Strength in Numbers

Julie Good work on FT Legs Glutes and Core. The first time I did that one I really felt it in the abs. Oh wow that sucks that you woke up at 12:20 and couldn't get back to sleep. Good thing that it was your rest day. 2am is pretty early to be going to work.

Pam The fires are scary and they are calling for lightning tonight. Not a good thing when it is so dry. Good job on Lean Legs and Abs and Rockout Knockout.

Julie Way to go on PC Week 10 Squats. You would be lifting really heavy with only 3 reps. Smart idea to get used to the heavier weight too because it would be easy to injure yourself if you aren't careful.

So Tuesday I did Step Blast and then in the evening I went dragon boating. It is so much nicer now that the smoke has cleared around here. Wednesday morning I went to Twist Conditioning. It is a tough one since Tango decided to wake me up at 1am by puking on the bed. I had to get up and take off the blanket we have on the end of the bed for them and the quilt since he decided to throw up there too. In the evening I went dragon boating again. This morning I did Knockout Rockout timesaver #1 then it was getting the laundry and housework done.

Have a great day.

Julie I'm glad to hear that you finally got a decent sleep. It sounds like it was just in tie with your heavy workout. Great job on PC week 10 squats. I hope you enjoy your Friday off.

CherylGreat job on Step Blast and dragon boating. I'm glad your air is not smoky anymore, hopefully it will stay clear. How nice of Tango to give you that middle of the night surprise. Don't you just love being awakened by that sound? :rolleyes:Great job TC, RK, and dragon boating.

Yesterday morning I went on a 22 mile bike ride with my friend. It was fun, but it was really humid and already pretty hot when we started at 9 am, so it really was draining. On my way home my sister called to say that my brother had gotten a call from the place where my mom is living to stay that she was being really difficult, so they went and picked her up. She was at my sisters so I went over for the afternoon and she was being really mean. She was mad because they wouldn't let her go for a walk by herself, so she just kept complaining about being in jail. She wasn't very happy when I took her back. Hopefully she's better today! This morning was supposed to be CCC, but I did that so much during my STS rotation that I subbed Intensity and the ab work from cardio and weights. Have a great day!

Pam That sound sure does wake you up fast doesn't it. Good job on your 22 mile bike ride in the hot and humid weather. Sorry to hear that your mom is being difficult. If they could only understand that what you are doing for them is for their own good. I hope it gets better for her and she won't feel like she is in jail. Great job on Intensity and the ab work from cardio and weights.

This morning was my last session at Twist Conditioning. The six weeks went by really fast. I won't be signing up to be a full time member there but I may go back every so often for some one on one training. Cathe's workouts are just as intense and I really don't have to pay anymore money just with buying the presales. After that we went out to my parent's to do some more yard work for them.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl Wow, that six weeks really did go by fast. I know what you mean though, I like to try other things sometimes, but Cathe's workouts are so good that it doesn't seem worth it to pay for other workouts.

This morning for me was Flex Train. My mom was happy again yesterday, hopefully she doesn't have another bad day for awhile! Have a great day!

Having Friday off was really nice but I am already ready for another day off! I did Power Conditioning Bench on Friday and then washed all our couch covers and blankets. Other than that I was pretty lazy and had a binge fest watching Breaking Bad. Saturday I did RWH Plyo 2 and did not have to pause at all (although I did only use 1 set of risers). I always thought Plyo 2 was harder than Plyo 1 but now I am not sure. After that, my sister and I took my mom to get pedicures and have lunch. Then in the evening, DH wanted me to meet one of his co-workers up at a bar. I am not a big bar fan but it is a hole in the wall bar with not many people so that wasn’t bad. We only stayed for two beers too. Sunday I did PC Deadlifts and then was lazy the rest of the day watching TV with DH.

