Strength in Numbers

Julie Great job on Cathe Live Pedal to the Metal. Yes it feels good to get the carpets cleaned. I still have to do some upstairs too.

Pam Good work on CTX Leaner Legs. Good luck filling the drywall patches. That can be a bit fiddly.

This morning I did Yoga for Strength. It felt really good. Then I went to the SPCA for my shift. After that it was grocery shopping and getting things put away. Here are a few pictures of Willow. I was going to post them yesterday but forgot.


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This morning I did RWH HiiT Circuit UB plus abs 2! It wasn't as bad as I was remembering but I did take some small breaks after some of the cardio blasts. The abs are not too bad either except the bike maneuver which I have to modify. Oh well at least I am doing something. I am taking tomorrow off work to run some errands. It is supposed to get really cold here in the 40s and 50s over the weekend. :(

Pam Great job on CTX Leaner Legs! That one is one of her shorter leg workouts. Good luck on your drywall patches. Hopefully you will also be able to start painting soon.

Cheryl Great job on Yoga for Strength! I really need to get back into yoga. I was so proud of myself for doing it for several weeks straight and now I let myself go back into old bad habits. Oh Willow is so pretty! Thanks for sharing!

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on yoga for strength. Willow is so pretty, I just love that silver tabby color!

Julie Great job on Hiit CUB+ abs. There Is no shame in taking some small breaks when you need them! I hope you enjoy your day off.

This morning I went for a 31 mile bike ride. My friends went yesterday afternoon, but I had a memorial service to go to for another friends mom so I couldn't go. It was so pretty out yesterday and today that I decided to go on my own this morning. I was so glad that I did, It was gorgeous out. The wisteria is in bloom too and there was a lot of it along the trail that smelled wonderful. Have a great day!

Julie Good work on RWH HiiT Circuit UB plus abs 2. No problem taking breaks we all need them sometimes. I hate the bike maneuver, I have to modify it too. Enjoy your day off, hopefully it doesn't get too cold for you.

Pam Great job on your 31 mile bike ride. It makes a big difference when everything is coming into bloom.

This morning I went to Twist. It was another great workout, right now we are working on stability and mobility. Then I got all the housework and laundry done.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on Twist stability and mobility and getting the housework and laundry done!.
This morning was LIS TBT upper body split and I added the abs from LIC. It looks like we are in for a rainy day today so I will be working in the house. Our pollen is so bad though that I'm happy for the rain to wash it away. Everything is yellow, it's so nasty! Have a great day!

Pam Great job on LIS TBT upper body split and the abs from LIC. Looks like we are getting the same type of weather.

So yesterday I did HiiT DWP and then we got some running around done. In the afternoon we went and visited with my mom. This morning I did Lite Pyramid Upper Body and in the afternoon I helped out with a learn to dragon boat session. I really just wanted to take a nap since it was rainy and windy out but I went and was glad that I did. It is good to get out on the water even if it is a crappy day.

Cheryl Great job on DWP and PUB! Good for you for getting out on the water despite the weather. I think it would have been hard to get motivated to go, but I'm glad you went and enjoyed it.

I took yesterday as my rest day and just did some work around the house. This morning I took my DH to the airport for a 6am flight and then came home and went back to bed for a little while. After that I did Step blast and the abs from SJP. It was supposed to be Cardio party + the CC, but I wasn't feeling like that one. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on Step Blast and the abs from SJP.

I took today as a day off. So I was pretty lazy all day. It was a rainy day so I did a bit of watching Netflix.

Have a great day.

Friday I did Cathe Live High Step Legs and Core, it was really good! After that I had a few appointments to go to and did the grocery shopping. Saturday I could not get motivated to workout and just wanted to play with the dogs on the bed in the morning. I did get some housework done and errands ran but no workout. Sunday I did my heavy weight workout and then was lazy most of the rest of the day. This morning I should have worked out since I skipped Saturday but I got awful sleep last night. Oh and Sunday we got a surprise 3-4 inches of wet, heavy snow. It froze last night so it was all crunchy this morning. We are supposed to get to 70 tomorrow so it won’t last but will make for a muddy mess in the yard.

Pam Great job on your 31 mile bike ride! Sounds like it was a beautiful day. Great job on LIS TBT UB and LIC abs! Wait a minute doesn’t TBT UB include abs and then you added abs on top of it?!? Hope you got a lot done and all that nasty pollen is gone. Great job on SB and abs from SJP!

Cheryl Great job on Twist! Stability and mobility work sounds great and probably something we could all use a little more of. Great job on DWP and Lite PUB! Good for you for getting out there even when you didn’t want to. Netflix was made for rainy days! Hope you had a nice relaxing time catching up on your binging!

Have a great day!
Cheryl I hope you enjoyed your lazy rest day!

Julie[ Great job on LIVE HSL&C and your heavy weight workout. Oh man, I would not have been happy abut a surprise snow but I'm glad to hear that it won't stick around long. A big muddy mess is no fun at all. Yes TBT UB does have abs, but it doesn't really feel like it counts as an ab workout to me because you only do 2 different pretty easy moves. The nasty pollen is still around, but it looks like all of the pollen pods are starting to come down, so hopefully it is almost over.

This morning I did Circuit Blast and then this afternoon went for a 20 mile bike ride with my friends.
It was really pretty out but really windy. Luckily the trail that we ride on is pretty protected from the wind so we didn't notice it too much. I am almost finished with my drywall patching. I left the one on the ceiling for last because I wanted to get some practice on the walls. I put the second on three coats on it this morning and all pf the patches are looking pretty good, so I will be able to start painting soon. Have a great day!

