointment for a checkup. Sunday I did my heavy weight training and then some meal prepping and binging on Netflix. This morning I slept in. Another morning of not being able to get up and do yoga.

Pam Great job on RWH CUB plus the extra blast only premix! Wow you are awesome to do that extra add on! I think I would be pretty spent after just the normal workout.

Cheryl Great job on Twist and ICE RKS! Oh how awesome to help take the pictures. I hope they are successful in getting those 3 states to stop time changing. Maybe if more states do it on the west coast it will work it’s way east.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on Twist and your housework and Rock em Sock em. Wow you really were busy at the SPCA. I hope that the pictures help to get the animals adopted. I need to do my moms income taxes too, but I keep stalling :rolleyes:.

Julie Great job on KPC. I guess we were on the same wavelength on Saturday because the is the one that I did too. I'm always waiting for Cathe to say just 2 more when we are doing the pikes! Great job on heavy weight training on Sunday. It was easy to sleep in today because of the time change. I had a terrible time getting too sleep last night and then a terrible time getting up this morning.

Yesterday was officially my rest day, but it was a nice day so my friend and I went for a bike ride. We got almost 7 miles in and found that the path was flooded. It runs along the river and we have had so much rain lately that the river was flooded. So we turned around. We were going to go farther in the opposite direction to make up for it, but when we got to the parking lot the sky was looking dark. We checked that radar and found out there was a lot of rain just about to start, so we only had a 13.5 mile ride. It started raining right when we got the car started though, so we were happy that we stopped. This morning was CCC, which was a very cruel thing to do the first morning after the time change. I slogged through it though I was tempted not to go back and do round 3 after I did round 4 in my PCCC version, but I knew I would be mad at myself later. Surprisingly it wasn't too bad. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on KPC and the pikes and your heavy weight training day. It is so hard to get up after the time change, I don't blame you for sleeping in.

Pam That was good timing with your bike ride. It wouldn't have been fun to be stuck out in the rain. Good work on CCC. That would be a cruel workout to do right after the time change.

Saturday I did ICE Metabolic Conditioning and then I went dragon boating. It was a really nice day though a bit cool. It felt good to get back on the water. Sunday I was so tired I took a rest day. All I managed to do was to go to the Winter Market for my eggs and then just watched Netflix. This morning I did Lite Rev'd up Rumble and the bonus abs 2. We were going to get our dragon boat in the water tonight but we couldn't because it was below 40 degrees and there was a film crew taking up all of our parking and blocking access to the club. Oh well we will get our boat back in the water eventually.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Cathe Live Body Works! It was a good workout but she over did the biceps. If I did it next time I would sub out some back rows for the second set of bicep curls.

Pam Bummer you couldn’t get too much of a ride in but I guess you did more than you anticipated for your rest day! Great job on PCCC and sticking with doing round 3! I must be still getting used to the time change because this morning when my alarm went off I whimpered a little.

Cheryl Great job on ICE MC plus dragon boating! I am hoping that is a good sign that we are close to Spring! I can imagine you were tired after your first day back boating. Good for you for taking a rest. Great job on Lite RUR plus abs 2! Bummer it was too cold to get the boat out again. Hopefully it will become a regular thing to get back in the water soon. I am anxious for you to get there because then maybe we will get there too.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on ICE MC and dragon boating. I bet you were so happy to be on the water again. Great job on RUR + abs. That is a bummer that you weren't able to get your boat in the water again, but hopefully you will be out there on a regular basis soon!

Julie Great job at Live Body works. I've noticed on some of the dvd that she has a tendency to just crush one body part. I am definitely still getting used to the time change. I was excited to hear yesterday that two Senators have submitted a bill to keep the entire country on daylight savings time permanently. I sure hope that it passes.

This morning was Muscle Endurance. It is supposed to be a nice day so my friend and I are going to try to get a ride in this afternoon since Sunday was a bust. Tonight we are going to see Elton John, so I'm looking forward to that! Have a great day!

