spazzing with the stability ball


Please, fellow Cathe-fans, tell me that I am not the only one who is completely spastic with the stability ball.

Yesterday I did the PLB video for the first time. The first part of the video went fine - I did the weights Cathe used (and if I can brag a little, I think I may need to heavy up), but boy, was I a comedy of errors trying to balance one heel on the stability ball for the second half of the workout!

I kept rolling off the dumb thing, it kept rolling away from me, and I felt more of the exercises in my calves trying to keep it steady than in my hamstrings!

I was a total loss when it came to doing those froggie style inner thigh exercises. The ball kept rolling over here and then over there and as I cursed myself, "I can't believe this is helping anything in my a$$ region!"

Then the leglifts?? I thought, "Hell, if I wanted this much pain, I could do the Firm Volume 1!" LOL!

Someone please tell me I'm not alone and that this will get easier (well, if not easier, at least more coordinated!).

Susan G.
You're not alone and I haven't even gotten my stability ball yet!

I can tell just from trying to do some of the moves "grounded" and losing balance that the ball is going to be quite an experience for me, hence the reason I haven't rushed to my local Wal-Mart yet! :)


p.s. And is it just me or does the ab work seem even more wicked than others!? I JUST got to the point I could do all the ab work from the other workouts without stopping, and now there is a whole new level of ab work that just has me lying there in disbelief in a pool of sweat!
And clearly, "walking planks" are NOT for the "equillibrium challenged!"

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
I'm over here rollin'!!!! No, not on a stability ball, either! I'm cracking up over here, Susan, at your post! I don't have a ball yet, but I've got one on order, and I KNOW I'll be doing the exact same things you were. LOLOLOLOLOL

That's just too funny -- "comedy of errors"! Hahahaha

Oh, and have you seen/done the upper body tape?? How on earth do those ladies do PIKES on those balls for goodness sake????

Thanks for the nice morning chuckle, Susan. :)

Hi Susan! I too felt the same way you do. I discovered though that if I place the ball up against my step it keeps the ball steady and then the ball doesn't roll all over the place. Also I found the hardest to do w/the ball was in PUB tape. I have to do these in my bare feet (no sneakers or socks on). That's the only way I can this. Good luck! Kathy
NOOOOO I haven't seen the Upper Body tape yet. That is on my things-to-do list today, but maybe I'll just run and hide behind Power Hour - who'd've ever thought Power Hour would look inviting - haha!

Susan G.

P.S. And yes, the ab work on these videos has been more wicked than previous videos. I can usually keep up with most any kind of weight work, but the core/ab/big girl pushups always kill me.

And who besides me feels like the biggest hulking gulloof bouncing up and down for those terminator climbs in Boot Camp? Oh for the first two, I'm going, "Yeah, I can do this," and then BAM! How clumsy can a person feel - I'm suppose to JUMP UP from this? Then lightly bounce down for another round - Haha! - butt in the air, huffing and puffing, what number was that? And now -is she kidding - jump up and down in the air? I ain't jumpin' NUTHIN' - Then ANOTHER set? I PAID for this?

Haha. What happy problems I have.

Susan G.
Me TOO!!!
and Kathy I will try your suggestions the next time.
When I had one foot on the ball and one leg in the air doing those presses, I didn't feel it in my hamstrings. Instead I had weird feelings behind the knee...kind of fluid like....on the leg that was on the ball. I switched to use an 8" step during that exercise so my leg would be more stable.
I'll see what happens the next go round. :D :D

And yes, PUB trying to balance and lift one leg...I finally just looked at Brenda and said, "hey, I'm with you girl!" LOL


I totally agree with you on the ab work - was that the ab work with the medicine ball? That is the first time I have ever considered ab work as cardio - I think that was in Boot Camp I sweat just as much as in the cardio section. I kept holding my breath, I had to force myself to count in order to breath. I think my heart rate topped off really high by the time I was done!

And the stability ball is a real killer in LBP ( I have a ball that has all these bumps on it) so when I did UBP last night, my shins had big indentations on them. And who can do the upward dog on the stability ball - I rolled so much I thought I was going to break my arms. I will keep at it though. Hopefully, I will master it and be as good as Cathe on it. Ha Ha!

I wanna see.............

the OUT TAKES from the stability ball work!! Hahahaha! I'll bet those are a hoot! I'd pay GOOD MONEY for a whole tape of Cathe's video workout out takes! Anyone else??? :D :D

RE: I wanna see.............

Susan and all....

Oh can I so relate to you! I ordered the DVDs so I don't have the new series yet. However, over x-mas my DH got me the Karen Voight circuit trng video that includes work on the stability ball. I thought I was going to die laughing! My abs got such a workout just from my laughter. I couldn't stay on the ball either.

My family walked in toward the end and got a real kick out of it!

I like you hope it does get better:) I guess these are reasons why the stability ball is so good for your core... cuz it forces you to use them.

At least we all know when we are fallin' off our balls there are other Catheites doin' the same exact thing LOL.

-Pammer If Only I Can Be 1/2 the Woman my Dog Thinks I am!
I don't have the workouts yet because I'm waiting on those DVD's, but I have done Karen Voight's stability ball workout. Try putting the ball on carpet, it's less likely to roll all over the place.

I've been practicing with my ball! I'll be doing PUB in the morning. My children were getting a kick out me trying to keep my balance. I don't know how Cathe gets up on her tippy toes and draws it in!? That ones a killer! Susan
Hi everyone. I am writting in to say the stability ball will get easier. I don't have the cathe tapes that you are all talking about (but I wish I did), but I can say this...I took a ball class with a friend at her gym. The first two class I looked just like you guys described. But with each class, it got easier and I felt stronger literally every time I took class. I love doing the ball. I think one reason why the ball maybe so hard is you are using alot of muscles that regular weight trainning doesn't touch. without realizing it, you are also using your core muscles alot. being able to balance on the ball has some to do with muscle development to be able to do it (does that make any sense?). doing the ball requires muscles that you normally don't use with just weights. Stick with the ball part of the will get better and stronger because of it.


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