Strength in Numbers

Roxie Great job on your treadmill run/walk!

Cheryl I think if you like oatmeal you will like the overnight oats. The fruit really makes a difference for me in a lot of these recipes. This morning I had the chicken patty with sliced avocado and sauteed zucchini. I felt like I was eating dinner for breakfast, but it was good! Great job on Muscle Max! I hadn't done that one in awhile either, but I don't think it will ever go out of style.

Julie Great job on TTM Hiit 30/20. I really like that section of the workout. That is such a bummer that you kept thinking it was a day later than you thought. That is really terrible that you hit your head on your desk so hard, I hope you don't get a headache! I sure hope your day gets better!!! I would consider that a bonus getting your ab workout too when you do your pullups!

I decided that my legs and glutes were ready so I did Cardio Leg Blast this morning. I hadn't done that one in a long time either and had forgotten how much I like it. My knee was bothering me when I first started, but luckily it was one of those things that worked itself out and I was able to get through the workout. Is anyone else getting excited seeing the ICE stuff on Facebook? It looks like it is getting close since we are starting to get pre-mix information and pictures of the covers! Have a great day!

Julie Good work on TTM 30/2 Hiit. Don't you hate it when you think you are closer to Friday than what you really are. I hope your head is doing better and that the rest of the day didn't go the same as your morning.

Pam I think I will like the overnight oats too I just need to remember to make it tonight. I haven't tried the chicken patties yet, but they look good. Good work on Cardio Leg Blast. I am getting excited for ICE, I hope we get it sometime next month. Ummm maybe it will be a Christmas present from Cathe :D. So are you ready for CCC tomorrow?

This morning I did Cardio Kicks. I remember that I did that one a lot years ago. After that I got the housework done and then made some healthy snacks for me.

Have a great day everyone.

Last night I did legs and triceps. So happy it is Friday. I have a busy day and lots I need to do. Hopefully that will make the day go by faster.

Pam Great job on CLB! Luckily I only suffered a dull headache. Nothing unmanageable. I am getting very excited about the ICE sneak peeks. I can’t wait for clips but I can be patient (or at least tell myself I am).

Cheryl Great job on Cardio Kicks! One of my favorites but one I don’t do very often. My head is sore where I hit it but I don’t think there is a bruise. My hair covers it though.

Roxie Great job on your supersets workout!

Have a great day/weekend!
Cheryl Did you remember to make the overnight oats? I had the homemade granola with greek yogurt and fresh fruit. I can already tell that I am going to need a snack before lunch, even though I felt pretty full when I was done. I think that is the CCC effect! The chicken patties were very good, but they just don't seem like breakfast to me. I did not feel ready for CCC at all. I was really stiff and moaning and groaning to myself when I went up to do it. I also felt more winded than usual after round one, but then my wind kicked in and I made it through just fine. I was really huffing and puffing after the roll back and spring up thingies, but I always am. My last two there wasn't much spring left in me! Great job on Cardio Kicks, housework and making your healthy snacks!

Roxie Great job on the second day of supersets. I hope it is going well.

Julie Great job on legs and triceps! I'm happy it's Friday too, I'm ready for the weekend! I'm glad to hear that your head wasn't too bad.
I tend to forget about the pre-orders after I have placed my order, but then when they start posting pictures and information I start getting antsy. It's always so exciting to get new workouts!

Janie I hope you are doing well and things have slowed down for you. I miss you!

Well this morning was the dreaded CCC. As I was telling Cheryl, I was not excited about it at all, but as usual it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I wonder why this workout has such a dread factor? I did my PCCC version with rounds 1,2,4,3,5 to get that round 4 out of the way sooner and to have an easier round when I finished it. My DH has been in Austin and is supposed to be home this afternoon, but his first flight was cancelled and now his second flight is delayed and he won't make the flight he is supposed to connect to in Dallas as it stands. The joys of travel! Hopefully he will make it home this evening! Happy Friday!

Roxie good work for your second day of FitnessFreaks rotation.

Julie Good job on legs and triceps. I hope your day went by fast for you. I am glad that you didn't suffer too much from the hit on your head yesterday.

Pam Yes I did remember to make the overnight oats. They were really good and filling. Funny how some breakfasts fill you up until lunch and others fill you up but you are starving a couple of hours later. I started off strong on CCC but fizzled near the end. For the last core exercise I just did crunches. There was no way my body was going to do what they were doing :rolleyes:. I hope DH made it home this evening.

Roxie good work on Stepboxing Kickbox Drills.

Janie check in when you can. Good to hear that you aren't bored :D.

So this morning was CCC. I didn't do too bad at the beginning but I was pooped by the end of it. This afternoon we had to take one of our cats into the vet to get checked out. He has be sneezing for the last week so we wanted to make sure he was OK. He has a upper respiratory infection so he needs antibiotics. So much fun giving a cat meds :rolleyes:.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Good Morning,

I did Day 3 of Fitnessfreaks Rotation and CLX I've Got Abs really trying to get my ab work in. DH wants to go for a bike ride later.

Jane-hope things calm down for you.

Cheryl-how's kitty today. I have never tried that workout.
Roxie way to go on day 3 of FitnessFreaks rotation and CLX I've Got Abs. Enjoy your bike ride later. Kitty is doing much better, thanks for asking. I haven't heard him sneeze yet today and he seems more like his old self. Cardio Core Circuit is a toughie. You really know you worked out after that one :eek:.