Julie Good work on Cathe Live Body Works. Well we are suppose to get warmer weather by next week. Hopefully you guys will follow as well. I am done with this cold weather.

Pam Great job on Muscle Endurance. I hope you got your ride in. I am so jealous that you are going to see Elton John. I would love to see him but the ticket prices were more than what I could afford. He is doing two sold out shows here in September.

I went to Twist this morning. It was tough because I was still feeling the time change. I really hope that they stop farting around with the time and just leave it on daylight savings.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Cathe Live Upper Body Express with Core. It was pretty good but again I think she underworked back and I was surprised that there were no planks in the core. That is classic Cathe last core move.

Pam Great job on ME! Hope you were able to get a ride in. How fun to see Elton John! I bet that was a great concert! I hope that bill passes and we never have to change clocks again!

Cheryl Great job on Twist! I agree, leave the clocks and our circadian rhythms be! We are actually enjoying some 60s right now and maybe tomorrow but then it is supposed to drop down to high 30s/low 40s again over the weekend. Next week 50s supposedly though. Dare I say we are getting there?

Have a great day!
Cheryl We did get our ride in and it was just a beautiful day. I was so hungry when we finished though! Great job on Twist. I am so hoping that they do away with the time changes.

Julie Great job on Live UBE with core. You're right she does seem to love to finish core with planks. We did get our ride in and the show was great. I am really hoping that that bill passes too. There is no reason to have time changes anymore.

Yesterday afternoon my GF and I did a 30 mile bike ride. I couldn't wait to get home and eat after that! :pThe concert was really good. He seemed like he was really happy and just having a great time, and he played all of his big hits. I had seen him once before, many years ago with Billy Joel, and he seemed really angry that time and didn't play very long, so it was good to see him like this. He played for 3 solid hours too! We didn't get home until just before midnight and my DH had a 5:45am flight this morning. UGH. He had to get up at 3:45. I woke up when he got up and had a hard time getting back to sleep, but of course right after I did the alarm went off. I wished I had remembered to turn it off! I turned it off and slept for about another hour, then I got up and did PLyo Hiit premix with the first half of plyo hiit 1 and the second half of plyo hiit 2. That was plenty for me this morning. Have a great day!

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Julie Great work on Cathe Live Upper Body Express with Core. I agree that planks is a classic Cathe move. I think we can safely say we are getting there. We are suppose to get to the upper 60s low 70s next week.

Pam Good job on your bike ride. Glad that you enjoyed the concert. That is great that he played for 3 hours, he does have a lot of hits. Wow your DH sure didn't get much sleep. I hope he could sleep on the plane. Great job on the Plyo Hiit Premix with not much sleep.

This morning I did segments 2 and 3 of Stretch Max. It was pretty quiet at the SPCA today. We only had 3 cats and a guinea pig to look after.

Have a great day.

This morning was Cathe Live Cardio Core Blast! It is set up like Cardio Core Circuit and even though it felt just as hard it had no dread factor and was actually fun. You do one cardio with the loop, one with nothing, and one with the ball then repeat then do a core move with the discs. The last cardio on the ball was so fun. It reminded me of being on a hippity hop! Definitely keeping this one as a favorite.

Pam Great job on your 30 mile bike ride! I bet you were hungry after that monster ride! I wonder if it is because he got clean and sober that he is happy or because this is his farewell tour. Either way glad you had a great time. Ugh that sounds awful having to get up so soon after getting home to go to the airport. Poor DH! Glad you got to sleep in. Great job on Plyo HiiT 1 & 2 premix! I am sure it felt tough after a late night.

Cheryl Great job on SM 2 & 3! How wow 70s next week sounds awesome! Sounds like great boating weather!