Cheryl Great job on SB and dragon boating! So glad the smoke is cleared for you. Great job on TC especially with getting up at 1am! Got to love that puking sound. Nothing gets my adrenaline pumping quite like that sound. Great job on more dragon boating and RK timesaver 1 plus your housework! Wow your 6 weeks of TC is up already? I swear you just signed up. That’s good to know Cathe’s workouts are just as intense as a gym membership.

Pam Great job on your 22 mile bike ride! The humidity can really suck the energy right out of you. Oh know, I am so sorry your mom is being so difficult. Do they want to send one person with her on her walk or not let her go at all? Great job on Intensity and C&W abs and FT! Glad to hear your mother was having a better day. Hopefully she will be in that kind of mood for a long time.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on PC bench and RWH plyi 2 with no pauses! I think plyo 1 is harder, but I also always do the first 2 rounds of plyo 2 on a 6 inch bench. How nice to have lunch and pedicures with your mom and sister. Great job on PC deadlifts too!
Sunday was my rest day and we drove to the mountains for the Eclipse. We had a 2 mile hike up the Appalachian trail, and now we are sitting here waiting for it to start. My sister and I went to see my mom on Saturday and she was having another bad day :-(. She was alternating between being really mean and begging us to lemt her go home. It was terrible. We ended up leaving pretty quickly because she was being so mean. We felt bad about it, but that was the advice I was given about how to deal with it. My sister called the house later and the supervisor said that was exactly what she needed. She also suggested we shouldn't visit so much while she's getting used to being there. I sure hope she does soon. They will take her for a walk, but they don't let her go by herself and that's why she's so mad. Sigh. Anyhow, have a great day!

Pam I'm writing this on my iPhone and the format is really weird!
Pam I agree that it doesn't seem worth it to pay for other workouts when we have Cathe. Great job on Flex Train.

Julie Good work on PC Bench, RWH Plyo 2 and PC Deadlifts. I haven't done any of the plyo workouts for a while so I can't remember which one is the harder one for me. That was nice to have Friday off and also being able to relax. Having pedicures is a nice way to relax and enjoy the weekend too. Sometimes bars aren't the greatest places to go to but I am glad that it wasn't bad.

Pam So cool that you were able to see the total eclipse. We got about 90% here but I didn't have the proper glasses so I couldn't go out to look at it. So sorry that your mom is having a rough go of it. Hopefully she will adjust and won't be so angry. Hang it there.

Saturday I did about 3 hours of dragon boating. I was pretty pooped afterwards so I just relaxed for the rest of the day. Sunday I did FT Bootcamp. They closed off some of the streets around us for a car free day so we went with friends of ours to check it out. It was a lot of fun, they had vendors and music playing and a beer garden. Even myself and our friend made it onto the local TV news that night. This morning I did S&S Cardio Slam.

Have a great day.

My legs were so sore from Sunday’s workout. Spinning did not seem to help ease the soreness either. I had Great Glutes on tap today and I made it through. I had to take a few extra breaks but I did it. Hopefully that will ease the soreness not add to it.

Pam That would be awesome to watch the eclipse from the top of a mountain. So glad you got to experience that. Sorry your mom is still having troubles adjusting. I hope that maybe not visiting as much will help her get adjusted but that has to be hard on you and your sister.

Cheryl Great job on dragon boating! Three hours seems really long what is a normal session like? Great job on FT BC!That sounds like a good time you had with your friend and cool being on the local news. Great job on CS!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Wow, 3 hours of dragon boating,great job! It sounds exhausting. Great job on FT Bc too. The car free day sounds like fun, so cool that you made it in the news too! Great job on CS!

JulieWhat a bummer that your legs were so sore I would think that spinning would help, you must have really done a number on them. Great job making it through GG with your sore legs.

i can't even being to describe how amazing the eclipse was, it was so worth it to see the totality. We drove home yesterday and then I had a fun cooking class last night. This morning was Crossfire plus abs. Another fun one that I hadn't done for awhile. I sure felt it though! Have a great day!

