Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Great job on Twist and your walk to the park. The weather that you are having right now sounds just about perfect!

Julie Great job on yoga. I used to hate those fire drills at work. It seemed like they usually happened when the weather was really bad. It sounds like yours was time about right to just go ahead and leave for your appointment though.

This morning was Lower Body Blast, another one I haven't done in awhile. I am starting to enjoy the stretching at the end of my workouts more and more. Maybe I'm ready for yoga???? Have a great day!

Julie Great work on yoga. I think for the fire drills it is to reinforce which stairwell you use and where your muster station is once you exit the building. Also for your floor wardens to practise what they are suppose to do. It wouldn't be a representation of how fast you evacuate. Hmmmm I'm sounding like I was in management at one time :p.

Pam Great work on Lower Body Blast. That is one that I haven't done in a long time either. It is sounding like you are ready to try yoga.

Since both of you have done KPC recently and I hadn't done it in a long time guess what I did this morning. Yep KPC, I forgot how much I enjoyed this workout. After that I went to the SPCA. We didn't have many animals since most of them got adopted over the weekend. So we did more cleaning of the rooms and cages to get ready for some more.

Have a great day.

This morning I did UP Bench Press day. I was pretty tired but eeked through. I’m wishing my life away but I wish it was Friday already.

Pam Great job on LBB! I haven’t done that one in ages. I remember hating all the pulse work though. It is so weird but I love my yoga day but don’t stretch at the end of my paper workouts. I know I need to but I am just ready to be done and in the shower plus there is no one there telling me to do it.

Cheryl Great job on KPC! I forgot too how much I liked it. One of Cathe’s best and probably the best kickboxing one. Bummer there wasn’t any new animals there for you but I guess that is good that they got adopted over the weekend. Actually, we get told all the time that we are not fast enough exiting the building and we need to go faster. No one ever does though.

Have a great day!
Julie Good work on UP Bench Press day with being tired. It is almost Friday one more day to go. I don't think anyone goes fast when they know it is a fire drill.

This morning I went to Twist Conditioning and then we went out to my mom's and did some yard work for her.

Have a great day.

This morning was another morning where I contemplated the necessity of whether getting up so early to workout was necessary. Working out won and I don't regret it. I did Pedal Power scrambled. My favorite!

Cheryl Great job on Twist! It's finally Friday! It's supposed to be decent weather. A little chilly in the low 50s for me but at least no rain (so far). Hope you get a good weather weekend too!

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on KPC. It is the workout that made me start liking kickboxing. It's a really good one. That's great that most of the animals were adopted over the weekend. I wish that our rescue had a facility like that, I think it would help get more adoptions.

Julie Great job on UP bench press. Yes, all of the pulses in LBB are annoying! I know that feeling about wanting to skip the stretches after a workout I usually do them, but I'm always counting down until they are over.

CherylGreat job on Twist and yard work.

Julie I hope your Friday work day goes by quickly, Get job getting up and doing PP when you weren't feeling like it. I almost never regret getting up and doing it once I am up. It is so tempting to stay in bed though.

Yesterday morning I did Tabatacise and core 2. I didn't get a chance to post because I had to drop kittens at the vet for their spay/neuter. I was supposed to take 4, but Hook is still pretty congested so I didn't take him (oops, I mean HER! :rolleyes:) She is going on stronger antibiotics and will be going for her spay on the 1st. Unfortunately we will miss the adoption events this weekend because we are going to the beach. This morning I did muscle max, another one I haven't done in awhile, I had to turn the heat on this morning, it was only 66 in the house when I got up! Have a great weekend.

Julie Great job on Pedal Power Scrambled when you didn't want to get up. We had a great weekend too chilly only in the 40s in the mornings but otherwise really nice.

Pam Good work on Tabatacise and core 2. I hope the stronger antibiotics works for Hook and she gets better soon. Good job on Muscle Max. I wish it only got down to 66 for us.

Yesterday I did Cardio Supersets and then got the vacuuming and laundry done. In the afternoon I went out and raked a lot of leaves. This morning I went dragon boating. It was a beautiful morning but it was cold.

Have a great weekend.

Saturday I did UP Deadlift day. I had to wake up early at 4:30 on Saturday because DH needed a ride into town to pick up his truck so he could start work early. I actually did pretty good given I was super tired. After I got back from dropping DH off, I cleaned. I was just finishing up when I noticed Sheba's eyes looked really weird. You know how dogs have a third eyelid and sometimes when they wake up suddenly the third eyelid stays up for a few seconds. Well when Sheba woke up her third eyelids were covering her entire eye and they stayed like that for 20 minutes. I was freaking out so I decided to take her to the vet. Well by the time I got there 40 minutes later, they were fine. The vet checked her out anyway and said she seemed fine but if it happened again that we could try artificial tears eye drops because maybe she had dry eyes and it was sticking. Anyway, I was pooped out by the time I got home around 1 in the afternoon. Sunday was my lazy day and this morning I did UP Squat day starting week 10 of 12.

