>>not cathe either but, Its a good idea to stretch your
>>out after a workout. The best time to do this is when they
>>warmed up. Stretching helps to prevent injury and maintains
>>muscle flexiblity. I think that stretching gets overlooked a
>>lot and it really is important to a balanced body.
>I agree completely.
>The warm-ups and final stretches are both part of a complete
>and safe workout, and neither should be omitted. If you do so,
>it's at your own risk.
Actually Kathryn, stretching at the beginning of a workout or after a warm-up has not been found to reduce injury at all. In fact, it was found (in a recent study I had to read for class), that stretching before a workout (again during a warmup), decreased performance ability, especially for those lifting. I'm talking about static stretching (holding a stretch over a period of time). Dynamic stretching (like what Cathe does in her newest series), is also considered stretching even though you're not holding a position. Dynamic movements before working out is probably the best choice, while static stretching should probably only be done at the end of a workout.