I am off work tomorrow. Have a wonderful weekend!
Cheryl My DH doesn't really sleep on planes. He got to NYC and went straight to hs all day meeting then went out for dinner afterwards. I'm not sure how he did it I was a zombie and I went back to sleep for awhile after he left. :rolleyes: Great job on SM and your SPCA shift.

Julie Great job on Live CCB. That does sound like fun and you are making me want to give the live workouts a try. I love the hoppity hop cardio! I think it was a combination of being clean and sober and being his farewell tour. He said that he has 2 'angels' to take care of and he is leaving to spend time with them. He talked a bit about ow much better his life is since getting clean.

I guess I forgot to post yesterday. I did Butts and Guts, and then had to take Moet and Chandon for their last distemper vaccinations because they had a meet and greet scheduled. She came and met them and loved them and took them home. I was worried because she is only 18 but I really liked her. She has a 2 year old cat that she found when he was 2 weeks old and bottle fed. It's her birthday on Tuesday and this is her birthday present. :). She said she was just looking for 1, but changed her mind when she saw their picture. This morning I did LITE SBSSUpper. That name is a mouthful! Now we are on the train on our way to DC. We are spending tonight with Ashley and are picking up my new car tomorrow in Virginia. Or almost new anyway, it's a 2018 with 6,000 miles on it. Have a great day!

Julie Good work on Cathe Live Cardio Core Blast.

Pam Wow I don't know how your DH did it either. I would have been a mess with that little sleep. Great job on Butts and Guts. So nice that Moet and Chandon got adopted. She sounds responsible if she bottle fed her other cat. Good

So yesterday I went to Twist but our trainer slept in so no workout. I was actually happy about that because was so tired. Then I managed to get some housework done and then we went out and visited with my mom for a bit and then met up with DH's sister who is visiting from Berlin. We had a nice visit with her and will meet up again before she leaves. This morning I was really tired again so I didn't workout. It always seems to take me a long time to recover from the time change for some reason. I may take the rest of the weekend off from working out. I will see how I feel tomorrow.

Cheryl I would have definitely taken it as a sign if I got to Twist and the instructor wasn't there. It meant you weren't supposed to workout. Hopefully you were able to get caught up on sleep and adjusted to the time change over the weekend.

I really liked taking the train to DC. I think that we will do it both ways the next time we go. It can be a little longer than driving, but you can get up and walk around and there is a little cafe and the seats are much bigger and more comfortable than a plane. You also don't have the traffic issues, which can be really bad in that area We had a nice time with Ashley on Friday night and it worked out well because both of her room mates were out of town for the weekend. There is a brewery just down the street from where we picked up the car that she has been wanting to go to, so we went there after we got the car on Saturday. Sunday morning I didn't do a workout. A couple came over to meet my little fluffs, and they adopted them, but I will have them until after they get neutered. Then I went and helped at the adoption event. They had a great day on Saturday, but yesterday was a little slower with only three adoptions. This morning cardio party was on the calendar, but I subbed in Step Blast with the abs from SJP. Have a great day! Spring starts this week!

Sorry I didn’t post yesterday. I came down with something Sunday night and ended up staying home Monday. Friday I did S&S TBGS Double Lower plus the abs. Then I did some housework, ran some errands and stopped by my mom’s to help her with her taxes. Still have to go back and finish them up. Saturday I did Cathe Live Quick Cardio Fix. After that was a vet visit and some more housework. Sunday my legs were killing me from TBGS so I decided to take a rest day. Then of course I started feeling lousy towards the end of the day and had horrible sleep so stayed home Monday. This morning I was feeling much better and did Cathe Live Upper Body Boot Camp. It was pretty good and went by super fast.

Pam Great job on B&G! She sounds like she would be a good fit if she was able to care for such a young kitten and keep him for 2 years already. Great job n LITE SBSSUB! I agree that is a mouthful of a name. I think a train ride would be much better than a car ride or a plane. I haven’t been on a train since I was in the 8th grade. Wow you have had quite the adoptions the past couple of days. Great job on Step Blast plus SJP abs subbing for Cardio Party!