Pam Great job on Tabatacise and core 2! I hope Hook feels better soon. Poor baby! Great job on MM! Ok, people were giving me a hard time for turning our heat on when it got to 60 outside. Now I don't feel so bad. I hope you had a great time at the beach and it got warmer than 66 for you there.

Cheryl Great job on CSS plus leaf max! So glad you got to go dragon boating. That means it isn't too cold out yet that you can't get in the water. Although I am sure it is still cold.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on CSS and laundry and raking. So nice that you were able to go dragon boating!

Julie Wow you had quite the day on Saturday!!! It sounds like you had more than a full day in before noon. Great job on UP deadlift and cleaning. I'm glad that She's eyes were ok, but I'm sure that must have been scary. I hope that you napped or at least took it easy after you got back from the vet.

Saturday it was warm and we went on our friends boat at the beach. It was overcast, but it was still nice. The guys went fishing and our friend caught a big fish that we had for dinner that night. A cold front came through Saturday night and Sunday was completely different. We tried to go for a walk on the beach but it was so windy and cold that we didn't go far. This morning my friends and I went for a bike ride and it was only 40 degrees! Brrrrr! We were pretty chilly but it was a nice ride anyway. Have a great day!

Julie Wow you sure did get an early start to your day. Great job in doing UP Deadlift day. That would have been scary to see Sheba's eye like that. I am glad that it was nothing serious. You deserved a lazy day on Sunday. Good work on UP Squat day. As long as it is 40 degrees out when we go out on the water we will continue. That is the rule for our club but I know someone on one of the Premier teams and they go out no matter how cold it is.

Pam At least you got one day in on your friends boat before the cold front came in. Good job on your bike ride in the cold too.

Sunday morning I did Yoga and today was PRS #1. Another nice day out though the mornings are cold. More leaves have come down and there aren't many left on the tree. Hopefully they will all be down by the end of the week.

This morning I did MMA Boxing! A nice light one when I was feeling a little stiff and sore from yesterday's workout.

Pam Sounds like you had a nice day Saturday at the beach but your Sunday weather sounded like my Saturday weather. It was upwards of 45 mph winds on Saturday or more. So windy! I did get some down time after I got back Saturday afternoon but no nap. I just can't nap for some reason. I think I am afraid it will mess with my sleep schedule. Great job on your chilly bike ride! Hopefully you warm up after a few miles.

Cheryl Great job on yoga and PRS1! Oh that would be nice to be done raking leaves by November. 40 degrees seems so chilly to me. Those Premier teams must be some really tough cookies to go out on even colder water.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on yoga and PRS 1. Our leaves haven't really started falling yet. That is always so much fun with the pool :rolleyes:. It will probably be into December before all of ours are down.

Julie Great job on MMA Boxing. I'm not really a napper either. It seems like the few times that I have taken naps I feel worse afterwards.

This morning was PS Strong legs and abs. I think I have only done that one once or twice ever so it felt like a new workout. I'm not sure I'm a fan, but it was nice for a change of pace Have a great day>

Julie Great job on MMA Boxing. The leaves are falling really fast this year which I am totally fine with. It gets it over with that much faster. The Premier teams compete at the national and world level so for them there is no time for down time.

Pam I bet it would be fun with trying to clean the leaves out of the pool. Good work on PS Strong Legs and Abs. I haven't done that one in a long time either.

This morning I went to Twist and did my favorite assisted pullups :rolleyes:. We are down to only doing 7 reps for each exercise so I used less resistance for my pullups and those 7 reps were pretty hard. Later I went for a walk since this is probably one of the last days without rain for a bit.

Have a great day.

This morning I did UP Bench Press day. I decided that even though this is a 12 week program I think I am going to stop at the end of week 10 after my last workout this Friday and I'm going to take a rest week next week and then start something new the following week.

Pam Great job on PS Strong Legs and Abs! I'm not a fan of the side to side lunges or squats (can't remember which) with the barbell. I'm afraid I will knock out a wall. I do remember liking the floor work with the barbell as an added weight.

Cheryl Great job on Twist and using less resistance for the pullups! That is awesome that you are progressing. Pullups are just so hard for me but I keep going even when they feel like they never are going to get easier. I remember last year starting out and barely being able to get myself over the bar just once with two bands so I keep telling myself I have come far.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on Twist and those assisted pull-ups. I think all pull-ups are hard! Good for getting out for a walk too!

