Strength in Numbers

Julie I am sure snuggling with the dogs and DH was a lot more fun that working out. Too bad that you weren't able to put your patio furniture together and enjoy your deck. We are having really hot weather here, would you like me to send some your way? Great job on Cycle Sweat and PC Week 11 Deadlifts.

Pam Good work on TTM. I hope your mom is OK and it was just dehydration.

Julie Way to go on ICE To The Mat. It is a different warm up on that one and it does feel more like a stretch than a warm up.

Pam As I was asking Julie, would you like me to send some hot weather your way? It is so hot here it isn't even pleasant to be outside. I hope some nice people adopt the kittens. Great job on Hard Strikes and the dreaded su/pu combo.

So yesterday I did XTrain Chest, Back and Shoulders and this morning was X10 X38 low impact and step. I have dragon boating tonight but it is so hot out that I really don't want to go. And we are getting another air quality advisory because we are getting smoke in the air again. This time it is coming up from Washington State. I guess there are having the same problems as we are with the forest fires this year. It isn't too bad yet but that could change really fast.

Have a great day.

This morning was my rest day. I don’t feel I got very good sleep last night and this week seems to be dragging. I can’t believe it is only Wednesday.

Pam So glad you had a great time with your mom. Sounds like she had a great time to. Great job on HS! That is the saving grace of HS is that it has 2 less rounds of the su/pu combo.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Please do send some of your heat this way Great job on XT CBS and X10 X38. Bummer about your air quality being bad again. That has to be a real health issue.

Julie I'm sorry you are getting poor sleep again, that is so frustrating .

We had a very sad start to our day today, our 16 yo kitty, Shorty died. We knew it was going to be soon because he had gotten so frail. I was supposed to do PHAT Thai morning, but I did IMAX 3 instead because I needed a good stree reliever. Now I'm headed to the beach to see some friends, so may not be posting tomorrow. Have a great day!

This morning I started my last week of Power Conditioning and did the Squat workout. I did something to my right hip. I was fine while doing heavy squats and glute bridges but then I went to do rear lunges and my right hip wasn’t having it. I can’t walk up stairs either and had to take the elevator at work. I have upper body tomorrow so hopefully it can heal up. So sad. I am taking tomorrow off work to try to get some chores done around the house. Plus it will make it a 4 day weekend for me! Probably won’t post again until Tuesday.

Pam I’m so sorry about Shorty passing. Losing a pet is so hard even when you know they are no longer in pain. I’m glad you were able to get some stress relief with Imax 3. Have a great time at the beach.

Cheryl Not sure how I missed your post from Tuesday but I never replied. I would like that hot weather too. We have been getting down to the 50s overnight and that is highly unusual. Great job on XT CBS and X10-X38 premix! Oh no, more smoke and an air quality warning. You can’t catch a break this year with that. I really hope it doesn’t get any worse. I know you had breathing problems last time and that is not good.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Sorry that you didn't get a good nights sleep. Good thing that it was your rest day.

Pam So sorry to hear about Shorty's passing. {{{HUGS}}} to you. It is so hard to lose a pet even if you know the end is near. Good for you in doing IMAX 3 and getting your stress out. Enjoy your time at the beach.

Julie I hope your hip is doing better tomorrow. At least you have upper body next so it will give your hip time to heal. Enjoy your long weekend.

Wednesday I did XTrain Legs and then went and got groceries. I went dragon boating last night and it was about 20 degrees cooler than Tuesday. It has cooled down a lot but we will be back in the really hot weather again this weekend. Today I did Step Moves and then got all the laundry and housework done.

Have a great day.

Julie Great job on PC squats. Oh no! so sorry to hear that you did something to your hip. I hope it is feeling better now. It sounds pretty bad if you couldn't even do the stairs. I hope you enjoy your 4 day weekend.

Cheryl Great job on XTrain legs and dragon boating. I'm glad that I this cooked down some for you. Great job on SM and housework too!