Julie I hope your legs are getting better. Way to go on GG with your legs feeling so sore. A normal dragon boat session is usually one to one and a half hours long so I guess 3 hours isn't as crazy as it sounds.

Pam You were so lucky to be able to see the total eclipse, I am sure it will be something that you will never forget. Good job on Crossfire and abs.

Yesterday I did S&S Total Body Giant Sets and went dragon boating in the evening. Today I did FT Legs, Glutes and Core. Tonight will be more dragon boating. We have a regatta coming up on Saturday and this will be our last practise.

Have a great day.

Wednesday was my rest day. This morning I did Power Conditioning Week 11 Squats. One of the things I noticed with doing workouts first thing is my lower back is always tight in the morning. It tends to loosen up as my workout goes on but I wish I had more time to wait in between getting out of bed and working out. Right now I am working out within 30 minutes of waking up and I would love to get an hour like I do on the weekends. But I am not getting up at 3 just to get that 30 extra minutes in.

Pam I bet it would have been amazing to see the eclipse at 100%. Glad you had got to experience it and have a fun cooking class afterwards. Was it eclipse themed? Great job on CF + abs!

Cheryl Great job on TBGS and dragon boating plus FT LGC! The regatta sounds like fun.

Have a great day!
Julie Great work on PC Week 11 Squats. My lower back is also tight in the mornings. I do like to wait a while before I do any workout just to make sure my lower back is a lot more flexible.

This morning I was really tired. I don't know why because I did get a good nights rest. I did try to do PRS#1 but I knew that I was going to be struggling with that one so I decided to to Segments 1 and 2 of Stretch Max instead.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Power Conditioning Week 11 Bench Press. So excited it is the weekend. I wish I didn’t have to work today but oh well. Guess I can’t have every Friday off.

Cheryl Good for you for doing SM 1 & 2 instead of PRS1! You are so good about listening to what your body needs. Good luck at your regata this weekend!

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on TBGS and dragon boating, FT legs, glutes, and core and dragon boating! Is this your first regatta of the season? I hope you have fun and do great!

Julie Great job on Pc week 11 squats. It would be nice to have that extra time in the morning to let your back relax a little but I'm with you on not getting up 30 minutes earlier for it. Especially when you are already getting up so early!! The cooking class was not eclipse themed, but that is a great idea

Cheryl Good for you for listening to your body and subbing in stretching when you really needed it. I wish I was smarter about that!

Julie Great job on PC week 11 bench press! Hopefully the day will go by quickly for you.

Yesterday morning I did RWH LIHI back, shoulders, and biceps. I didn't get a chance to post because I had to go take my mom to a dr appointment. She was in a really bad mood when I first got there, but I just started telling her stories about the kittens and pretty soon she was laughing and having a good time. After the appointment I took her out for lunch and to run some errands. She kept saying what a great time she as having so that was really nice. This morning was cardio slam and the bonus stability ball abs from butts and guts. I was going to double up with LIHI chest, triceps, and shoulders, but I forgot that this is the workout that is 10 minute longer than it says on the jacket, so I just added the abs instead. Have a great day!

Good morning. Yesterday morning was LIHI chest, shoulders and triceps. We went skiing in the afternoon and that about did me in. My upper body was fried. This morning was LIHI legs, I did the premix that adds an abs exercise to each round.we are having gorgeous weather right now, mid 80s and low humidity. It's so nice! Have a great day!

Julie Great job on PC Week 11 Bench Press.

Pam This was my 3rd regatta of the season. The other two I did back in May. Great work on RWH LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps. That was nice that you could cheer your mom up with stories about the kittens. I guess she still isn't happy about her new home. Good work on Cardio Slam and the bonus stability ball abs from Butts and Guts and LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. I bet your upper body was fried after all of that. We are in the mid 80s here too but with high humidity.