This morning I did Tabatacise plus Core 2! I did better than I thought I would do. I only took one break between rounds 3 & 4! I did have my risers at 1 set instead of 2 but still! And the core wasn't too bad until we got to planks when I started to get really tired.

Pam Great job on CB plus your 20 mile bike ride! Good thing you didn't have to bike in the wind. Oh yea! Sounds like you are getting there. Drywall patching does take a long time because you have to wait for it to dry and then sand it and the put more on and repeat.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on tabatacise and core 2! Both are so tough and I don't really think the difference in the risers is very noticeable with that one.

This morning was supposed to be Step Moves, but I didn't feel like doing that one so I did the original Imax and added Icy core 2. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on Cathe Live High Step Legs and Core. Sometimes we just need to be lazy. Playing with the dogs would be much more fun. Oh yuck snow. At least it won't last long.

Pam Good work on Circuit Blast and your 20 mile bike ride. Biking in the wind is no fun so that is good that your trail is protected from it. Drywalling takes time, glad that it is going well for you.

Julie Great job on Tabatacise plus Core 2. You are still working with having only 1 riser instead of 2.

Pam Good job on the original Imax and Icy Core 2.

Monday morning I was just getting ready to do my workout when there was a frantic ringing of our doorbell. I went to the door and it was our friend with their dog Zoey, there was a black bear just a few doors down and she couldn't get to their place because the bear was in the way. We waited for a bit but didn't see the bear go past our place so I went outside to check and he had left the area. From what other people said that saw him he was very big. After that I did Rev'd Up Rumble and tacked on the Calorie Crush. Last night I went dragon boating and had a great practise. We went about 8 kilometers on the water which is around 5 miles. This morning I went to Twist and then went and got groceries. Tonight I went dragon boating again with the team I am subbing for in a regatta on May 4th. It was raining pretty good so we got wet and we did another 8 km.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Cathe Live Boot Camp Circuit! It was good. Not that tough but just right for me this morning because I was a little tired. We had beautiful weather last night and DH and I took all 3 dogs on a short walk.

Pam Great job on Imax and Icy Core 2! I think I have only done Step Moves twice. It just never clicked with me.

Cheryl Oh my a bear scare early in the morning like that! You are all so brave up there I would have been so freaked I don't know if I could have worked out after that. Great job on RUR plus CC and Twist! So at 5 miles out, that means you have to do 5 miles back right for a total of 10? Do you do the return as fast as the way out or go slower?

Have a great day!
Cheryl Oh boy, that sounds like quite the scare with the black bear. It's nice that your neighbor had your place to wait it out. I bet your adrenaline was going for your workout after that! Great job on RUR+CC, your dragon boating practice, Twist, and another dragon boating session. Wow, you have been a busy lady! Hopefully the rain was warm at least.

Julie Great job on Love BCC. How nice that you were able to get the dogs out for a walk. I'm sure they enjoyed it.

This morning for me was Great Glutes. It flew by. Now I'm going to actually start some painting and not just prepping. I think this may be the longest paint job ever! I'm hoping to get the trim painted today. Have a great day!

Julie Good work on Cathe Live Boot Camp Circuit and your walk with DH and your dogs. The bears don't worry me too much. I would rather run into a bear than a cougar though. No it was 5 miles total, so 2.5 miles out and 2.5 miles back. I really would have been pooped to do 10 miles :D

Pam No I was pretty calm. Bears are pretty common around here, you just have to respect their space. Great job on Great Glutes. Enjoy your painting.

This morning I slept in, I guess too much fresh air last night so I didn't have time to do yoga before I went to the SPCA.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Intensity! It was so much harder than I remembered. I think Tabatacise was easier. I took a few too many breaks. I am not sure if it is because I was tired or because it was so hot. We got up to close to 80 yesterday and it was raining this morning which made the room really humid. I actually had to the HiiT portion on my yoga mat because I kept slipping on the floor.

Pam Great job on Great Glutes! Hope you get a lot of painting done.

Cheryl Good for you for sleeping in! Sometimes that is exactly what is needed. I don’t think I would want to run into a cougar either. Supposedly we have coyotes around here but I have never seen any. That's probably the most dangerous thing around here. Well maybe the deer when they try to run across the road right in front of you.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on Intensity. Wow that is humid if you kept on slipping on the floor.

This morning I went to Twist and had a great workout. Then I got the housework and laundry done. In the afternoon I had to take Willow into the vet for a booster shot.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Cathe Live Oh My Quad! There were certainly times I was saying Oh My Quad but towards the end she also threw in quite a few hamstring rollins and outer thigh raises on the ball so it was quite the nice total leg workout.

Cheryl Great job on Twist! Yes it was super humid. Even my water bottle was sweating heavily!

Have a great weekend! Hoppy Easter!
Cheryl The one time I was pretty close to a bear on a hike I stayed calm, but I was glad that he just kept on about his business :). Sometimes sleeping in is the best thing you can do for yourself. You've been hitting it pretty hard with all of the workouts plus all of the dragon boating sessions.

Julie Great job on Intensity. It is such a hard workout and doing it in heavy humidity would be brutal. That is crazy that you had to do the Hiit on your yoga mat.

Cheryl Great job on Twist and your housework and laundry. How is everything going with Willow and Tango?

Julie Great job on Live OMQ! That is a great name and it sounds like it was a great workout.

Yesterday morning I had to take Cash and Ombre for their neuter appointment and after I dropped them off my friend and I went on a 24 mile bike ride. Then I came home and did some more painting. I've done one coat on all of the trim, but I think that the crown molding needs a second coat so I'm going to try to do that today. This morning I did Flex Train and Stretch Max segment 3. I was really tight so the stretching felt great. We are supposed to get some bad storms today and my DH is on his way home from Australia. I'm hoping he is able to get in this afternoon. Have a great day!


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