This morning I did Flex Train and then I went down to the park for dragon boating. It was pouring rain out but they said it was still on and they had bailed out the boat. But I guess everyone who said they were going to come didn't because of the rain. It was and still is pretty nasty out there. I wasn't too sad when they said we didn't have enough people for the boat so I could go home and have a hot shower.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

Roxie Great job onKCM Stepboxing Kickbox Drills. I hope you enjoyed your weekend off!

Janie No need to apologize. I hope you a re enjoying yourself!

Cheryl The breakfast boot camp was fun, although I'm not really sure I felt any different, but maybe that is a good thing. It must mean I don't have issues with gluten or dairy?! I had to laugh at the woman's who a posted that she had a bagel one morning! Great job on CCC! I don't try to do that last round of core anymore because it was really killing my knees whenever I did it. I subbed in another round of the triangle choke holds. Those are plenty hard but easier on my knees. oh poor kitty, I'm glad to hear that the antibiotics are helpings. I hate giving cats meds!

Roxie Great job n day 3 of fitnessfreaks rotation and CLX abs. I hope you had a nice bike ride.

Cheryl Great job on FT, that was my workout today. I think I would be relieved that there weren't enough people for dragon boating in the rain too.that doesn't sound like much fun! because of the rain.

I took yesterday as a rest days it was raining in the morning, but cleared up a bit and we went to see Carl race. We thought they might cancel because it was so wet, but no, they rain in the soggy wet nasty field through all of the mud puddles. What a mess. Then we had a house warming party for DHs niece and nephew. This morning was Fles Train and now I am doing laundry and working around the house. Have a great day!

Saturday I did Get Glutes legs and my own back and then ran errands and did chores. Sunday was Burn Sets CST and Bis. After that it was a lazy day for me. So sad it is Monday already. I also can’t believe that we only have 13 work days until Thanksgiving! Time is flying by. I have an all day meeting tomorrow (YUCK, BOO) so I probably won’t be able to post since we are offsite and I won’t be going to my office beforehand.

Pam Great job on CCC even though it started out tough! What a bummer about DH’s flights. That doesn’t sound like a fun race. Hope he was able to enjoy it despite the weather. Great job on FT!

Roxie Great job on KDM Stepboxing drills and continuing on FF rotation and ab work! I’m terrible about ab work so I applaud anyone who works it in.

Janie No worries on being busy! Staying active no matter what the activity is important.

Cheryl Great job on CCC! Oh no poor kitty with the infection. I hope he gets better soon. Great job on FT! Well good and bad about dragon boating. Glad you go a hot shower in but sad you had to miss it because of the yucky rain again.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on GG and your back work and also BS CST and Bis. The weekends always go by way too quickly o_O I can't complain too much though because today is my only work day this week. My DH has a conference in Napa so we are heading out to California tonight. I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving either. It is making me start to get worried about doing some Christmas shopping! I hope your all day meeting isn't too bad!

This morning was Great Glutes. It is a good Monday morning workout because it isn't too intense. I really like the stability ball work in that one too. Happy Monday!

Pam the breakfast bootcamp was fun. Lucky you that you don't have any issues with gluten or dairy. I am fine with dairy but not with gluten. That last round of core is pretty intense. I just subbed in some crunches instead. I saw your pictures on FB on Carl's race. It looked pretty wet. Good job on Flex Train and your housework.

Julie Good work on Get Glutes and your back workout and Burn Sets CST and Bis. Yuck I always hated those all day meetings. I hope it went fast for you.

Pam Good work on Great Glutes. Enjoy your trip to California.

Yesterday it was Yoga Max and this morning for me was also Great Glutes. I am not sure if I enjoy the stability ball work as much as Pam though :p.

Have a great day everyone.

Good Evening,

Had a busy day yesterday I did day 1 week 3 of the weight rotation then had a doctors appointment in the afternoon and got to spend some time with my GS. I did a spin workout this morning.
Roxie good work on day 1 week 3 of your weight rotation your spin workout and spending time with GS.

It was Rockout Knockout for me this morning.

Have a great day everyone.

Monday night I did weights for legs and back and a little core with my iso/negative pullups. Tuesday was my all-day meeting and I got home later than usual and was exhausted. Those take so much out of me. And since you are limited to breaks, I feel like I have to dehydrate myself and not drink as much as usual so I am not having to go to the bathroom every hour. I did do 30 minutes of yoga when I got home. Two weeks in a row. Things are getting crazy!

Pam Great job on GG! Sometimes it is nice to have a less intense workout especially on Mondays.

Cheryl Great job on YM and GG! Funny how we all enjoy different things. I wouldn’t say it flew by but it didn’t drag as much as they have before. Great job on RK!

Roxie Great job on starting week 3 of your rotation. Hope the doctor’s appointment went well. Great job on your spin workout too.

Have a great day!
Good Afternoon,

Weights today windy and cloudy.

Julie-appointment went ok but not sure about what I wad going to do.

Cheryl-another workout I haven't tried I really need to preview it.
Julie Good work on your leg, back and core work. Good for you in getting in some yoga when you got home from your meeting. Don't get too crazy though :p.

Roxie good job on your weight work today.

It was Supercuts for me today. I even did all 8 of the su/pu combo and I did all the push ups on my toes for the first time ever. Yeah me!!!!

Have a great day everyone.

Last night I did Intensity step only. Why is that so hard? On the bright side I actually woke up thinking it was Wednesday but so happy it is Thursday!

Roxie Great job on weights! We had terrible winds last night and they are continuing into tonight as well. I heard the airport registered a 70 mph wind gust.

Cheryl Great job on SC! I love that workout! So awesome on getting all the pushups in on your toes.

Have a great day!

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