Cheryl Whoops! The trainer missed his early class because he slept in! Well at least it was a day you were ok with missing. I hope you are feeling better and rested. Maybe the thought of Spring being tomorrow will help?

Have a great day!
Julie When I noticed you didn't post yesterday I was wondering if you weren't feeling well. It seems like I've heard about so many people being sick lately. I'm glad to hear that you were feeling much better today! Great job on TBGS Double lower plus abs, Live Quick Cardio Fix, and Live UBBC! I'm keep thinking that I have to get going on my moms taxes, but I keep stalling!

This morning was Power Hour. I like that one pretty well and it goes by quickly. I always forget at first though that the weights are a lot lighter for most of the exercises than normal because there are so many reps. I got three new kittens last night. So far they are pretty scared, but I have them in a room by themselves and am hoping they will warm up soon. I don't know what their sexes are yet, so will have to work on names when I do. Have a great day.

Pam The train would be a great way to travel. Are you enjoying your new car? So nice that your kittens got adopted. Good job on Step Blast and the abs from SJP.

Julie Glad that you are feeling better now. Great job on S&S TBGS Double Lower plus abs, Cathe Live Quick Cardio Fix and Cathe Live Upper Body Boot Camp.

Pam Good job on Power Hour. That is one I haven't done in years. I hope your new kittens warm up soon.

So Saturday I was feeling pretty good so I went dragon boating. Sunday my SIL came over for a visit so I didn't have a chance to get a workout in. Yesterday I did Lite Cardio Party and then last night I went to see Sarah Brightman. It was a great concert and I got home really late. So this morning I wasn't going to get up early to go to Twist so I did Lite PHA 2 instead. We have been having really hot weather here. It seems like it went from winter to summer in just a couple of days. If it stays like this I will need to dig out my shorts.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Cathe Live Lower Body Bootcamp. It was pretty good but seemed to drag on. Not sure why other than I am pretty tired today.

Pam Great job on Power Hour! I barely remember that one but am thinking it has some type of slow burpee/pushup type move, right? So cute to have three more kittens. Can’t wait to hear their names. Doing taxes is awful. I don’t know how accountants and CPAs enjoy it enough they want to do it for a living.

Cheryl So glad you got some dragon boating in and was feeling better! Great job on Cardio Party! I don’t blame you for not wanting to get up early to go to Twist. Great job on PHA 2! That is a good one to do after a late night. Wow it is the first day of Spring not Summer. Didn’t your weather people get the message?

Have a great day!
Cheryl I am enjoying my new car. My old one was 20 years old, so I made a great leap into a modern car with so many features that I didn't have. Of course now I worry about where I park, which I didn't care about at all with the other car! So fun that you got to go dragon boating. I am ready to have to dig out the shorts. We are still a little cool here today, but it is supposed to be a beautiful weekend. Great job on Cardio party and PHA 2. At least you got a workout in after your late night, even if it was too early to get up for Twist.

Julie Great job on LIVE LBBC. Hopefully you get over feeling tired today. I just did Power Hour yesterday and I can barely remember, but yes, there was this move where you start out like a push up, but jump in and out before doing the push up. They were TOUGH! I can't imagine being a tax accountant. There is no way I would be able to survive that job!

Yesterday afternoon my GF and I went for a 24 mile bike ride. She is feeling pretty stressed because her DH has had a really bad week and they have been at the hospital a lot, so she really needed to get out for a ride. I hope they figure out what is going on with him and are able to get it taken care of, he had been doing so well. This morning Plyo Hiit 2 was on the calendar. I did the premix that does the second half of plyo hiit 2 and the second half of plyo hiit 1. It was a tough premix since most of the second half moves are harder. It was plenty tough after my double workout yesterday. I sat on the couch for my recovery after the wide stance burpees. Have a great day!


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