I didn't get a chance to post on Friday. I was busy getting laundry and housework done along with getting healthy food ready to take with me to the regatta. In the morning I did ICE Metabolic Total Body. Saturday was the regatta and I was out the door by 6am. Our team did really well considering most of the people were new to dragon boating this year and for most of them it was also their first regatta. And it was a mixture of people from two different teams and we didn't have a whole lot of time to practise together. We did 4 races one 200 meter and three 500 meters. In the finals we came in 4th in our division, just out of medal range but it gives us something to shoot for next year. I didn't get home until 7:30pm so it was a very long day. Today I didn't do much, I went to the farmer's market to pick up some fruit and veges and then went for a walk in the afternoon.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

So Saturday DH convinced me to not work out and instead hang out in bed for a while snuggling with the dogs. It wasn’t that hard to convince me because the dogs were being extra cuddly. When we did finally get out of bed, we did some much needed cleaning around the house and then went to my brothers to replace some siding that had been damaged in a storm earlier this summer. Then we went to Menards and got some patio furniture for our newly stained deck. By the time we got home it was raining so we didn’t get a chance to put the furniture together or on the deck. Sunday I did Power Conditioning Week 11 Deadlifts and then I was lazy the rest of the day. This morning I did Cycle Sweat and boy did I sweat. More than normal it felt like but I am not sure why.

Pam Great job on RWH LIHI BSBis! I am glad you were able to cheer your mom up and spend some good time with her at lunch. Great job on CS plus B&G bonus sb abs! Oh wow, doubling up would have been a lot especially since I find RWH CST so draining! Great job on doing it the next day and having the energy left to ski! Hope your upper body is doing better today. Great job on RWH LIHI Legs plus abs! Hope the nice weather continues for you. We have been having a little bit of a cold snap for late August.

Cheryl Sounds like you had a busy but productive Friday. Great job on ICE MTB! Wow 4th is very impressive and like you said gives you something to aim for next year. That does sound like a very long day but I am sure you had a blast. Good for you for taking the next day off and just walking and going to the Farmer’s Market.

Have a great day!
CherylGrewt job on ICE MTB and all of your your on Friday. You sure had a busy couple of days. 6 am-7:30 pm is a Looooong day. I'm sure you were exhausted on Sunday. You did great in the regatta, especially considering you had so many first timers.

Julie Cuddling with the dogs sounds like a lot more fun than working out on Saturday morning. Too bad you didn't get to enjoy your new patio furniture yet. Great job on PC well 11 deadlifts and cycle sweat. I always work up a good sweat from spinning.

This morning was to the max for me and it really wiped me out. Today is my sisters birthday, so my sister, brother, and mother are coming over for lunch and a swim. Yesterday my mom was in the emergency room because she was short of breath and couldn't stand up. We were there for about 3 hours, but they couldn't find anything wrong. After some fluids and a little food she was able to walk so they sent her home, so hopefully she was just dehydrated. Have a great day!

This morning I did ICE To The Mat! I like the workout but I think I need to find a different warm up. It feels more like a stretch than a warm up to me. I also snapped my loop band during the Marching Plank move. It was old so I don’t feel like it was my super strength that did it!

Pam Great job on TTM! Hope you had a good visit with your family for your sister’s birthday. How scary with your mom. Even scarier that they couldn’t find anything. I hope that is was just dehydration.

Have a great day!
JulieGreat job on TTM. I still haven't tried that one so will have to one of these days! Oh come on, I'm sure it was just your strength that snapped Hyatt band!

Yesterday we had a nice day with my mom. It wasn't warm enough to swim, but she sat on the tanning ledge with her feet in the water and really enjoyed that. She also loves cats so she loved seeing the kittens. The 3 little ones are in for their spay/neuter today and are posted on the website for adoption now. This morning was Hard strikes for me. That one has a dread factor just because of the su/pu combo, but at least there are only 6 rounds instead of 8. Have a great day!


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