The beach was fun and the weather was perfect, but I missed having my DH there. My GF and I went for a 3 mile walk on Wednesday afternoon, and then on Thursday we went out for a ride on their new boat. They just got it so it was their first time out. They did great and it was a lot of fun. I came home last night and today my DH and I are going back to the beach for the weekend. I could have just stayed, but I wanted to come home and get some things done. This morning I did X10 cardio blast, PHA Training, and the abs from ME. It sounds like a lot, but it was only a few minutes longer than an hour. Have a great day and weekend if I don't get to post again!

Pam I am glad that you had fun at the beach. Having a boat would be a lot of fun. Great job on X10 Cardio Blast, PHA Training and abs from ME. That does sound like a lot.

Friday I did XTain Bis and Tris and then I walked our neighbours dog because everyone was either working or away. That evening we went to the Pacific National Exhibition which is our end of summer fair. We went with our friends and it was a lot of fun. There were thousands of people there but we managed to run into my cousin and his daughter and another couple who live in our townhouse complex. Saturday morning I went dragon boating. It is stinking hot again here so it was really busy on the water. Saturday night we went to my parents for dinner. Today I did Yoga Relax and then just had a lazy day. It was just too hot to do much of anything.

For a 4 day weekend, it sure felt like it went by fast. Friday I did Power Conditioning week 12 bench press and then did some chores around the house and put as much as I could of the new patio furniture together. I couldn’t lift the table top (it is a stone table top) so I had to wait for DH to get home to do that piece. Saturday I took an impromptu rest day but it was probably good because DH and I had so much to do. We put together a new grill for the deck and then ran a ton of errands. We ordered a new couch for our living room and hopefully will be getting it in 3 weeks. Sunday I finished out Power Conditioning with Week 12 Deadlifts and ended up pulling a lat muscle with my last lift because I was so excited to be done I didn’t pay attention to form while lowering the weight. I also didn’t rest my hip long enough so it is still sore. I will be taking the next few days off and then starting back up on Thursday. Sunday we went to my parents for lunch with my family and then invited some of my family over for dinner that night to use the new grill and patio furniture. Monday was a full rest day with being lazy all day. This morning I dropped Ozzie off at chemo this morning and then had to come into work instead of working from home because I have a meeting I need to attend in person.

Cheryl Great job on Xtrain Legs and dragon boating! Wow 20 degrees is a big difference in a few days. Great job on Step Moves! We are having really cool weather today. It was really humid yesterday but today it is pretty chilly out. Great job on Xtrain Bis/Tris and your dog walk! That is funny that you found other people you know at such a large event. Good job dragon boating in the heat. Sometimes it is worse to be on the water than in it when it is so hot. Great job on YR and being lazy with all that heat!

Pam So glad you had a great time at the beach! That is so sweet that you missed your DH. Coming home also allowed you to get a quick workout in although it sounds like a lot. Great job on all that with X10 cardio blast, PHA, and ME abs! Hope you have more beach fun!

Have a great day!
Julie Great work on PC Week 12 Bench and all your chores. Bummer that you pulled your lat muscle with your deadlifts. Good idea to take a bit of a rest so your body can recover from it. So nice to have a new BBQ and patio furniture. You worked hard on the patio so now is the time to really enjoy it.

Yesterday I did RWH LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps. Then I didn't do much, it was so hot around 100 degrees so it was too hard to do much than try to stay cool. It was so hot sleeping last night, even a sheet was too hot to have on top of me that today I feel drained. I didn't do a workout because I had no energy at all. At least it is a lot cooler but the smoke cover is back again which is blocking out the sun and the heat. It will be dragon boating tonight, we will see how energized I am by that time.

Have a great day.

Another rest day for me. I will be starting a new rotation tomorrow. I’m really not sure what it is going to be and I guess I better get going finalizing something before tomorrow morning.

Cheryl Great job on RWH LIHI BSB and relaxing! That is really hot weather you are having. I wish you could send some of that heat my way. Good for you for listening to your body and not forcing a workout with no energy. So sorry the smoke is back. I hope it doesn’t last long and when it does go away the heat goes with it. Hope you felt energized for dragon boating.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on XTrain Bis and tris. How nice of you to walk your neighbors dog for them. That is funny that you ran into all of those people at the exhibition, sounds like a lot of fun! Great job on dragon boating and YR, sorry to hear that your heat has returned.