Julie Great job on UP Bench press. What are you going to start next? I don't like the side squats with the barbell either, I used dumbbells instead.

This morning was Intensity. I just noticed that Cathe has both Intensity and CCC this week in the rotation. Whhhhaaaaat? That is crazy. I had my crochet group this morning, The news was supposed to be there, but they didn't show and I even took a shower first :rolleyes:Then it was house cleaning and errands. Have a great day!

Julie Good work on UP Bench Press Day. 12 weeks is a long time to stick to one thing. Do you know what your next rotation will be? Pullups are so hard. That is great that you keep going, that is the only way to improve.

Pam Great job on Intensity. I can hear Cathe laughing when she was putting together that rotation :p. Don't you hate it when you take time to look nice all for nothing. They will probably show up when you least expect it and aren't ready for it.

This morning I did Step Blast then it was off to the SPCA. There was an 8 month old kitten there who was a bit shy. I opened up her cage for her so she could have some time outside of it. She got into the cat tree and let me pet her and then she kept on touching her nose to mine. She was just so darn cute. We also got 4 baby rats. They are so cute and small, about the same size as a little mouse.

Have a great day.

This morning was yoga. I really wanted to sleep in and cuddle the dogs but I am happy I got up and did yoga. I felt so much better and stretched out when I was done. I'm taking tomorrow off work. Excited to get a few things done at home and try to get some relaxing in with the dogs too.

Pam Great job on Intensity! Wow that is crazy of her to put that in the same week as CCC. That was kind of rude for them to not show up and not say anything. I am going to start Revamp from Nia Shanks. I want to get one more heavy lifting rotation in before LITE comes out.

Cheryl Great job on Step Blast! OMG! The little kitty touching your nose with hers sounds so sweet. I'm sure she will get adopted in no time. I am going to do Revamp from Nia Shanks next. I have never done one of her programs before but it looks really good so I'm excited.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl You're right, Cathe was probably doing her evil laugh when she out CCC into the rotation 2 days after Intensity :p. I'm sure the news will show up on one of the days that I throw on clothes, throw my hair in a ponytail and run out the door ;). Great job on Step Blast. That is so ute that the kitten was touching noses with you. I'm impressed you had the willpower to go home without her! I bet the baby rats were really cute too!

Julie Great job on getting up and doing yoga. Snuggling with the dogs does sound like a lot more fun though. I haven't heard of Nia Shanks, I will have to look that one up. You are so good about keeping up with new programs. I had completely forgotten about LITE. I'm pretty sure that I pre-ordered, but I need to go double check.

Yesterday morning my friend and I went on a 34 mile bike ride. We were trying to find a new route to ride and we really didn't, we were in way too much traffic, but at least we got a good ride in. This morning was supposed to be one of the pure strength upper body workouts but my DVD player decided that it doesn't want to play dvds anymore :(. Luckily I have some of the workouts online that I can stream to that TV, so I did pyramid upper body instead. I need to figure out what is going on with the DVD player, or maybe just get a new one. After that we went and early voted, and then I took Foxxy to the vet. She has a fever, ear infections in both ears, her eyes are all runny and goopy, and she has a bunch of scabs on her :(. They gave her fluids and an antibiotic injection and she has to take a pill twice a day for two weeks and ear drops twice a day for 10 days. She is not going to be happy about that! Have a great day, I hope you are enjoying your day off Julie.

Julie Good for you in getting up and doing yoga. I am with you though that snuggling with the dogs would be so nice. I haven't heard of Nia Shanks i will need to look her up. Enjoy your long weekend.

Pam It was hard to get out the door without taking the kitten with me. She was so adorable. The baby rats were so cute too and so tiny. Great job on your 34 mile bike ride. Traffic is not nice to ride in. I hope Foxxy gets better soon. Not fun to have to give her a pill and clean her ears.

So yesterday I went to Twist and had a great workout. After that I got all the housework done. In the evening I went to a pub for our end of season dragon boat dinner. This morning I did FT Legs, Glute and Core and then got all the laundry done.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl Great job on Twist and getting all of your housework done! The dragon boat dinner sounds like fun. Great job on FT legs, glutei, and core and your laundry too.

This morning was the dreaded CCC. I did it in the normal order since I had to use the online version. It was every bit as hard as I remember! Today we have an adoption event so hoping we get some good adoptions. Its rainy so that usually helps to bring people in. I'm not taking Peter Pan, he is having an issue with his eye that sounds similar to what you saw with Sheba Julie. One of the inner lids look like it's stuck half shut :( I've been putting drops in it since yesterday morning but it doesn't look any better today. The frustrating thing about working with rescues is that they want to try everything they can before going to the vet because of the cost. I get it, but it drives me crazy sometimes :) Have a great day!


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