Julie Great job on PC week 12 bench. I bet your deck is looking great with being refinished and now all of the new furniture and grill! A new couch too, that will be fun. Great job on PC week 12 deadlifts, but so sorry that you pulled a lat muscle. That premature celebrating bites me a lot when I'm skiing! I hope that it heals quickly, you are smart to give it some rest for a few days. I hope Ozzie is continuing to do well with his chemo.

Cheryl Great job on LIHI BSB. Sorry to hear that the heat is sucking all of your energy, it definitely makes it hard to do anything. The smoke cover doesn't sound good at all! I hope it wasn't too bad for dragon boating.

We had a really nice time at the beach. It was rainy Saturday morning, but after that it cleared up and was beautiful the rest of the time.My DH and I went for a 2.5 mile run on Saturday, but the only exercise after that were some long walks on the beach. Yesterday morning I did Great glutes, then spent the day helping my sister move. We didn't get it all done, so I'm going back today. This morning was afterburn and the core only premix from boot camp. Have a great day!

This morning I did a Lauren Brooks kettlebell DVD called Luscious & Lean. Not really fond of the title but the workout wasn’t too bad. I was tentative at first because the warm up was worse than Cathe’s To the Mat warmup and the first couple of rounds of the first exercises was too easy. It got better as the workout went on. My hips and lat seem to be doing a lot better too so that is exciting.

Pam Glad you had a great time at the beach and that the rain cleared out for you! Good for you for working in a run and some walking. Walking on the beach sounds wonderfully relaxing and romantic. Great job on Great Glutes and AB + BC core only! Hope you can finish moving your sister today.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on Lauren Brooks Luscious & Lean. That is a pretty terrible name, but I'm glad that the workout was good and that your hips and lat are doing better.

This morning for me was Intensity, which is always a big sweat producer. It's fun, but I'm always happy when I'm done! We did get my sisters move finished yesterday so I have a day to myself today. I have a lot of laundry to get caught up on and some running around to do. have a great day!

Pam I am glad that you had a nice time at the beach. Long walks on the beach would be good exercise too. Good job on Great Glutes and Afterburn and the core premix from boot camp. I hope you get your sister's move all done by tomorrow.

Julie Great job on Lauren Brooks kettlebell DVD. You are right that is a terrible name. I am glad that it got better was the workout went on.

Pam Good work on Intensity that is a toughie. I am glad that you got your sister moved.

So I went dragon boating Tuesday night. It was hot but there was a breeze on the water. There was a commotion out on the water with about 20 seals and just as many seagulls. It looked like the seals were fishing and the seagulls were trying to get pieces of the fish. Wednesday morning I did RWH LIHI Legs. I struggled to get through it because it is just so hot and humid and the smoke doesn't help either. I dragged my butt dragon boating that night too. This morning I didn't have the energy to workout at all. The heat and smoke have really drained my energy. It is suppose to cool down starting tomorrow and rain on Saturday so I am happy about that. I am very ready for some cooler temperatures.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Fit Tower Advanced Total Body. It was good but it took me about 10 minutes longer to do because I had to keep pausing. The new tower slides so much more smoothly than my old one. So Cathey would say to change it and have hers done before she got the sentence out and I was still working on moving mine. One side sticks and is hard to move up and down. I ended up working almost 2 hours over yesterday dealing with personnel issues and people not getting along. One of the worst parts about being in management. I’m so ready for this weekend!

Pam Great job on Intensity! There is always a little happy dance when that one is over. So glad you got your sister moved so you can catch up on things and maybe spend time with DH over the weekend.

Cheryl I’m sure the breeze helped with it being so hot. That is such an awesome thing to see with the seals and seagulls. Great job on RWH LIHI Legs and dragon boating with the heat! I say you earned resting the next day with your energy zapped from the weather. I hope that you get the cooler temps. Wish I could send ours your way.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on dragon boating. I bet that was fun watching the seals and seagulls. Great job son LIHI legs. Sorry it was so tough. Heat, humidity, and smoke, yuck. I'm glad to hear you are going to be getting some relief soon!

Julie Great job on Fit tower advanced TB. I hate it when I have to pause to get equipment ready, it's so frustrating. Oh man, I hated management because of the personnel issues. That is just no fun to deal with at all. Hang in there. No spending time with DH this weekend, he's on a golf trip :) He left Thursday and will be back tomorrow.

Yesterday I went on a 24 mile bike ride with my GF. The weather was absolutely perfect, we are in the high 70's with low humidity so it was really nice. It was actually a bit cold when we started, but was perfect after a couple of miles. This morning I did RWH Hiit circuit upper body I did the premix with the abs mixed in, I really like that format, it reminds me of the original Bootcamp. My friend talked me into going to the NC State football game with them this afternoon. I'm not a big college football fan, but it should be fun. I don't even know who they are playing :rolleyes: Have a great day!

Julie Great job on FT Advanced Total Body even with the pauses. I do have the new fit tower and you can move the slides easily but I can't compare it to the old one. That is one thing about being in a management position that I didn't like. Trying to deal with personnel issues. I hope things got sorted out.

Pam The bike ride would have been really nice the weather sounds perfect for it. Great work on RWH Hiit Circuit Upper Body. Have fun at the football game.

So Friday I was really tired again so I decided that this week was a wash out for working out and I will get back on track next week. It did start raining last night and it rained all day today and I didn't mind at all. It was so nice to have it cool down a lot. This morning I went dragon boating in the rain and I went again in the afternoon to help out with a learn to dragon boat session.

Saturday I didn’t workout. This can’t keep being a habit but DH and I had a lot to do again. After all the errands and chores, we took the dogs to the park. Ozzie was being so cute rolling around in the grass and then I saw what he was rolling in. POOP! Needless to say he got thrown in the tub for a bath when we got home and Sheba got one too because I am sure she dared him to do it. Sunday I did Fit Tower Advanced Boot Camp. It made feel out of shape in some sections. I definitely need to work on my endurance and cardio since I spent the last 12 weeks focusing on strength. This morning was Pedal Power scrambled.

Pam Wow, great job on the 24 mile bike ride! That does sound like perfect weather. That is nice when it is just a little chilly because you know you will warm up once you get going. Great job on RWH CUB with abs! Hope you enjoyed the game even though you are not a big football fan.

Cheryl Glad it started raining and cool down for you. That was great of you to help out with teaching others dragon boating. Hope it stays cool for you with no smoke so you can get back on track with workouts. Taking time off during the really hot smokey days was a godo thing though so you don’t overdo it.

Have a great day!
Cheryl I'm glad that it finally cooled down some and you were able to get out dragon boating. Bummer that it was raining though!

Julie Oh. I, why do dogs like rolling in poop anyway? Crazy dogs! Great job on fit tower bootcamp and pedal power scrambled! I'm sure you will get your cardio back quickly.

Yesterday morning I did Step Blast, then worked on my curtains for awhile and then took the kittens to an adoption event. I don't really think there were people there looking to adopt cats though, only to play with them. Dexter was fine, the other two were really scared. This morning I did total body giant sets. I'm taking my sister to a Doctor appointment today and then going for lunch with my mother and sister. Have a great day!

Julie Oh man why do they like to roll around in poop. Too funny about Sheba getting a bath too because she dared him. Good work on FT Advanced Boot Camp, there are a few sections in that one that I struggle with too. You will get your endurance and cardio back, I bet Pedal Powered scrambled helped with that.

Pam Great job on Step Blast and Total Body Giant Sets. Too bad that no one adopted any of the kittens. Enjoy your lunch with your sister and mom.

So yesterday I didn't do any workout but I did go to the local farmers market to pick up a few things. Today I did S&S PHA Training.

Have a great day.


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